Games world Carindale

Venue: Games World Carindale


Mission: To help promote Games World Carindale as they have donated items for us to raffle during cons

Trooper Attendance::
benji fox
Cre8tiv TK
scope TK trial run
Payney Snowie trial run

Guest Trooper Attendance: Rebel Legion
Hopfot Jedi
Iris Barriss Offee
Jeadus Teal Jedi
Satay Jedi
stormraven Jedi
Alpha Prime Jedi
crypto Chewbacca
Donut X-Wing Pilot

Support Crew:

Detail: What a fantastic event this truly was! At first the event was utterly dominated by the galactic might of the Imperial forces! People came in large groups to come and see what all the amazement and excitement was! After a good opening, getting mall goers excited and promoting the store we had a few members break off and go for a wander with Mardie one of the girls who works in the store. Upon returning there was a daffodil day stand just a few steps down from us so we headed on over and grabbed a few pics with the lovely people. Afterwards the Rebels arrived in force! The Jedi descended upon the store and for a while there seemed to be peace...However, as we all know peace is a lie and soon the two forces faced off! Casualties occurred but after all would you expect any less! All in all it was a fun day and the store owner Mark loved how we got into it and interacted with the public and with the actual stock in his store.

Injuries: None that I'm aware of

Malfunctions:None that I'm aware of

Public Incidents:None that I'm aware of

Mission Status: Success!

Photos: Here are my photo's -

Here is the album from the Rebels -
Thanks for doing the mission report are awesome

great troop by rebels and 501st, well done team

luv jas
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Was a wonderful troop... lots of fun!
"I can't see a thing in this helmet."
Well done everyone!
Wow, a cast of thousands, hopefully i can make the next one.
great job all, you look fabulous
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]

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