St Francis Xavier School Fete
Troop Report 

Venue: St Francis Xavier School Fete

Time:11am till 4pm

To create a fun filled day for people who came to the Fete.

Trooper Attendance:

MjrD - TK
Whitey - RC
Cutter - RC
Tirllia - DS
Teiwaz - TB
Dark Dora - JAWA Trial run
Diatium - TK/HWT

Support Crew

Dark Dora

Mission details:
It was a very exciting day, and was the first time the school has had the Redback Garrison.
As always, we were a massive hit and they want us back again for next time.

The school made a $200 donation to Cancer Council on behalf of the Redbacks. It was a relatively easy troop for all, we gave out tonnes of high fives and had lots of photos taken.

The school wanted us to help everyone have a fun filled day, by playing games, going on rides and really getting the fete goers excited. Which we did Jig

Additionally, it was MjrD’s first official 501st troop as an approved trooper.
He fitted in perfectly and did a great job. His armor looked great and he really got into it, can't wait to troop with him again.

We also had Dark Dora have a "trial" run as a Jawa... I don’t think any of us expected her to fall into character so well.
She was that much into the character of a naughty Jawa, she almost made Tirilia fall out of character, as she was trying so so hard not to giggle and burst out into laughter.

[img][Image: craig_zpsffn6wtzv.jpg][/img]

We also unveiled a new Wanted poster prop, which was a big hit with the crowds; we had a lot of photos taken with it.
We even had new member join up to the forum after he posted a photo of it on the Redback Facebook page. Peace

[img][Image: wanted%20poster%202_zps22xj9wrz.jpg][/img]

The wranglers did an amazing job looking after the troopers and offering to take photos for the fete goers.
They had a keen eye for detail and picked up after us, as we had one or two costume and weapons malfunctions.
But nothing too bad

[img][Image: the%20team_zpszfl9qu1u.jpg][/img]

Thank you to all the troopers and wranglers. You helped make this day a great success! Jig
FNG SN17 OCC2015DW2015BN15DW2016 DW2017
Great POCing as always Diatium. Good facilities, well organised coverage of both the static prop troopers and the roving patrols, well timed breaks and great wrangler support all day.

With the prop, no matter how much design and planning you do there are some things you can only learn with live kids. It might seem obvious that you stand behind it and look through the hole, unless you're 5 years old and have never seen a wanted poster. We'll get a mat with some footprints on it for the back. A couple of small things like that we will change but overall it passed its baptism of a couple of hundred fairy floss driven kids with flying colours.

No MyKill, you having to squat down to 6 feet for the photo is not a design flaw! Cheeky

Dark Dora graduated from the Spooky school of jawa mischief making I think. She was a big hit with the kids, but she made the normally super serious Barriss Offee break character and laugh too much! Cutter and Whitey were a hit on the laser tag, MjrD had a great first troop. Great day with a great crew, thanks everyone.
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
Great work guys, the Wanted poster looks awesome Doppeldaumen1
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Great work everyone!
It was a great troop. I had a couple of queries about the 501st in general as well as a query about how to request a visit. And there was also a minor ice cream / holster incident but a remedy was improvised. I might just be getting the hang of this wrangling...

Your collection is incomplete unless it includes a crocheted Vader:

[Image: Crocheted%20Vader%2030.08.15_zpsuwlkfkxq.jpeg]

And TKs playing laser tag. Alas, even though they swapped their usual blasters for laser tag guns, it didn't improve their aim:

[Image: TK%20laser%20tag%2030.08.15_zpsin6y0mwn.jpeg]
[Image: 2PNdiLg.png]
Nice job looks like it was a blast
[Image: sandtrooper_zps59e22898.png][Image: policeoffice_zps0af868af.png] "stay Dirty my friends" MEPD all the way
Good work team
XD Great troop everyone - wicked fun day :D
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
Fantastic troop. Diatium you did a wonderful job being the POC and making sure we all did our jobs. Oh and by the way who brought that naughty Jawa Smile
GCSN16 >> GCSN18  
DW2016 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18
BN15 >> SN18
Hear, hear - Leith did a great job as POC.
[Image: 2PNdiLg.png]
Hey, I'm the one who's normal sized, its just the rest of you who are short! Hehehe

A great time was had by all! I even managed to rope cobra in after the b2b! Wink

Whitey, next doorway, I'll be a lot more vocal about what I'm doing to keep you from catching your pack on the frame.
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
For my first official troop I had a hoot.
Even though the grade fours out danced me doing the nutbush.

Thanks to Diatium for being a great POC.
Thanks to all the wranglers that looked after me.
No thanks to the jawa stealing my helmet.
But seriously Dark Dora you rocked the Jawa.

Oh Oberon when I was playing lasertag the rifle did say hit a few times...
Well done guys and gals.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
That is a really cool prop guys!!
Good work troopers and nice looking new prop there! Well done.

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