Starlight Wish Week 2014
Troop Report 
Big4 NRMA Treasure Island Resort & Holiday Park


To bring some joy to the lives of 14 special families.

Trooper Attendance:
TB19866 blueski
TK8547 Bullant
TK8545 oigen
TD4943 Rubber
DZ19770 Spooky

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance:
Sarah did a wonderful job of wrangling Smile

With storms looming in the distance, the 6 brave troopers arrived at the holiday park. Wish week is an opportunity for 14 very sick kids and their families to get away from their worries and have a week on the Gold Coast enjoying the theme parks and other fun activities.

We were armoured up and ready to go by our planned 6:30 start time, but due to the storms in Melbourne a couple of families were running late so we ended up making our grand entrance just after 7pm.

We were following Mick Fanning and a couple of Gold Coast Titans footy players, and all the kids were very happy and surprised to see us.

We had photos with everyone and then de-armoured and joined the Starlight team for a nice feed.

It was a great event, and brings home the reason that we do what we do.

Charity Funds Raised:

Injuries / Malfunctions:

Public Incidents:
Spooky made a little girl cry, but it turned out she was crying because she didn't want the Jawa to leave. A bit of quick thinking and he spent some time sitting at the table with her and everything was good again Smile

Mission Status:
Complete success.

Will be here soon.
Nice job guys great work
TK 19749
Sounds awesome guys, great job.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

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Thanks Sarah for looking after us.
It was a really nice troop with some great kids. My fellow trooper

Side Story.
Mick Fanning was asked by Starlight in Sydney if he would surf with 2 very ill teenage boys.
Mick agreed and after the lesson, he purchased surf boards and cloths for both boys out of his own pocket.
He's a great guy and I feel privileged to meet him.
Awesome work troopers!!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Well done!

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