Albany Fair,All Saints primary school
Troop Report 
Date: Sunday May 31st

Venue: All Saints Primary School Albany Creek

Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Mission: To raise funds for the school and the Starlight Foundation

Trooper Attendance: A cast of thousands
Redbacks and Rebel Legion
RBG: TKID and username/costume
Altair TK
Badman Wolfe
Cavalier TD
Cyclops RC
Diatium TK with a big gun i might add
Kev Vader SL
Scope TK
Sly TK
Teiwaz TB
Whitey RC
Hopfot Jedi
Valledor Jedi
Mamma Sith Sabine
Wranglers and support Crew
Big mac
Candi bear
Dark Dora
Madam Sith

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me, and shoot me a PM so I can add you.

Mission details

Shuttle craft started to land in quick succession, it was time to bring an Imperial presence to the Albany Fair.

Phase one of the incursion.

Squads were quickly dispatched to patrol the grounds bringing cheers of adulation and smiles to the crowds as they protected the citizens from a wave of fearsome alien life forms.
[Image: IMG_0599_zpshjmucz0i.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0488_zpsmcwy71cl.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0535_zpsidrmguft.jpg]

And the most fierce of all creatures

[Image: IMG_0492_zpshp1ccdqq.jpg]

This imperial protection came at a cost of course, a small donation to raise funds for the school and the Starlight Foundation, and the crowds were obliging.

Unfortunately, this was not the Droid they were looking for

[Image: IMG_0521_zpslpwbqn0f.jpg]

Troopers Altair and Sly, protecting their favourite ride.

[Image: IMG_2649_zps4wvuyk6z.jpg]

Even our Sand Trooper Cavalier found his Nirvana.

[Image: IMG_0568_zpsgcm0r3qn.jpg]

Phase Two of the incursion.

Mean while up in an air conditioned class room, there were more Imperial photo opportunities with our specially set up photo booth.
Scout Trooper Teiwaz was at the ready to fly into action, and the ever watchful Sev and Scorch of the infamous Delta Squad, stood guard ready to take on anything the fairy floss eating, sugar induced kids could throw at them.

[Image: IMG_4126_zpseqln8myt.jpg]

There was also a Rebel and Jedi presence, but it wasn't long before Lord Vader arrived and brought balance to the Force. After all, he was the chosen one.

[Image: 11295924_844269768942178_609211232244308...v2rant.jpg]

[Image: IMG_4120_zpst6xl3kqj.jpg]

[Image: IMG_4124_zpsubdhclml.jpg]

All in all, it was an awesome day, running sorties in the field and having an air conditioned change room and photo booth set up.
There is a rumor floating around that some Troopers were spotted on stage dancing to Gangnam Style, but don't believe what you hear, go check it out on Youtube

Funds Raised

We raised a total of $800, which is being split 50/50 with the school and Starlight Foundation.

A big thank you to all the guys and gals that came out to support this Troop, and make it a really great day, and the biggest that Albany Fair has seen.
You all put in a huge effort.
To the new recruits and support crew, you all did a fantastic job.
Special thanks to the Bump out crew, who were rewarded with an ice cold brew...or Two...or maybe Three... for their efforts.

[Image: IMG_5022_zpsz58jftvv.jpg]

Injuries and malfunctions: Zero to report

Mission status:
A complete success.

This is Sly, TK 11469 signing off.

P.S. Check out Facebook for so many more awesome photos (it was hard to narrow it down to a few for this report), and most probably more fabricated footage of said dancing troopers.

Thank you email to all from the Albany Fair Event organisers

Dear Redback Garrison,

We would like to extend a heart felt thank you for attending Albany Fair this past Sunday. Your attendance at this year's Albany Fair delivered anticipation, attendance, smiles, awe, laughter, memories and more! This was the most successful Albany Fair in its 26 year history including record crowd numbers.

