Big W Giant Toy Sale- Rockhampton
Troop Report 
Date: 29/06/2013

Venue: Big W, Stockland Rockhampton

Time: 10.30am

Mission: To help Big W bring some Star Wars magic to their toy sale, while raising funds for Give Me 5 for Kids

Trooper Attendance: Stormybrite, Lady Tarkin, Angelman, Joker

Guest Trooper Attendance: We were joined today by Jason, an invited guest of the host, who draws caricatures while rocking a Rubies Vader kit (the helmet he wears was actually one of the rejected prop buckets from the movie we’re told) we dubbed him “Darth Draw”

Support Crew: Keld, Darkcyde, Tiana

Charity Funds Raised: Our wonderful hosts Big W kicked in a $100 Donation, which brought our total to a new Rockhampton Troop Record of $521.90!!! Hurrah

Injuries: Nil

Malfunctions: Nil

Public Incidents: Nil

Mission Status: Doppeldaumen1 Success!! Doppeldaumen1

Photos and detail:

The word was out, Big W Rockhampton needed assistance to help remind kids that the best toys, are Star Wars toys, and troopers were dispatched to the centre, we assembled at a nearby RSO, where Angleman polished off a feed fit for a Wampa, and then headed to our change rooms at the back of the store, after a quick suit up, we headed to the front and began our mission….

After finding our original troop area being shared with face painters, Rex and Cody discussed tactics to alleviate the risk to armour (and our new pop up banner) from wet paint..

[Image: P1070821_zpsefa16257.jpg]

We rapidly redeployed to multiple locations, with Captain Rex at the front of the store, making sure that everyone knew the reason for the 501st presence, and what they could do to support the Children’s wards in their local hospitals..

[Image: P1070885_zpsdfa29d02.jpg]

Cody and Nihilus set up just inside, Cody found something he described as “Cuddly and adorable”, The Sith Lord though, thought it would be put to better use for lightsabre practice

[Image: P1070868_zps4f50bbc6.jpg]

This troop also saw the first outing for our pop up banner, which all the troops made sure to keep a close eye on…. Hey wait, you lot were meant to watch the banner! You had one job! The Emperor will be most displeased…

[Image: P1070829_zpsfeb98739.jpg]

Further inside, our guest trooper “Darth Draw”, got down to work…

[Image: P1070846_zps0069f8c6.jpg]

The kids loved the drawings, and it is really impressive to see someone turning out cartoons while wearing a full Vader Mask… Darth

[Image: P1070892_zps71aec34e.jpg]

We weren’t the only ones who thought so, he had quite a crowd going…

[Image: P1070880_zpsbb6a1483.jpg]

We even got to meet a celebrity when we found one of the minions from “Despicable Me” hanging around out the back, I think he was looking for parts for a rocket or something

[Image: P1070913_zps7537a78b.jpg]

We made sure to get a photo with the awesome staff who helped us out during the day..

[Image: P1070912_zps17452355.jpg]

This was a great troop, everyone had a ton of fun, I’d just like to put another big thanks to Big W for inviting us in and for throwing in $100 donation, and to the CQ community for digging deep, it was fantastic to see the support they put behind this great charity effort. Peace
Fantastic day out by the looks, Great job guys!!!
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Nice work Troopers.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Great work guys rock!
Was a fun troop the multi pronged approach really worked. Clones thinking outside the box, scary stuff. Reckon we'll get another invite out of this one.
Well done troopers and wranglers, and a special thank you to the wranglers there were absolutely no public incidences at all.
We must find some of those minions!!!
Michael (Angelman TK6729)
DW2012 :DW13: :DW14:
I'm THAT guy from the video, 501st Documentary (Link)

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