2012-04-21 Supanova 2012 (Gold Coast) Episode II Attack of the Hulk
Date: 21/04/2012.

Venue: Gold Coast Convention Centre

Time: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Mission: To run the Photobooth and Information Table to collect donations for charity.

Trooper Attendance: See Sign In Sheet.

Guest Trooper Attendance: See Sign In Sheet.

Support Crew: See Sign In Sheet.

Detail: See expanded report.

Charity Funds Raised: ?

Injuries: None.

Malfunctions: None.

Public Incidents: None.

Mission Status: Success – the booth never stopped!

Photos: See expanded report.

[Image: sign-up-sheet-02.jpg]

A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away….


Supanova 2012 (Gold Coast) Episode II

With stolen intelligence on the Galactic Empireâ€s Holostar technology, the Rebel alliance has devised a strategy of its own to discover the secret of the emerging characters in the Gold Coast system.

Known as the Avengers Initiative, Rebel engineers have devised a capturing device capable of luring in unsuspecting characters. As more characters appear from manifestations of the Force itself, both the Avengers and Holostar technologies were put into swift action.

The whereabouts of the Time Lord known as the Doctor and the wanted rebel Luke Skywalker are unknown. A new menace emerges among the characters, an unstoppable beast known as the Hulk, trailed close behind by the Ghostbusters…


TK-4875 reporting in…

To: Lord Vader
Fr: TK-4875, Redback Garrison, 501st Legion
Re: Gold Coast System Force Manifestations, Day 2.

My Lord,

If I may speak freely, Lord Vader, the Rebel Allianceâ€s device known as the Avengers Initiative was a genius piece of technology. Before we knew the name of the illegal rebel device, it was difficult to determine just what the Redback Garrison was charged with finding. Also, duty aboard the Holostar was paramount to catalogue the various characters and Imperial citizens appearing in the Gold Coast system at the time.

[Image: 20120421_123813.jpg]

Thought to be cut down by the lightsaber blade of Luke Skywalker, Trooper Glitch can be seen here recorded by the Holostar alive and well. Having been instructed by you yourself, my Lord, of my Force-sensitivity I chose to stand with Glitch to see if this were some effect of the Force itself. It would seem such things are beyond my current understanding as the only anomaly recorded in the holoimage was the random Imperial citizen appearing in the picture.

[Image: 20120421_153553.jpg]

Of interest, lord Vader, I present before the major events of the second day of the Gold Coast Supanova campaign, the most important images captured by the Holostar imaging technology. It is a veritable rogues gallery of scum and villainy:

This one drove us mad with her mind:

[Image: 20120421_160301.jpg]

Accompanied by insane tone music and plumbers, we captured some Princesses:

[Image: 20120421_153644.jpg]

Robina and cohort captured by Sith Lords, the ISB, and a Trooper:

[Image: 20120421_144659.jpg]

When the historic Jedi known as Atris and the Sith Darth Nihilis were deposited by the Force right before the Holostar imager, we were quick to capture the ensuing battle:

[Image: 20120421_135540.jpg]

All too easy, four characters, among them Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn, were captured by Stormtroopers and a manifested Mandalorian who joined our cause:

[Image: 20120421_132948.jpg]

Occasionally, the duplicates from history deposited by the Force weren't always accurate, but we recorded all that we could anyway. Here we have a miniature duplicate of the infamous Bounty Hunter from history, Jango Fett:

[Image: 20120421_132042.jpg]

And again, we continued to see smaller manifestations throughout the day. Here you can see a miniature Clone Trooper:

[Image: 20120421_131226.jpg]

Other anomalous copies were noted, such as this. Two Wookies, one with not enough hair and another far too short than the rest of his species. They were inducted into the Imperial Slave Trade immediately:

[Image: 20120421_131351.jpg]

We couldn't determine whether this was the real Boba Fett or not, as he was just as difficult to communicate with as the Boba Fett hired by the Empire aboard the Executor. Alongside him was a mysterious character knownas Mara Jade who somehow had codes only you and our Emperor should know, so she was immediately detained and sent to Coruscant:

[Image: 20120421_122748.jpg]

Also from the history of the waning days of the Republic, Master Jedi Plo Koon appeared with a Padawan and destroyed 278 Stormtroopers. His escape was made possible by the sudden appearance of the blue box known to be used by the fugitive known as 'The Doctor.' We are stilll unsure if Luke Skywalker was aboard.

