Storm Trooper uniform
Hi G, FX armour and an AP bucket is perfection! Spend the bucks and do it right first time bro!
[Image: ReaperBannerB.jpg]
welcome to the forums. I can't help you with TK kit but there are many redbacks that can point you in the right direction but this is a general welcome! Definitely get yourself to an armour party whenever they happen
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
I troop in an FX kit, and I'm planning to buy an AM kit for my Sandtrooper once they have stock again Smile

I did this tute a while back for the absolute minimum mods to get an out of the box eFX helmet to basic level approvals, so it might make for good reading, theres some discussion on the thread about other mods you can do to make them even more screen accurate afterwards too, which is a pretty good demonstration of the dedication and effort some of the guys here show towards their costumes Smile it all depends on the level that you're looking to aim for
HI THERE Wavey and welcome to RBG.
You've done the right thing by asking questions first cause as you no doubt see, many helpful folks here. I have the AM armour myself, a very well defined armour with it's sharp looking ridges. And great for the tall or larger trooper. Myself being a bit more of the latter version. Wink
(Monday 12-Nov-2012, 12:58 PM)Seamist3 Wrote:  Thank you one and all - appreciated!
So much to know!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... You have no idea..Smile

Anyhow, welcome!

Our GML Phantom should be able t help you out with some contact details for Armour Makers.

I myself troop in an old FX set, with Many troops under my belt in it... So most Armour is pretty sturdy if built right. (Check out my bio for a number of them..)

I also use the EFX helmet, modded, and find it to be sturdy and tough.
Having said that, depending on what armour maker you choose, which can be determined by your body size and shape, you may not need to buy a separate helmet.

You've just started a long journey..Smile
I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
Good evening 501st Redbacks (Redbacks - that sure does have a great ring to it)
I been blown away by the responses that I have had today - thank you one and all.
You know I have been re-enacting for over 20 years (mainly Napoleonic and ACW) and I don't think (no - I know) that as a new comer to a new group I have not had the response of support or welcoming that you guys (and gals) have bestowed upon me. I truly am humbled (actually getting a bit teary rite now) - however I digress!
Slowly getting my brain to realise that this is going to take a while - however perfection takes time.
I have one final question for the night as my head is near to exploding like the Death Star.
I am 159cm and weigh approx 81kg. I usually am a size medium or large depending on the clothing manufacturer. My question is this; is there armour that I should avoid as being too large in its proportions?
Any advice will be gratefully consumed.
Once again
Thanks to all that have given their advice and welcome to me today.
Graham Winkler
With your height and build, just about any armour will do.
The AM and RT2(?) is built for larger people, so just about any other build will suit you.

As an example, I fit the FX and later AM, and I am 179cms, and 100 kgs....

Best advice is to get to an Armour Party (AP) some time when we have one next, andd check out some armour sizing in person.
There are some Xmas parties coming up, but no listed APs as yet....(Been a busy month..)
I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
Welcome Graham, as you've already seen we're a friendly bunch, and you'll find many helpful suggestions.

Until you get yourself along to an AP I'd recommend (as suggested by JOker) getting yourself setup with an account over on FISD. It is the detachment website for Storm Troopers and you'll find they are also very helpful.

I'm in the middle of an RT-Mod build at the moment and I choose this for my body size and the level of accuracy I want to attain. If you have a read through the EIB/Centurion builds or many of the normal armor build threads you'll find people have listed their height & weight which makes it easier to see what will suit you best.

Great to see you're doing your homework as research will help you avoid any bad decisions.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Welcome to the mighty Redbacks
Hi and welcome to the Redbacks, what part of Qld are you in?
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Thanks again for all the info.
Agent Smith - I live in Esk - I guess my uniform will come complete with banjo!
Good afternoon 501st.
Well for the last two days its been as though I have been cramming for an exam!
The 501st forums and associated tutorials are fantastic.
However I would request some info online if i may. If I havent looked in the right place as yet could you please direct me to the link.
Can anyone offer advice ref the following please;
1. Neck seals - where to aquire here in Aus?
2. Best type of undershirt (I have been informed that it can get pretty warm in the armour - so what is best for 'keeping one's cool) Cyclops gave me some good advise ref 2 piece sports compression underware - but I don't know if this is 'breathable'. Is there a better alternative that gives greater comfort - any suggestions?
3. Can anyone provide specs for the holster (or suggest a link). I have done leather work before, so I dont see this as any drama - just need contruction template and measurements etc.
4. Same same with canvas belt.
5. Gloves? Dont really care to wear rubber ones - so is there a good brand / supplier of leather gloves that is acceptable.
6. Where can I get tube stripe decals?
7. Where can I get the correct wire mesh to replace in the eFX if I choose this path for a buckey?
I have made enquiries to a few armor makers and at this stage I'm leaning toward ATA. Can probably get bucket reasonably soon (don't know if I feel confident enough to have a crack at assembling that as yet) or I may get the eFX and do the conversion - however the armor has a six month waiting period. Thats fine but has anyone had any issues with ATA or reccommend them?
I found the forum on alternative TK Boots great. I have tracked down a pair of black boots at Horseland in Ipswich. Unfortunately their 'specials' have finished, however $89.00 for a pair of acceptable boots is great. Maybe another $25.00 to spray them and finish them off and I can tick that one off the list.
Theres a lot on the list to be ticked off!
OK thats it for me now. Once again any info will be gratefully appreciated.
Regards to all
Graham Winkler
speak to wolf re decals ... he may be able to guide you...
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Hi Graham,
Here is my 2c, I'm sure others will chime in with their own personal choices :-

1 - pm MamaSith here
2 - I've bought a Stinger Suit from Long Reef Surf, but it does only have a one-way zipper. Many have suits with 2-way zippers for easy toilet breaks.
3 - pm Muppet here
4 - again MamaSith (I bought mine from a supplier on FISD before MamaSith joined)
5 - Most use Nomex Flight Gloves from Evilbay
6 - pm TheWolf here
7 - sorry not sure

Hope that's of some help to you.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
1. Mammasith. Thread link ->

2. A 2 piece or 1 piece ALL black sports compression wear. Can be bought from Aldi for cheapest. I have also found a black 2 piece with grey stitching in Big W. Will be dyeing black.

3. Check out FISD should be something there. ->

4. Not sure, but can't be hard to make. Just follow the CRL.

5. Sith Armour, someone will have details on where to find them.

6. TheWolf.

7. Bunnings

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