Springfest - St Rita's Primary School
Troop Report 
Date: Saturday 31st October 2015

Venue: Springfest @ St Rita's Primary School

Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Mission: To provide entertainment and help raise money for the Thompson family

Trooper Attendance:
Redback Garrison
Altair – TK
Dark Dora - DZ
Diatium - TK/HWT
Disco - TK
MjrD - TK
Sly – TK
Squirtle - TB
Stormraven - ID
Teiwaz – TB

Support Crew:

It was an overcast morning in Victoria Point as members of the 501st Redback Garrison landed on site. At 0830, bump in crew got to work setting up the "Wanted" sign prop and with the many hands available this took no time at all... leaving plenty of time to locate suitable caffeinated beverages!

By 0930 most of the crew had arrived and troopers started armouring up ready to make the kids smile! However TB Squirtle managed to make the first kid (Nesath's youngling assistant) cry before we commenced our first run Lol Luckily Dark Dora (aka the brown thing) was able bring some cheer to our little assistant Smile

The team split into 2 x squads, one to man the stand and one to roam the school grounds. It was a small school fete but still plenty of photos were taken. After lunch, some of our troopers had to depart but we still maintained a strong force with the remaining troopers and many more photos were taken.

Shortly after 1500, we decided to retire for the day, the crowds started to thin and our troopers were looking forward to a well earned imperial ale! Bump out was super quick, again with all the available hands. The last of our shuttles left site at approx 1630.

Charity Funds Raised: $434.85

Injuries / Malfunctions: Altair's cod strap popped out (thanks MyKill and Lisa for obliging)

Public Incidents: A couple of sugar hyped kids were told to calm down around the troopers after a few taps on the armour.

Mission Status: Great Success! Many smiling kids and a lot of generous donations. Big thanks to all the troopers and support crew, you did an awesome job. Congratulations to Disco on his first official troop as a member. Cheers Squirtle, Diatium and MrjD for taking photos!


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Ha, love it! Good work guys and girls.
Reclipping the snap stud wasn't that bad, it was more the "comedian" behind me trying to push me face first into his butt!

Great fun, and a generous crowd, the moment you told them what the bucket was for - the notes came out! It's a uncommon day that twenties go in the tin.

I'd just about run out of marmalade from the new farm Fete, so I relished the opportunity to restock my supply.
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Great little school this one. The school community has really rallied behind the Thompson family and we were made to feel very welcome. Great turnout for a small fete, well done to the troopers, wranglers and the brown thing. :P

Great POCing John, well organised and a good report as always. Doppeldaumen1
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
Awesome effort guys and great photos too Doppeldaumen1
[Image: 2PNdiLg.png]
As always, a pleasure to troop with you guys, had a blast.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
This was a good day. There were lots of great little moments and the school looked after us really well - the air conditioned change room was a really nice Doppeldaumen1
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
The photos look great and awesome amount raised. Well done guys.
First legit troop for me! Great group of people to troop with - can't wait for the next one -
Great work guys and girls!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Excellent work and great funds raised troopers!
This was an amazing day as usual can't wait for another
FNG SN17 OCC2015DW2015BN15DW2016 DW2017
A fantastic troop again love trooping with you guys ?from the little brown thing
GCSN16 >> GCSN18  
DW2016 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18
BN15 >> SN18
Looked like a great fun troop Smile
Tusken " Better DEAD Than SMEG!!! " DancingTK


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