[Image: 20120421_113458.jpg]

The greatest threat of Day 2 was a massive and powerful being known as the Hulk. He fought many enemies that emerged from the Force and none could stop it. The beast was thought to be driven by pure DarkSide rage.

The character known as Superman gave the Hulk a very long planet-wide battle until the Hulk finally smashed him into the rebel Avengers Initiative technology:

[Image: 575446_398731423481187_451920246_n.jpg]

This was how we discovered the nature and identity of the device, and not even Superman could escape it:

[Image: 581257_436799603013319_249234775_n.jpg]

Or Poison Ivy:

[Image: 527980_438335656193047_100000498491908_1...9289_n.jpg]

Or Batman:

[Image: 150964_3831890758534_1315839380_3517700_58319578_n.jpg]

Again the blue box of The Doctor emerged, seemingly at a point in time where he could interfere the most. My Force-sensitivity is very latent, but I can almost 'know' when The Doctor arrives. The box appeared amidst the Hulk causing carnage and none of the Redback Garrison were able to get near it. The doors opened and deposited a paranormal investigation group known as the Ghostbusters:

[Image: 550088_340496989346664_785830972_n.jpg]

The Hulk made short work of most of the Ghostbusters, even resorting to the avengers device again. We think the diminutive nature of one of them didn't help, but the sucking of a deathstick by the other led him in particular to being the most hopeless of the entire Ghostbusters group when it came to their battle:

[Image: 581138_340497772679919_1518555311_n.jpg]

Not that I would condone their existence, my Lord, but two Jedi appeared alongside Nihilis and joined the battle against the Hulk. After losing so many Troopers, this was a welcome addition to the battle:

[Image: 528581_213871972049555_729962720_n.jpg]

With only a handful left, the remaining Ghostbusters had an argument about crossing the streams of their exotic energy weapons and the Hulk was finally destroyed amid an explosion of green goop:

[Image: 36493_340497576013272_1782587160_n.jpg]

The Doctor's TARDIS escaped and Luke Skywalker was nowhere to be seen. We may have a new enemy in these Ghostbusters, their technology is powerful and their instruments can detect disturbances and presences in the Force. They eluded us today, but we have served the Empire with distinction and will continue to do so tomorrow.

TK-4875 signing off…
Great report, mate!Doppeldaumen1
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

You're troop reports are too good
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
Awesome. Loved it. Wink

Be sure to do up the rebel one too Wink
bahahahaha, I live on to take more photos!
you all heard it here, Glitch survived Luke Skywalker!
:GCSN12: -> GCSN16
DW2012 -> DW2016
BN12 -> BN16
That was lots of fun to read mate, great job.
The photo booth captures so many awesome pics, I know it's for the customers but we all sure look fantastic Peace
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

This was great to read. Once again Phoenix it was a laugh to read. Even if it took 5minutes to load with the Grafton maccas wifi :P
Awesome troop report, I'm going to read again now Smile
Michael (Angelman TK6729)
DW2012 :DW13: :DW14:
I'm THAT guy from the video, 501st Documentary (Link)
Mwhaha nice report brother!
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
My apologies Team that it took so long to get this one out.

Hopefully Episode III will be a shorter wait. Smile
Great work, I hope I can make Supernova one time when I'm not stuck at work :P

Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu. "They were the wrath of the warrior's shadow and the Gauntlet of the Republic"

[Image: sig1.jpg]
Awesome job, Phoenix! Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
Always a fantastic read Smile
Yet another Phoentastic report. (Did you see what I did there... its clever).

Oh by the way, try reading that statement in a Kiwi accent it's much funnier.
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012
Another awesome report Phoenix Doppeldaumen1 I love how you work the other costumers into the story, top job!!

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