The little AT-AT Project I've been working on
Build Thread 
Copied from my thread in the Armoured Cavalry Forums

This is a photo heavy thread (my apologies)

I have been working on this build for the past few months, it's a little different to other AT-AT driver builds you may have seen on this forum but I think it is worth while sharing.

Although most of the AT-AT Greebles are readily available, I have had to make most of them for this build myself .. many are not exactly right but I ask that before you make a judgement you finish looking at all the photos and you will understand why.

Armour from a supplier that has only recently added TIE/AT-AT armour to their range, and this is the first one built to AT-AT specifications
[Image: IMG_7287_zpskpagtuai.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7391_zpsmjzqlete.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7370_zpsyppqhf7s.jpg]

Because this essentially a TIE kit there weren't many of the Greebles that I could use so I had to make my own
[Image: IMG_7404_zpsrmkvhggd.jpg] [Image: IMG_7407_zpszgvawbto.jpg]

These were made prior to finding the Sony Tape deck buttons so I built them the "Old Fashion" way
[Image: IMG_7383_zpsrhafyubr.jpg] [Image: IMG_7405_zpsyg4zenfo.jpg] [Image: IMG_7401_zpsnfmrrsii.jpg]

Canisters were made from PVC Pipe size adapters glued together
[Image: IMG_7437_zpsdssbmhkm.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7431_zpsuufulgfv.jpg] [Image: IMG_7409_zps4nzhxclc.jpg]

The Decals didn't come with the kit, so I had them printed on Vinyl
[Image: IMG_7434_zpsh7ws9rhy.jpg] [Image: IMG_7432_zpsrjwdytjs.jpg]

I can't show more without giving it away so ...

The final product ...

This is Archer my 4 (nearly 5) year old son .. who now can Troop as an AT-AT driver with Daddy Smile

[Image: IMG_7486_zpsg1fdgswm.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7465_zps6myur5ma.jpg] [Image: IMG_7466_zpshqtb9d2o.jpg] [Image: IMG_7469_zpso0totf8p.jpg] [Image: IMG_7470_zps9vtqey3b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7472_zpssj3bklxv.jpg] [Image: IMG_7474_zpskv91tbaj.jpg] [Image: IMG_7476_zpsbtaawgyn.jpg] [Image: IMG_7487_zpso53jhtch.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7471_zpsmygptf9r.jpg] [Image: IMG_7489_zpsxebmwolf.jpg]

The Kit didn't come with Shoulder Bells so I made some out of some TB bells I had spare
[Image: IMG_7473_zps3xblk4fx.jpg]

And How happy was he about it being finished? This says it all Smile
[Image: IMG_7492_zpsicrfmrtw.jpg]
He's not the Messiah: He's a Very Naughty Boy 

[Image: 2HbPbX1.jpg]
 DW2015   OCC2015  GCSN16  
DW2016   BN16   GCSN17
Absolutely sensational Matt. Nice details and clean build.
Another great build Matt. Doppeldaumen1
Flawless victory!
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Looks awesome Matt.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Awesome...amazing...fantastic...incredible...I need a bigger thesaurus!!!

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Top class work Matt , as per usual .
thats looks so friggen good - one of the only positives i can see of having children is doing exactly what you did.
Absolutely LOVE IT! Archer looks fantastic! Well done Matt!

Can I have a lift back to base please, this snow is thick on the ground..
Stop it!, Stop it !, made his own parts!!, Mini At-At Pilot!!, this is too much,, LoL, I am always amazed by the exceptional quality of workmanship that you consistently produce. AWESOME Matt just Awesome.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Very nice job, you have some skills.
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Nice one mate. Another AT AT driver taller than Cre8tiv haha.
Thing of awesomeness means people take notice of your skill , this armor build and the fabrication of cast components is fantastic , kayles already had enquiries from the U.S. about the flight suit and gloves .
Yep looks like Kayle's flight suits and gloves are going to be in demand, and I'll be casting some mini greebles
Each Mini AT-AT is going to have it's fair share of RGB content Smile

It's also got Archer an Honorary membership into the Armoured Cavalry Detachment .. He'll be sporting his patch this weekend Smile
He's not the Messiah: He's a Very Naughty Boy 

[Image: 2HbPbX1.jpg]

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