Kedron Birthday Party 6th May
Date: 06/05/2011

Venue: Upper Kedron Recreation Reserve

Time: Party is between 3:30 - 5:30pm A good time to show would be about

Mission: To surprise the birthday boy and bring imperial order to Upper Kedron.

Trooper Attendance: Chief, The Wolf, Hopfot (Jedi)

Guest Trooper Attendance: Nil

Support Crew: Hopfot

Detail: The Wolf and I departed from the imperial docking station at Roma street in our Swift class shuttle with the father of the birthday boy on board arriving at our destination a short while later.

After dropping the father at the front of the party we ducked around the corner to a side street to armour up where we ran into an already robed up Jedi, while armouring up we got a few stares by some people passing by.

All armoured up we proceeded down the path towards the party as we approached the younglings caught eye of us and after the initial shock of seeing us we were swarmed by them and their parents lots of photoâ€s were taken and questions asked and answered. We presented the birthday youngling with a small gift of a Redback Pin, Patch, tattooâ€s and stickers which put a big smile on his face.

It was then time to cut the cake and sing happy birthday and get some more Photoâ€s, before departing we conducted a small patrol of the park and visited a pirate party that was also happening at the same time and got quick photo with the birthday boy, we then departed and made our way back to our transports to de-armour.

Charity Funds Raised: $100.00 to the Redback Garrison Relay4Life Team.

Injuries: None

Malfunctions: None

Public Incidents: Younglingâ€s thinking it is fun to poke a Stormtrooper with a toy light saber.

Mission Status:Success

Ah so many sugar high kids. Wink
great report chief, can't wait for the photos.
Pics Added
Well done guys
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Well done lads....two parties in one arvo
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."


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