Hi Everyone,
Does anyone have feedback on these sellers?,601,star_wa...tiful.html

Also what style they are FX,AM or MR look at me with the abbreviations!!!!!!

Thanks all for your help
Regards Michael
I'm not an authority on the subject, but they don't look great to me, is that first one a rubies? The 'mouth' on the bucket in the second link are all wrong. Stay away from rubies.
[Image: sterb104.gif]
Stay well away from website and ebay sellers. All website sellers are absolute rubbish and very poor quality, and ebay sellers... well.. you occasionally get lucky if you find someone selling an ex-501st set, but those are very rare and tend to be sold internally first.

If you Do see something on ebay, check it by us first Smile we'll be able to tell you Yea or Nay.

Have you sent a PM to muppet?

Most tend to go the same path btw, so dont feel bad. Everyone tries researching the websites etc first, but in the end they all buy solid kits from trustworthy 501st known makers Smile
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
Muppet mentioned someone named dale a scoulpter and mouldman from the coast but how do u contact to buy??
The jedi robe link first one says 501st replica? is it rubies
Heh Yeah Rubies would say that... they're a bit dodgy in the same way that rats are a little bit covered in fur. They have some OK pieces, that generally need to be modified a quite a bit to make it to 501st grade, usually this takes a lot more money than it would have been to buy something that could get you there in the first place.

Just ask Muppet how to contact Smile generally we do like to get to know new cadets a bit better before passing on contact details.
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
What do u need to know ? i am ready
That first StormTrooper is a Rubies kit, a company that still leaves a foul taste in my mouth. Yuk I made a very stupid mistake and bought 1 of these without asking the folks here.CensoredNeedless to say, I didn't open the box and sold it at lightspeed. Please take my advice and ask here before buying a costume on evilbay. My 2cents

I survived Dreamworld 2010I survived Supanova 2010:dw11SadJUST)
aw *pats Sniper*

Just come along to a troop one day so we can meet ya face to face Smile
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
I sent you the email details for Dale and Mouldman is a member here, send him a pm
Cheers everyone
i would wait abit longer mate. i looked for afew weeks. had alook at other ppls armour at a few ap's. see what you want in tk armour.
A man in shining armor is a man who has never had his metal truly tested. 

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