MS Moonlight Walk 2010
Troop Report 
Date: 22nd October 2010

Venue: Cultural Center - South Bank

Time: 4 pm onwards.

Mission: Raise awareness about MS and to raise funds for equipment to help suffers.

Trooper Attendance:

The Scotsman TK
TheWolf - TK
Muppet - TB
Sputnik - ID
Sandman - ID
Redpaint - TB
KattaK - BH
Cutter - TK
Tirilia - TB
Moxxxie - TK
cobra - TK Commander
crypto - TK
Jimcricket - TK
The Sniper - IC
Kitiara - SL
Hopfot - TX
SuperAzza101 - TK
APOK - Nova
Revi - Jedi Scum
bigmac - TK
TD-1535 - TB

Guest Trooper Attendance:

Base Commander - Kev Vader
Advanced Recon - TK-TEX

Support Crew:

Deltorn and Tachyon

There is no higher honor than to serve your fellow Troopers. Last night, I was honored to Troop with our Wranglers. It is troops like this that good Wranglers show their metal. They were great last night. Truly AWESOME!! From making sure that no Trooper was left behind. To picking up bits as they fell off. And ensuring the Troopers safety at all times. Both of our Wranglers deserve a Commendation for the work they put in. I would recommend that all Troopers do at least one troop a year as a Wrangler. It's good for the soul.


Imperial Forces began arriving early to establish a strong defensive base from which to launch a devastating offensive attack. The interior of the base became cramped very quickly. The humid conditions inside didn't help either. However our fearless troops carried on regardless. The exterior weather conditions for the mission could not have been more perfect. As can be seen in the pix.

With everyone armored up and ready to go we proceeded to the start line. Where our Co bid us farewell and good luck with the mission. And with the blare of the starting horn, we were off.

With our TK Commander leading the way, we made our way through South Bank. Many eyes were upon us. Cameras were hastily brought out and pix were taken on the run. Our impressive awesomeness was on show for all to see. We set ourselves a cracking pace and made some good time. The Wranglers made sure that no Troopers were being left behind.

We got to the first drinks station for a well deserved as the last of the light faded. Was it me or was it brighter this time last year? Thanks to Terra Forming of the River Walks this year there were extra obstacles in our way. It became a buckets off moment for safety. We soon overcame them and moved along.

Soon we saw the half way point. The Story Bridge Hotel.

"Troopers - Left March!"

The atmospheric conditions of the interior of the Cantina were most welcome. It reminded our TS of Hoth. Refreshments were immediately orders as our fluid intake needed to be increased. We all raised our glasses to "The Empire".

I was asked at about this time, "What's like being a lowly TK again?" Having just completed my Emperor.

I replied "Have you seen a Holo-vid show called Undercover Boss?"

"So what do you think of the Emperor? Do you think he is doing a good job?"

(thanks for that Sputnik)

Having been re-hydrated we resumed our march with 5km to go. Making our way over the iconic Story Bridge many loyal Imperial Citizens driving passed gave our valiant Troopers encouragement by engaging their land-speeder's warning systems.

At the next drinks station a briefing was given to help complete the next part of the mission with expediency. We were about to enter the Restaurant district of this system. And anticipated that there would be Rebel Agents out to delay our Troopers mission. Causing them to not return to base on schedule. All Troopers were given clear instructions to keep a tight formation and continue marching. If Citizens wanted holo-vids of the Troopers it would have to be as they marched by. Many, many pix were taken in this fashion. The Dinner's could not believe their eyes.

We traversed into the Endor Moon section of the course where we were relieved to see that our Advanced Reconnaissance Operative TK-TEX had been busy eradicating any Ewoks. This way our TB's would be able to complete the mission.

In the home stretch we paused on the Goodwill Bridge for another photo with the City in the background. We then closed ranks a made a tight formation for our triumphant crossing of the line. The MS peeps gave us a mighty round of applause.

