May 4th Grand Central Toowoomba
Troop Report 
May the 4th Grand Central

Date: May 4th, 2024

Venue: Toowoomba Grand Central Shopping Center

Time: 0900 to 1200

Mission: To raise funds for Tony's Kitchen and spread the Star Wars love for May the 4th

Trooper attendance:
Bolt CT:33827, Oxy TK:29566, Ringmaster CT:17665, Glitch CT:5092, BobaCanuk BH:57730

Snips MW:22810, JawaJess DZ:17813, Oxy TK:29566, Glitch CT:5092

0900: Arrived and met up with event organiser. We were given a small office to use as a change room which was fantastic.
0930: Began kitting up for a 10am start. We had a section of floor space in front of Brutal Deluxe where we could troop and collect donations.
1000: Trooping started with Snips, JawaJess and Oxy wrangling. Crowds were slow to start but increased as the day went on.
1100: Glitch de-kitted and swapped with Oxy. 
1200: We returned to our change room and had a lunch break before the next troop.

Details: What can I say.. Toowoomba Troopers are the best! You guys did a fantastic job, this troop could have not gone better!

We were in the middle of a busy walkway and collecting donations, so Snips and JawaJess were the heroes of the day. Could not have done it without either of you!

Aaron, despite having knee surgery one week ago, somehow trooped for the full 2hrs! A huge effort.

Glitch drove all the way up from the Gold Coast and BobaCanuk from Brisbane. Thank you both for driving so far!

------------------ Part 2 - Event Cinemas

Trooper attendance:
Bolt CT:33827, Oxy TK:29566, Glitch CT:5092, BobaCanuk BH:57730
Snips MW:22810

1300: After a lunch break our troopers suited up for another troop. This time at the Cinemas.
1330: We trooped for a while at the cinemas but due to the very low amount of people there, we decided to head back down to Grand Central and troop there for a while longer, then return closer to the opening of the Original Trilogy screening at 1530.
1500: After returning to the cinema, we took pictures with movie-goers.
1530: We decided to wait another 30mins just in case more people arrived. As the movies started, we finished trooping.

Huge efforts from our troopers! We were all quite dead after another 2.5hrs trooping. Even poor Snips was wiped out from all the wrangling and carrying the heavy donations bucket around.

Charity Funds Raised: $596.40 in Cash + online donations directly to Tony's Kitchen via QR codes.
Injuries / Malfunctions: No injuries or malfunctions

Public Incidents: made a bunch of kids cry, we blamed Boba. 
Mission Status: Complete success.

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A short video of some of our antics:
[Image: 53635972792_7031aa3c80_z.jpg]

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