Mason's 12th Birthday party
Saturday 25th May 2013

The Marj Shipman Hall 91 Hansford Road COOMBABAH

6pm to 7pm

To celebrate Masons 12th birthday with his family and friends.

Trooper Attendance:
blueski TD19866
Bullant TK8547
J'Girl ID8193
madine TD6374
Phantom TK5389

Guest Trooper Attendance:

Support Crew:

Trooper Bullant arrived early to scan the area for rebel scum and sympathisers. Upon arrival he found that the landing zone was small and probably wouldn't fit four imperial shuttles. Radio contact was made with all troops to alert them to the alternate landing zone. Once we all assembled we got changed in a side street. Lucky for us a very security conscience citizen had a sensor light that was very sensitive. A few locals must have wondered what invasion force was coming with two TDs and two TKs lead by an officer walked the short distance to the hall (cantina).
Upon arriving at the cantina, a well known hiding place of young jedi and general rebel sympathisers. I bashed on the door only to have it opened slightly and then slammed back in my face, a lot of screaming was coming from behind the door. So we all burst in demanding to see the one called Mason. He stepped forward in that cocky jedi way, at least he had the intestinal fortitude to meet head on some of Vaders finest.
We promised his mother we wouldn't disintegrate him yet. So we witnessed a lightsabre battle royal between all the younglings. Until there was only two combatants remaining Mason and his best friend. The winner was Mason he slew his best friend....maybe he's not a jedi after all slaying his best friend in a lightsabre duel has all the makings of a sith act.
We still weren't allowed to destroy them. They where blind folded one by one and had to hit the training remote (floating balloon). Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side as some rogue once said.
After the remote training all the younglings had their sabres removed and where forced to their knees. As we where just about to carry out vaders orders Mason stood at the back of the crowd and said something strange....this isn't the party you are looking for, my friends can all go about their business, move this we let them all go.
They offered us food and drink from the cantina, pizza the hutt and space dogs where on the menu.
We had a lot of photos and video taken and the kids and parents had a great time. Almost all of them tried on our helmets to see what the darkside is like.
We bid farewell and thanked them for the hospitality. We reached our shuttles and dearmoured I think it then we realised it was the party we where looking for.....sorry Lord Vader, it was the officers fault.

Charity Funds Raised:
TBA Masons mum is making a donation and will let me know how much and where.



Public Incidents:
Some bewildered local citizens.

Mission Status: always.
J'Girl offered her assitance to Masons mum to take the life size free standing Han Solo cut off her hands. But Masons mum stood firm and said that she would find a good place for it at home, maybe next time Janelle Smile

Masons mum should be emailing some and the video to me.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Nice work guy's, a 12th birthday not to be forgotten.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Well done Troopers... Smile

DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
It was an iffy troop...but you all handled it like pro's! Well done guys and girls!! Doppeldaumen1

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Well done! Sounds like Mason had awesome partyJig
It was a good night, the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and mum seemed pleased Smile

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