School Formal Escort - Gympie
Date: Tuesday 18th November 2014

Venue: Cooloola Christian College


Mission: To escort Ethan & his lovely Partner Sally to their School Formal

Trooper Attendance:
RBG: TS22422 Baytrooper, TK4751 BIDS

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance: De

Details: TS22422 arrived at TK4751's barracks @ 4:00pm local time. After a brief analysis of the situation we transferred to the Cooloola Christian College, where it was rumored a graduation ceremony was taking place. We sequestered a Command Post and armored up, hoping to solicit fresh recruits for the Emperors many fine training academies by showing support for this coming of age tradition and escorting Ethan & Sally to the event.
They were being transported in a local conveyance [img][Image: PB180276_zps2fad5df0.jpg][/img] (known as a Mustang), so we took up escort position [img][Image: PB180283_zps4643a5d2.jpg][/img] and followed them into the convention area.
Posing for holo captures upon the couple alighting from the vehicle [img][Image: PB180285_zps2b6ced20.jpg][/img] [img][Image: PB180289_zps8ddfe78b.jpg][/img], we then escorted them to the entrance of the Convention Centre.
We again posted for holo captures with both family & friends [img][Image: PB180308_zps5fd90f69.jpg][/img] [img][Image: PB180312_zps280270ed.jpg][/img], before wishing them luck on their night. We remained outside to allow an adoring public to capture their own holo images, before returning to the command post to de-armor & then return to barracks.
A massive thanks to TS22422 for helping out with this propaganda mission.

Charity Funds Raised: TBA

Injuries / Malfunctions: Baytroopers Thermal Detonator sprang into action as we picked up the pace to keep up with the local transport knows as a Mustang, luckily it was on safety and no blast eventuated.

Public Incidents: Nothing but a total display of Awesomeness

Mission Status: Complete success
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Always a pleasure trooping with you mate. A great occasion to help celebrate. Twas a delight to be there.
Td  Snowie  Jawa Still working on   Bobafett 
      [Image: gec.png]  
Awesome work lads!!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Great job guys! Not sure who was the most excited, Ethan or his Dad!!
Great job guys, looking fine.
Hope you get some new local recruits out of that effort Bids!
Who wouldnt want an imperial escort to their grwduation. Great work guys!
great work guys Smile
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14


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