How to not build a Mando
I've decided I want a helmet to hide under (as having to look awake in photos sucks). And Mando's are decidedly cool.
I expect to get something wrong every step of the process, so I wouldn't suggest replicating anything I do!

Started with the shins. Scored some $1 shin guards at lifeline and decided I'd teach myself how to sand and paint properly. Sanding sucks. I finally see what everyone complains about. You lot make it look easy.

After nearly an hour I've gone from this

[Image: shins_zpsvfogwpvv.jpg]

to this

[Image: finished%20shins_zpsammyp5pd.jpg]

Not the smoothest job, but at least I can claim battle damage.
Holes were filled with fibre glass, then topped with bog. Then sanded. Painted. Realised I was a terrible sander and called in reinforcements (SuperDad). Then put 2 layers of ceiling paint (Dad's suggestion as it's thicker than spray paint and when applied with a paint roller, fills in little inconsistencies) then a grey primer. I actually like the colour of the primer, so didn't put a top coat.

If this is the totally wrong way of doing things, let me know. As otherwise, I'll do all my armour this way.

Next will probably be the rest of the armour. As I haven't got the faintest idea what to do about the helmet yet.
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

Nice job.

I would suggest that if you haven't already sign up on i believe that they have a list of requirements that you need to fulfill to be come a member.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Great job!
I've been annoying the Mercs for a few days now. Apparently I'm not allowed to make the helmet out of foam. Which means I now have to think of an alternative. They advise against using suntuf (pvc foamboard) for the dome, as it doesn't curve overly well. But surely, if I cut multiple wedges (think pizza), and curve those then it should work?

So far I've got a dark blue flightsuit, boots, fabric for a cape (because capes are cool) and leather for a possible underbelt. I've ordered some silver satin for a sash, and am looking at an ammo belt. The leather belt and sash should technically keep the approvals team happy, but the ammo belt will make a nice back up plan. I'm debating whether to dye the flightsuit black. It'd be easier to coordinate with everything else, but there are a lot of black suits out there. So blue would add some variety to the world.

Any ideas for weapons? I'm tempted to work a retractable blade into the guantlet. I'll have to check with the approvals team though, as an aussie mando is convinced they're not allowed, yet I've seen at least 4 approved members with the tips of blades sticking out of the tops of their guantlets. I'll eventually be joining the Assassin and/or Sniper brigade, so it makes sense to be able to neutralise targets silently.
I'll probably buy a toy sniper rifle and add greeblies etc to it.
Darts could be fun, but I'm not sure if I've got the skills to make fancy gauntlets.
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

Hey Phantom, will be great to have a few more mandos here Smile

Ive been an approved member of the mercs for a few years and have designed a few for friends. Let me explain a bit of their reasoning behind the no-foam, no blades rule.

Foam - mostly the reasons they dont want you to use any sort of foam is because eventually the foam will seperate from whatever you bond over it - even fiberglass, leaving you with issues or even destroyed or warped plates. Given this has happened to members in the past, they now have a total ban on using any type of foam as a base for your armour. Youre better off going with metal plates or even cut them out of thick PVC pipe.

If you havent come across it yet, the mercs also have rules around modifying nerf blasters (acceptable only if you mod it to hell and back, there cannot be a single thing that still identifies it as a nerf) and also they don't permit modified sporting equipment (if you do then it must be completely unrecognisable).

Modding a toy sniper rifle is fine, its a great place to start. If I may make a suggestion though - being an adult, any toy sized weapon is going to look strangely miniature. I use two majorly modified kids boba fett blasters as pistols. One easier way to go about it is to buy several toy guns and strip them for parts, buy some pvc and hose parts from Bunnings, scrap a few computer parts and stick it all together. Repainted and unmodified kids toys usually arent accepted because they look like a modern day sniper rifle. They'll generally knock back anything that doesn't look in-universe or out of proportion with the rest of you.

With retractable blades or projectiles built into the costume goes - there is a firm rule that they must not be functional.. in otherwords, the blade can't be spring loaded and the darts must be fixed and not able to be fired. If you want a blade in the gauntlet like the others you mentioned, thats fine, but in their case, it is probably fixed in place for effect, or able to be pulled out for posing, not able to jump out at the push of a button. The main reason for this in Australia is a general rule against projectiles/spring loaded items at conventions.

Id highly recommend starting a progress/build thread in the main area (and duplicate it in the Sandhawks area) and post up your ideas or sketched concepts. That way you'll have the feedback on whether or not youre on the right track rather than finish and then be told your kit is not up to approval standard, nothing worse than being told "nope sorry, do it again!"

