Redback Garrison
MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Printable Version

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MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - TheWolf - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Date: Saturday, 16th October 2010

Venue: Southern Plaza, Suncorp Stadium

Time: 1745 hours

Mission: To promote the MS Moonlight walk, and enforce the will of the Emperor

Trooper Attendance:
TheWolf TK4132
Phantom TK5389
Sandman TS4159
Cutter TK6300
Trillia TB3212
Hopfot TB4881

Guest Trooper Attendance: None

Support Crew: Phantom's Son


Scout Trooper Hopfot and Myself, TK4132 were dispatched in a light shuttle to recon the area ahead of the main landing force.
Upon arriving at the site we scouted out the area ahead of schedule, and reported landing instructions back to the main force.
The rest of the attending troopers were then ferried in Phantom's larger shuttle in two groups, to our assigned landing area, where we began to don our armour. As this was taking place, we were contacted by TS4159, who was still at the departure site, having arrived at the landing bay late. Trooper Phantom raced back with the shuttle to bring him to us.

Now fully assembled and armoured, our force made it’s way across the terrain to our objective. Having earlier scouted out a lifting device, this allowed us to avoid the 300 steps up to the plaza, where we were to meet our MS Liaisons.

Once introductions were made, we gathered a few cards to hand out, and our armour was improved by the addition of small red MS flags.
Things were quiet at first, there not being many citizens around, so Trooper Hopfot decided to have a go at the soccer ball kick, that tests your speed. He scored a mighty 56 kph. Not to be outdone, Trooper Cutter had a go as well, and his score was even higher, having achieved a kicking speed of 66 kph.

Not long thereafter, the sun started to go down, and as the wind was still blowing at about 150 knots, it was a bit cool to be out in the open. Nonetheless, the troopers remained on station, and soon the crowds arrived. Before long we were crowded on all sides by eager fans of the empire, and many photos were taken.

Trooper Sandman was doing an excellent job bring the donations bucket to the attention of the people, although some persons just don’t hear the rattle, no matter how close or loud it is. Still, his efforts for the evening are to be congratulated. It will be interesting to see what the totals will be.

At one point during the evening, the crowds were so large, and so enamoured with us, that it became necessary for the troopers to stand back to back for photos, so we could all keep an eye on one another. There were some cheeky kids that were trying something a little sly, but Trooper Cutter imposed himself between them and the rest of us, and they soon gave up their behaviour.

Once the crowds had moved on into the stadium, it was time for us to depart. We said our goodbyes to the MS liasons, whom were extremely happy that we were there, and with the attention that we bring. Back down to the shuttles we went, where we de-armoured, said out goodbyes, and headed off to our barracks, another job well done.

Injuries: None reported

Malfunctions: None reported

Public Incidents: None, although a few cheeky kids were attempting to create some.

Mission Status: Success. Public awareness of the might of the Empire was re-inforced, and many more citizens are aware of the Moonlight walk this week.

Photos: LINK

[Image: DSCF4104.jpg]

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Beanie - Monday 18-Oct-2010

yeah thanks for that Thewolf, sorry been a bit late for the event pick up... westside anit my side of town.

this pic is about right with the amount we collected, my arm was about to detach!
[Image: th_DSCF4087.jpg]

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Tirilia - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Great Report Wolf :D And an awesome troop!

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Beanie - Monday 18-Oct-2010

uploading videos stay tuned.....

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Phantom - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Photos up...had a ball

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - The Sniper - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Well done troops.Smile

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Cutter - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Brilliant guys - well done all.

Still stoked my goal was "Order 66"!

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - hopfot - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Awesome Troop that night, heaps of fun.

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Beanie - Monday 18-Oct-2010

[Image: th_VID00002.jpg] <----- before troop begun out the front of the studium

[Image: th_VID00003.jpg] <---- Cutter kicking Order 66

[Image: th_VID00004.jpg] <------- end of the night with the bucket.

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Jimcricket - Monday 18-Oct-2010

awsome work guys.

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - SuperAzza101 - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Looks like you had an awesome time guys! 66km/hr hehehehe
Too bad about the game though Sad

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - SupaTrooper - Monday 18-Oct-2010

Great work guys! - excellent pics and some funny vids too! and what a collection.
Good to see a young wrangler helping his TK dad.

Qld Roar vs The Redbacks - like to see that

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - muppet - Tuesday 19-Oct-2010

Well done troopers

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - The Scotsman - Wednesday 20-Oct-2010

Just to let you all know that you raised $289.30 on the night.

It has now been added to the Garrison total which stands at $2,086 putting us in 8th place overall.

Thank you Troopers.

RE: MS Moonlight Walk 'ROAR' Promo - Beanie - Wednesday 20-Oct-2010

yeap it felt like more from last tins i shook!