Logan Library Sci Fi Month Finale Day
Troop Report 
Saturday 31st August 2013

Logan North Library


Celebrate the end of Logan Library Sci-Fi month.

Trooper Attendance:
Redback Garrsion
ID 8547 Bullant
IC 3989 Buzzard
TI 7967 chopper
TD 8336 Dino
DZ 5347 Duck
DZ 1505 Fampa
CP 5092 Glitch
TB 9133 Gremlin
SL 3208 Kitiara
TI 7709 Natwest
BH 5389 Phantom
TD 4943 Rubber
DZ 3860 Sithprincess
DZ 19770 Spooky
BH 2153 The Scotsman

Tatooine Base
Gene Neon
Jeadous Teal

Galactic Academy
CBH-0525 Jackson - Boba Fett
CAHS-0577 Jessica - Ahsoka Tano
CCC-0581 Cody - Commander Cody
CCC-0582 Cameron - Captain Rex
Jake - Tusken Raider
CRFT-0517 Rory - Rebel Fleet Trooper

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance:
Kventin Teret
ID 81061 Lucky Phil
Night Hawk
TK 5065 SupaTrooper

If I missed anyone please let me know.

On my way to the rendezvous point I received a transmission from TD Dino, alerting me to the fact the he is on the ground and the area is secure.
I arrived with time to spare, just as well as parking for imperial craft was scarce. I unloaded the cargo hold and set about setting up the area.
Cadet Night Hawk and Kventin Teret assisted setting up the display area. Troopers started to arrive and armoured up in shifts. While troopers got into armour cadet brisfx turned up in his Delorean time machine along with Cadet Cavx they talked to many people about the Delorean and other Back To The Future props that they had. Many photos where taken and in typical Jawa style ond of them tried to steal the Delorean....the jawa in question was quickly dispatched by our alert Sandtroopers TD Dino & TD PREDATOR.
[Image: DSCF5326.jpg]

Some troopers wandered upstairs to make sure everything was in order and the Trekkies where kept at a safe distance Wink
[Image: DSCF5306.jpg]

Chewie and his Jedi mates made an appearance and where a hit with young and old.
[Image: DSCF5294.jpg]

Chewie getting some hairstyiling....
[Image: DSCF5284.jpg]

Many young cadets tried their hand at the firing range.
[Image: DSCF5324.jpg]

[Image: DSCF5269.jpg]

The bounty hunters made their way upstairs to see if there where any bounties on offer, alas there where none to be found.

[Image: DSCF5319.jpg]

TD PREDATOR found an unusual droid and kept guard while awaiting orders on what to do with this droid. The droids owner was found and the droid turned over to them.

[Image: DSCF5274.jpg]

There was a very strange looking big black droid that spoke of extermination, but lucky for that droid it was all talk and no action.

[Image: DSCF5303.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1463_zps29084d30.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1454_zps6d715a9f.jpg]

As the day drew to an end there was some sort of competition for the younglings. Jake took out first prize in his Tusken Raider.
[Image: DSCF5372.jpg]

Then we all got roped in to this competition. The tie pilots did a little circuit flying around, chewie got a large round of applause and cheers, jedi did his thing with his sabre, they called out the Fett and he wanted nothing to do with it, but he fell to peer pressure and just walked into the square and did his thing. Many others joined in 'V', Captain America, Trekkies and a Klingon. Cap won the competition.

[Image: IMG_1498_zps31913831.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1506_zps5b4c7adf.jpg]

[Image: DSCF5381.jpg]

[Image: DSCF5378.jpg]

Some more photos taken and the crowds seem to dwindle so we packed up and went our separate ways until next time the empires finest are needed.

Charity Funds Raised:

Injuries / Malfunctions:
None that I am aware of.

Public Incidents:
Typical scared children.

Mission Status:
Complete success as usual. Lots of happy kids and parents alike.

Thank you to all who helped setup the tables, wrangled, manned the tables answering questions from the public, those who supplied some props and who took photos during the day. Also a big thanks to those who helped pack up the display while I was getting changed.

2013 Logan Library Sci Fi Month Finale Day

Photos by Others
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Nice work troopers, some awesome pictures.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Second year in a row I missed this...hopefully three times a charm next year! Always impressive troopers! Smile

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Great day !

Great report Steve.

By the way the Wookiee won not Capt. Cheeky
Drove down for this just so my son could see the DeLorean instead of using the time for a Uni exam. But it was a good chance to see some new faces.
For the little time we were there it was a great troop, I must note this for next year - I'll join Oevil1.
A good range of exhibits and costumes. Kids and adults were just awestruck but it all.
Good work troops

[Image: 9654230674_fea1df0723_c.jpg]
The wookie always wins !
Awesome day! Thank you Phantom!
Awesome work as usual guys,

sad to have missed this.

Who or what was this creature.
[Image: th_DSCF5287.jpg]

[Image: th_DSCF5304.jpg]

Looks wild.
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
It was a great troop. Great report mate.
Once again, thanks to phanton and all the 501st present for making the GA kids welcome and part of the action. A great troop had by all (even the public passing in their speeders when confronted by a screaming Orc - although quite a few seemed to pretend he - and the rest at the library - weren't really there at all !)
(Thursday 5-Sep-2013, 09:38 AM)redpaint Wrote:  Awesome work as usual guys,

sad to have missed this.

Who or what was this creature.
[Image: th_DSCF5287.jpg]

[Image: th_DSCF5304.jpg]

Looks wild.

Joe it's a Warg from Lord of the Rings, he was there with a Orc and Sauron.
Great report and great troop.

Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
Looked like great fun guys. Well done!
"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?" - Leia

Hey guys, I added more photos to the photobucket. Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
Received the following email, thankyou the Redbacks for their support.

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to again thank everyone who participated in Sci-Fi Month this year. It was a great success again with 841 people attending events throughout the month and 2140 people attending on Finale Day. All the staff at the library also wanted me to pass onto you their thanks for all your efforts throughout the month.

If you have any feedback on any of the events or about Finale Day please let me know. Also any suggestions would be welcome as well.

I hope to see you all again in 2014!


Amanda Platt | Logan North Library Reference Librarian | Libraries and Cultural Services Branch | Logan City Council

Bummed that I have missed the last 2 years of this event, fingers crossed 2014 i'll be in town.

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