November Wonder Factory Visit.
Troop Report 
Date: 23rd November

Venue:Royal Childrens Hospital - Wonder Factory


Mission:To descend upon the youngling masses and bring a little joy.

Trooper Attendance:
Sithprincess - Queen Amidala
Oevil1 - Stormtrooper
Supatrooper - Stomrtrooper
Stormraven - Jedi
Rebel Rach - Jawa

Support Crew
Supatrooper Jr - Jordan

Detail: What does awesome look like...LIKE THIS!!!

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Once the Queen and her minions settled down from looking so awesome, they moved out to spread such joy to the children who resided within the wards of the Royal Childrens Hospital.
Things started off a little slow as the troops, like always, had trouble figuring out which end of the elevator to vacate...

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However, the troops did eventually find their way...

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All involved in this epic troop, did an outstanding job putting the smile on the kids faces. I'm sure I can safely say, that all were proud of each others efforts. We did have one casualty though...the baby Jawa found it all a bit much. The price to pay for being a very popular addition to the troop!

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The Jawa youngling was rushed to the ward where it recovered quickly.

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With another very successful troop nearing the end...the heat of the day was creating tensions...

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And disorientating the troops.

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Thankfully with the mix of air conditioning and beverages, the galaxy found order once again. Especially now that Supatrooper finally got to troop with his BFF Oevil1. It's been a long time coming.

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Time to celebrate!!! The queen and her minions returned to the Wonder Factory to unwind. Sithprincess and Oevil1 managed cut a new move on the dance floor called the "Tim-Tam" Wink

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And Jawa Rebel Rach showed her talents with a game of friendly pool.

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Time for a personal note:
There is always one child that stands out at these type of troops. And on this troop there was certainly one who did. The poor child was a victim of serious burns, with the majority of the child's body scarred and distorted from the horrific accident. Never before had I been confronted by such an innocent victim. And never before had I seen the unmeasurable value and importance these troops really are.

For the few minutes we spent with this child and the family, all their problems faded away. And the poor child in the bed, was now a bright and happy child once again! To see this child bounce up (with almost uncomfortable movements), reach across the bed and take a flurry of pictures was indeed humbling.

A big thankyou to this child and family. A big thankyou to my extended family...the Redback Garrison. Doppeldaumen1

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Well done guys, another amazing Troop, you are all so inspiring Smile
very much looking forward to doing a few of these troops, I visited the Wonderfactoy a few times with fundraising we at work, its good to see how the $6M we raised last year gets used, but I would like to take it to the next level. Be able to put a simile on a brave little face, an even for a few minute let them forget what they and their family are going through and just be a kid again.
Top job guys
Great troop, and report! Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
To Timmy TK and the merry makers - it was a humbling day.
I must agree it was a special moment to me to see this child with such horrific injuries to sit up and take notice of us and
I was so taken back that I had to step away for a moment to realize what this child and the family are going through and what happiness we brought to them for just a few minutes while we were there in that ward.
The same went for others who we couldn't even step into their rooms but could only wave and blow kisses through their quarantine window.
Apart from those special highlights we rocked the joint with our dancing...
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... and found the plans to the Death Star!
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I would also like to thank my son Jordan who helped take those photos and assist us but most importantly see him interact with staff and patients on these troops - makes me very proud to think what we (Redbacks) get out of these troops on all levels.

Thanks Stormraven for lighting up the lives of the children with your sabres skills, SithPrincess with your regal presence, Rebel Rach + Jawa baby going from scavengers to celebrities and my mate Tim...thanks for giving me the opportunity to join you on my first RBH Wonder Factory troop and the last hospital troop for this year, my heart goes out to you. Looking forward to the new year to do it all again Wink
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Thanks to you and Jordan for the awesome photo's Pez!!! You da man!!!

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Nice work troopers,

you guys are a real credit to the garrison.

Loved the fact you helped take that little child's mind off their suffering for a while and helped brighten their day.
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Great report Tim!
This was a great troop, fun and rewarding. Thanks to all the troopers, each added their own mark to the troop and the mix of characters was great. And everyone loves a lightsaber and a jawa baby (except those kids that were scared!).

I really appreciate Jordan wrangling and what a good guy, helpful and fun, thanks to him Supatrooper!

The little family with the burns child were remarkable. The little girls brother was smiling ear to ear as was the mum, though I am sure she had no idea who we were. The kids that waved to us through the isolation ward windows and the nurse that seemed besotted with Junior and wanted a cuddle and a photo was lovely.

Have to say though, my favourite moment was the little girl in the playroom that gave me a little paper bear she'd decorated...not for ME but for the jawa baby! I asked her several times if she was SURE she wanted to give it to Junior and she was adamant. Then I had to laugh when Stormraven said she was about to give the paper bear to HIM before I came in!!! Hahahaa....

[Image: jawatoy-1.jpg]

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