4GR "Give me 5 for kids" Tbar 2013 #UPDATED#
Troop Report 
29 June
Grand Central Shopping Center Toowoomba
10 am - 2 pm
To raise money for the Toowooma base hospital Childrens ward
Trooper Attendance:
Agent Smith
3 Phase
Guest Trooper Attendance:
G A kids
Support Crew:
assorted family members and Lee and Lizzy from 4GR
The 3rd annual gm54k started out well with me arriving to find Buzzard on site with the photo booth waiting. We started to set up but realised we had a problem when the camera would not turn on. After much frustration and a long call to Moxxxie (in WA) we managed to get things to work with the help of Alrakis and his camera. The booth setup didnt work so Alrakis became the official photographer for the day. He would take pics and then every half hour plug his camera into the printer and print all the pics taken. People were asked to come collect them and for the most part everyone got theirs. It seemed to work.
We did our usual amazing job of wowing the crowds and wandered the center restoring public order and peace. Many funds were raised and the locals loved us.
Raptor had his first troop, breaking in his new armour and the grin on his face was evident even with his bucket on..
Beccyd led the jawas and BUzzard , 3 phase and Raptor were led by Awoo as anakin -pre vader.
Over all we were simply awesome.

A HUGE thank you to Alrakis for being photographer for the day. He got stuck in when we needed help and took all the pics and printed them out.
We couldnt have done it without him.
Thanks to Buzzard for bringing the photo booth up and back and Petros for wrangling.
Thanks to all who trooped and made the day awesome. they worked their tails off and were truly redbacks. Sooo proud of them all.
To the GA kids..you guys rock.
Thanks to Moxxxie for the long distance help.
Finally to all the others who helped from the 4GR guys and their families ..thanks also

Charity Funds Raised:

None that I know of

raptors holster had a minor failure but nothing too serious.

Public Incidents:
The crowds loved us

Mission Status:

on their way..
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Pics uploaded.

[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

wow i had an awesome time, so good to see so many smiles and a bit of money raised for the kids, thanks troops for a good day
Great work guys and girls!!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Thanks Agent Smith for arranging the Troop and making the GA kids so welcome.
Still can't get over that look on the little girls face when she held a Light Sabre for the first time. Looking forward to next year.
Yes mate this one was a classic..
[Image: IMG_1065.jpg]

she was just OMG OMG OMG...totally speechless..never seen a kid so wowed.
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Great job T-bar. Necessity is the mother of invention. Great to see you overcome adversity to make it all work.
That sounds like a wonderful troop...such resourceful folk! Congratulations troopers, really well done!
Great job Agent Smith, minor set back with the Photo Booth, but the improvised photography plan by you, Buzzard and Alkaris provided a great experience for people.
Good thinking to take the troop through the shopping centre, a lot of money raised during that activity. Th GA's were made very welcome and brought in some good donations, thank you for having them their.

Happy to pop up anytime you need.
Total $$ raised is $509.40.
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
[Image: scan0001.jpg]
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Bloody amazing work, troopers!

I'm so very sorry the Photobooth let you down when it counted. I'm going through all the components, and it looks like I've isolated the issue.

Still, to raise over $500 with the booth only at half strength was an unbelievable achievement!! Smile
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Great job troopers, well done
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Well done everyone - outstanding work troopers Doppeldaumen1

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