Newbie from Bundy looking to join 501st
Hi there!

So I have stumbled across 501st thru a facebook group called 'Aussie Star Wars Geeks Unite" and stoked to have finally found where are the awesome Storm troopers and such actually come from! The 501 is way better then I could have imagined and I am super excited to become an official member!

I have always wanted a Storm Trooper costume but after some research into the build etc I realise how massive a project it is and will get to that one day. I have decided to start with something easier to create first in order to get trooping with you ASAP, such as Juno Eclipse Rogue Shadow.

Is it required for me being a female to only create the "female" costumes or am I able to create a male costume to wear also? Can't seem to find that anywhere (or I could have glanced over it)

Anyone else local to Bundaberg/Wide Bay area??

Thanks for accepting me and I look forward to getting to know you all! Smile
Hi Sarah, welcome to the mighty Redbacks.
You are well and truly on your way to becoming a Stormtrooper or TK as we call them. Keep researching on FISD as I know you have been, but for local support Darkfather is in the Bundy area, and they just finished a Sandtrooper for his wife, so he has some experience in assembling TK armour.
Phantom should be along soon to give you some more direction.
Once again, welcome.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Hi Sennigh and welcome the redback garrison forums.

You can be whatever you want to be, within reason Smile, we have many female stormtroopers.

For Juno have a look through the Costume reference library or CRL there are a couple to choose from:
Sign up on the detachment Imperial Officer Corps to do your research and get some info. There are a few Junos here in the Redbacks who might be able to help point you in the right direction. Just gotta ask Smile

If your dream is a stormtrooper I would start off choosing which stormtrooper you want to do there are a few to choose from:

Definitely head over to First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment or FISD to do all your research:
Before you purchase anything please look at the vetted sellers of armour on FISD. There are sellers out there who do state that they are 501st approvable but some are just using the 501st brand to sell stuff. Please check with the folks on FISD or post up here first before you part with your hard earned dollars. Here is a good link to have a read through regarding armour seller:

While you are reading, this will give you some insight on the approval process:

But never be afraid to ask questions we are a pretty helpful and friendly bunch.

Good luck on your journey.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Hey Saarh welcome! Lots of ladies here in the Redbacks!

Juno Eclipse is a 'soft' costume and a great way to dip your toe into the SW costuming world. It is pretty cost effective while you plan and save up and order and build armour (if that's another goal). A lot of us gals and guys have Imperial Officer or Reserve pilot costumes etc as alternatives to armour too or as well as armour kits. They are comfortable 'face' costumes and invaluable characters at events in helping armoured troopers who have limited vision, hearing and movement. They also look smart and add to the group presence.

Best of luck there are plenty of folks to assist you along the way, don't be afraid to ask questions especially before you make your purchases.
Welcome to the group
Hey, what are you trying to push on us?
Ko lopo Dooka, Ugama M'nuta, Utini!!!!!!
DW2015  DW2016
Thanks for the speedy replies!!!

Phantom: I joined up on forums last night and became completely overwhelmed by it all lol. Learnt alot and want to really take my time in deciding on the the right armour for me. I am going to check out the Imperial Officer Corps now thanks for that link and have been looking through the Costume Referencing Library to try and figure out what costume to start with that is easy and quick to tackle.

I am a seamstress so sewing is not an issue nor crafting and I am very experienced in making cosplay costumes, however the full armour kit is a bit daunting and expensive for me right now from what I can see.

Rebelrach: That is a great idea. I plan on having multiple costumes as costume making is a passion of mine and I will look more into those options you have suggested.

Thanks everyone. I am slowly nutting this all out just itching to get started!
Hey Sennight! Great to see another Bundy peep on here! A seamstress huh? Could be rather handy. I've been led to believe that Jawas are also quite easy to sew and are a nice stepping stone to the more ambitious things. If you PM Darkfather or myself your FB name, we can add you to the wide bay chat we've got going Smile
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

Hi Sennight;

You're not alone up here in Bundy/Wide Bay.

You have me, Arienh (my wife) locally, also Phantomblade (another young woman who has just recently signed up and has wrangled for us twice in the last week), as well as Ghalgor, and Scout Viper. In Hervey Bay we have Baytrooper, and Wolf and Wolf's wife Lil'MissTiger. We troop a lot with Baytrooper south of Bundy, but hopefully in the near future we will be having more troops in the bundy area.

Feel free to message me anytime (find me on FB even) if you have any queries you think I might be able to help you out with.

It pays to listen to the members on these forums. They are a fantastic group of people, and are unbelievably helpful.
Hello and welcome aboard Smile
Welcome aboard!

My first costume was a stormtrooper - and I can fully appreciate how daunting it is! A lot of the builds online are really focused towards building a set of armour for a man's figure, but the ladies out there have a few extra curves to try and accommodate. There's a few ladies here in the RBG who can give you a few pointers if/when you get started.

I've also built a Juno Eclipse, which was loads of fun! You've picked a lovely costume/character to start with!
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Hi Sennight & welcome
You are in good hands with the Redbacks & with DarkFather & Arienh locally Smile
[Image: VXgDbT3.jpg]
Hi Sennight,

It's great to see someone else from Bundy on here... I've got a Sandtrooper costume, and the build is obviously very close to a Stormtrooper, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I also have a Jawa costume. You can find me and my husband DarkFather on Facebook. We can get you in contact with all of the other Wide Bay members.
Arienh 22372


Welcome Smile
Oh I am loving this place!

I have sent DarkFather a PM with my facebook details.

A Jawa hey hmm I'll check that one out too Smile

Thanks everyone it's so exciting to see there are so many locals and all round nice people on here!!
Hiya Sennight,

Welcome aboard.
As Rach mentioned a Reserve Pilot is also another great option.
The flight suit is also used for Imperial Bridge Crew and Imperial Navy Gunner so you get good bang for your buck.
Also if you head down the Tie Pilot path with full armour you can always get changed half way through a troop if you need to wrangle etc Smile

Enjoy your first build Smile
[Image: XWRBjqC.jpg]

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