Together we raised $800 dollars to be divided between the Fair and Starlight Children's Foundation. Massive result considering most was a gold coin donations for a photo!

This year the school funds from the Albany Fair go towards a 2nd playground and a much needed covering for children in the drive through pick up/drop off area. The 501st and Rebel Tatooine Base has helped allow this to now happen and in turn delivered more fun for the students with the new playground while improving the kids fitness and also providing protection from the elements in the parking lot area. Well done!!

On behalf of the volunteers from the Albany Fair Committee we say great job to all! We know we can make it bigger, better and continue to raise the bar on the Albany Fair fun level again next year!

We hope you can all make it back next year!

Eszter Cathcart
Albany Fair Convenor

David Kell
Albany Fair Marketing and Sponsorship

PS: It may be hard to top Gangnam Style!!
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Such a huge success! Thanks to everyone that came!
Lots of fun... And a great day out...
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Awesome day, awesome bunch of people, awesome result. Smile
Interest Thread 
Great report Sly, one thing missing. There was great communication with the organisers, coordinating little adjustments during the day, marshalling the troops around a well intended but out of the way photo booth location. In spite of that we had a steady flow of punters nearly the whole day. Great POCing Sly, I look forward to next year.

Now of course we'll expect lunch, beer and air conditioned change rooms at all your troops!
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
I'm so dark I couldn't make it. Looks like an awesome day out.
[Image: aIWrVx8.gif]
Thanks to Rocco and Isabella from me as they kept Georgia entertained which allowed me to do some wrangling at least Smile
DW2013 to DW2018
Thanks for organising a great day Sly.
Looking forward to doing this one again, thanks to everybody for a fun day out.
[Image: sandtrooper_zps59e22898.png][Image: policeoffice_zps0af868af.png] "stay Dirty my friends" MEPD all the way
It was a very enjoyable day and it was wonderful meeting you all. Thank you all for making me feel welcome I absolutely enjoyed myself. The public certainly did get a buzz dressing up in the Jedi robes. Looking forward to Brisbricks.
GCSN16 >> GCSN18  
DW2016 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18
BN15 >> SN18
Looks awesome! Wish I could have been there!
Great work, you all looked amazing as all ways, my kids still haven't stopped begging for their own armour after having photosSmile fabulous the amount if joy you brought to all that attended. Great job Smile
Hey, what are you trying to push on us?
Ko lopo Dooka, Ugama M'nuta, Utini!!!!!!
DW2015  DW2016
Troop report updated with thank you email to all members who attended but here it is again.

Dear Redback Garrison,

We would like to extend a heart felt thank you for attending Albany Fair this past Sunday. Your attendance at this year's Albany Fair delivered anticipation, attendance, smiles, awe, laughter, memories and more! This was the most successful Albany Fair in its 26 year history including record crowd numbers.

Together we raised $800 dollars to be divided between the Fair and Starlight Children's Foundation. Massive result considering most was a gold coin donations for a photo!

This year the school funds from the Albany Fair go towards a 2nd playground and a much needed covering for children in the drive through pick up/drop off area. The 501st and Rebel Tatooine Base has helped allow this to now happen and in turn delivered more fun for the students with the new playground while improving the kids fitness and also providing protection from the elements in the parking lot area. Well done!!

On behalf of the volunteers from the Albany Fair Committee we say great job to all! We know we can make it bigger, better and continue to raise the bar on the Albany Fair fun level again next year!

We hope you can all make it back next year!

Eszter Cathcart
Albany Fair Convenor

David Kell
Albany Fair Marketing and Sponsorship

PS: It may be hard to top Gangnam Style!!
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Fun day had by all , new wranglers did a great job , felt like crap myself but it was a well organised and enjoyable .
Great work guys looked like it was a fun day had by all
TK 19749
Like Cyclops said, fun day and a really well done job by the new wranglers. Whatever needed to be done they did. It made the day flow very smoothly.
Can you outrun a rocket.... How about we find out.


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