Good luck!
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
I was slightly concerned the shin guards wouldn't be accepted. But the apps team seem quite happy with them. Yay.

Now for an important question. When using pepakura files to make things, obviously I have to reinforce it with something. Fibreglass and resin seem popular. The question is, do I put the resin on the inside of the dome or the outside (As I'll only be doing the dome, the rest with be foamboard.) It seems to get done both ways equally as often. So do you guys have a preferance?
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

Great start PhantomBlade. Jason and I have been looking at the Mandalorian Mercs recently, just to see what they were about. I jokingly said to him maybe he should switch his Boba build to a custom Mando, really just so we could do a themed Mando family. And he did consider the idea. But he's a fair way into his Boba build to change direction and I think he was a bit concerned there wouldn't be many opportunities here in Brisbane to troop as a Mando. But I like the Mando look a lot, so maybe I'll pursue a custom Mando myself. Will be interested to see your progress Michelle.
(Sunday 21-Feb-2016, 04:05 PM)Stormborn Wrote:  ...he was a bit concerned there wouldn't be many opportunities here in Brisbane to troop as a Mando.

There are plenty of Opportunities in Brisbane to troop as a Mando. Just check the Tatooine Base or Redback Events to see if they allow Mandos. Often the Hospital Troops allow us, as I have worn mine to one once. Also we have 2 supanovas (Gold Coast and Brisbane), 1 Oz-Comicon, and 1 Dreamworld troop each year, these are the best ones to go Mando as we tend to be more in force. Where as Day to Day troops we are less (At least until there is more of us here). I for one love when there is another Mando at a troop I go too. Also, you can expect to see me in my Mando at Dreamworld again this year.
Excellent, good to know, thanks hopfot! I love the custom Mando look and will have to definitely see some in real life at some point. I've already started thinking about colours etc for mine. Sorry, didn't mean to turn a Redback post into an ad for another group!
This is the Non-501st costume section. it's all good. when you start on your mando, you can post it in this section, just start your own thread. As what we have done is Hijack PhatomBlade's thread..... but only a little. :P
Ooh. Nice to know that Mandos can do hospital troops and stuffs. Not much use to me up here in the 'berg, but it's a start. As I was really worried I'd only get to wear the armour once a year. Hopfot, you had the assasins creed inspired armour did you not?

All armour pieces are now cut. I can now say I can use a jigsaw without chopping off fingers. I retrimmed them to a Deathwatch style (started with Boba templates. Painful way to do it.) And Dad found a green set of coveralls and a hard hat in the shed. So I've dyed the suit charcoal (so now I can choose between charcoal and blue). And I've found some black Palladium boots on the interwebs for $30. (Three guesses what this build is eventually going to turn into.....)
Cape is done, and in such a way that I can wear it over one shoulder or both.
A friend gave me an old girth, so I'll either attack the buckles with a wire brush to try and de-rustify them, or else I'll just hack them off. Now to find some form of ammo belt and the waist gear will be done.
If I'm lucky, the vest might get started this weekend when I get sick of fighting with the ISB tunic.
So at this point I think I might actually be on track for a DW troop. Yay.
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

(Wednesday 24-Feb-2016, 08:39 PM)PhantomBlade Wrote:  Hopfot, you had the assasins creed inspired armour did you not?

I have the AC/RBG/Punisher inspired armour. :P

[Image: 10153009_10203883151981960_1445058276454...2ec71d.jpg]
Holy cow hopfot, that costume is awesome! I can only aspire to have a finished Mando as good as yours. Thanks for sharing.
A very productive few days. If everything goes to plan, I should have everything pretty much done by the end of the week. Hopefully finish the helmet tomorrow and Thursday, then have a lengthy discussion with the dreaded back plate on Thursday/Friday. And then I have belt pouches to sew. Yay....

[Image: 12804536_1220107947999705_1066604077_n_zpsffwbwtpx.jpg]

I need to put bog in that massive gap/dent in the left thigh holster. I was lazy and hoped it wasn't going to be noticeble. It is.
I'll also likely straighted out the boot caps as well. I thought molding them to the top of the foot might make them fit better. It looks terrible so I'll have to fix it.
Otherwise, I'm quite happy with my first attempt at power tools and proper spray painting.

It was way too high to begin with, but now I've ripped the padding out it's better. Not sure if it's good enough yet though.
With the padding
[Image: 12769621_1218860628124437_1484244963_n_zpsdjee3tjn.jpg]

Without the padding.
[Image: helmet%20attempt%202_zpslvhpzdy9.jpg]
Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.

That helmet looks better in the second pic. I'm intrigued by the idea of using a Hard Hat as a base for the dome.

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