QSO CINEMATIC 22 - John Williams Birthday Party
Troop Report 
Date: Friday 29th and Saturday 30th April

Venue: Queensland Performing Arts Centre

Time:  3 shows across 2 days

Mission:  The Queensland Symphony Orchestra held it's annual CINEMATIC event - a celebration of movie theme music played by the orchestra. This year was a celebration of everything John Williams, to mark the composer's 90th birthday.

Trooper Attendance: 





Friday and Sat - The Amazing Dark Dora


I was once again invited by the Queensland Symphony orchestra to organise teams of costumers to help create a fun atmosphere for their annual CINEMATIC event.
I was once again helped enormously by SithPrincess in assembling these teams.

This year was definitely our biggest event with the largest number of costumers, which is why slots for the 501st/RL were so limited.

On Friday, everyone arrived bright and early for the night performance, which was amazing because it took a lot of stress off me.
It gave me time to do a quick brief for everyone about the importance of splitting into separate groups once we're on the floor as well as a small rundown of how the night might proceed.
Events at QPAC are really overwhelming initially. Anyone who is new to them just kind of gets thrown into a trial by fire.

We checked through security and were lead to the green rooms through a maze of corridors and a couple of flights of stairs.

Once in the green rooms, everyone started getting ready.

Once fully suited up we all waited in the hall for our QSO contact Renee to come escort us out to the foyer which was to be our main meet n greet area.

The basic plan was to move from the green rooms to the floor as a single team, and then break off into separate groups depending on what costumes people were in - IE - Star Wars as a single team, Jurassic Park as a single team, Hook as a single team etc.

To the best of our ability we were to remain separate in public view, with leeway for fun crossover photos and shenanigans when there were no patrons to see.


There was some confusion about how best to access the floor - again, QPAC is a maze of corridors and stairways, and we aren't given access cards to open a lot of the doors. This is the trial by fire. It's a lot to comprehend and deal with when you've never done it before.

It was decided to go through a side hall and doorway, and then to gain access by navigating two flights of stairs down and one up.

Once on the floor, Dark Dora led the troopers to a far wall and set up for photos and then it was on. A massive wave of excited patrons all wanting photos.

Dark Dora did an incredible job of managing the chaos, getting patrons lined up and taking photos, whilst all the other groups of costumers did the same in their own areas.

When the final call for the performance rang out and all the patrons were inside the theatre, we all assembled as a group again and made our way back to the green rooms to rest up and get ready to do it all again during the intermission.

The intermission was essentially a repeat, except that we all had more of an idea of what was going to happen this time, so it was less overwhelming.

After intermission, we were done for the night.

Some of us went in to watch the second half of the concert, whilst others left for the night.

By Saturday, most of us were now comfortable with the routine. We got timings for movements, and didn't need to be escorted out to the floor and back, we mostly just did it all ourselves.

Between the matinee and night shows, we all went different places for food - most of the 501st opting for the staff cafeteria, some opting for Southbank.

The final intermission on Saturday night is always difficult to get people to stick around for, as it was the end of two very long days.
So a special thanks to the team who stuck around until the end.

After the final intermission, it was time to pack up and head home.

I went and watched the second half of the concert again, and then did a final check and clean up of all the green rooms.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped out at this event.

As much as I love organising the CINEMATIC shows, they are so overwhelming and stressful, but this one was just wonderful. You all did everything that was asked of you and then some. You were all where you were supposed to be when you were supposed to be and you just worked as a united, well oiled machine. I couldn't be prouder or happier with you all.

Thank you.

Mission Status:

Complete success

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Looked like so much fun!
Another amazing event at QPAC. Thank you for organising everything Donut and making everything work seamlessly for all the troopers.
Dark Dora was an incredible wrangler (as always!)
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Donut put a lot into this. Getting all those people to meet at the right time and place, get through the maze of locked doors and security for three separate shows was quite a challenge. Great job Matt.

And thanks Dark Dora and the troopers. We had a different lineup for each show but each show had the same great reactions from the public.
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
Nice work everyone. E,T, looks terrified. Can't say I blame him!
Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi 

 DW2016   DW2017 DW2018 DW2019
[Image: Q8GkS6o.jpg]
Nice work
FNG SN17 OCC2015DW2015BN15DW2016 DW2017

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