After de-armoring it was decided to make our way to The Plow Inn for the debrief. However, due to the late finish of the event, meals were no longer being served. This in turn lead us to begin a sweep of the area for suitable new vendors. Zoba's place seemed to fit the bill. And with $8 Yiros we could not go wrong. Some Troopers ate two.

It has now been decided that this will be the new Redback Garrison hang out. Details to follow.

Having been feed and refreshed our Troopers began returning to their individual domestiles. Proving yet again, just how ####### awesome we are.

Injuries: None reported... No one wants to look like a wimp.

TD-1535 said he had a Booboo. See pic in his post below.
Hopfot was suffering some dehydration by the end of it (will be going undercover as a rebel next year), 2 nasty looking blisters on both feet and the back of his left ankle was actually bleeding a little but he is still available for active duty. KattaK has a big popped blister on the back of her foot. And redpaint's left ankle is swollen and painful to walk on. And he has blisters on his feet.

Malfunctions: Too many to list at this stage. But I'll try. Please post your experiences with your armour and I'll update the list as we go. Nothing like a 10km march to sort out any problems.

The Scotsman - Neck seal kept coming undone. Shoulder bell popped off once.
Muppet - Wrong TB Gloves. Brought his Jazz Hands instead.
TD-1535 - Belt malfunction.
Cutter - Evacuation Engineering (don't ask)
Moxxxie - Hand-plate swap.
Hopfot - Right pouch keep trying to fall off and right shoulder bell strap popped open.
SuperAzza101 - Needed help tying his shoe lasses.
More to be added, I'm sure.

Public Incidents: None from a 501st perspective. Our Troopers had a trouble free troop.

Mission Status: So far $2,356 has been raised by the Redback Garrison Team. I'll be depositing what we collected on the night as well as what has so far been collected from the patch sales this Thursday. I will then update this total.

Our Top 5 fund raisers are.......

Jimcricket - $540
TheWolf - $330
sandman - $230
Hopfot - $200
KattaK and Redpaint - tied with $100 each

Well done Troopers. I salute you. And I salute you all.

Thank you to everyone that helped bring this all together. This was not a one night Troop. It was made up of many troops. The promos, photo shoots and pre-troop shaking the can. You all made this the most successful Moonlight Walk ever. Not only have we raised the most amount of money this year but we also broke the record of Troopers attending in costume.

Again.... Thank you all so very much.



[Image: IMG_2684.jpg]
Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
Excellent troop report Scotty, well done to everyone who were able to attend.
Great troop everyone :D
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]

You can add my "Evacuation Engineering" to malfunctions Scotty. But at least I know I'm No.1 when it comes to No.1's.
thats cumberbund....and it was ok,,my belt and velcro,,well thats a diff story....oh and my infernal right knee guard that bounced on my shin with every step..lucky the bruising and swelling doesnt show in the pic
[Image: TBhurtypic.jpg]
I had a slight malfunction with my hand-plates being on the wrong hand for the first half of the event, kindly pointed out by GMO, Mr "Jazz Hands" himself. Smile

Otherwise, it was a fantastic night. One of the landmark events for the year.

I'd also like to give a shout out to Michael and Tach. Our two wranglers took care of all 22 costumed troopers - which is an awesome undertaking for an event such as this. I caught a glimpse of the back of Tach's shirt at the end of the event, and he was dripping with sweat through sheer hard work.

Congratulations lads. You both contributed the most to making sure we were safe, together - and looking our best.

It's easy to look awesome when you have Wranglers as fantastic as these guys.
Well done.
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Was a great night. Was suffering some dehydration by the end of it (will be going undercover as a rebel next year), 2 nasty looking blisters on both feet and the back of my left ankle was actually bleeding a little but I'm still kicking.

My armour malfunctions were my Right pouch keep trying to fall off and my Right shoulder bell strap popped open.

I too would like to thank our 2 wranglers, they did a great job givin the odds were against them. Welll Done Deltorn and Tachyon.

It is one of the must do troops every year,
Big thankyou to Alex and Michael, top job fellas, even after Michael walked backwards into the lamp post on the story bridge.
No worries, but you guys were the hard workers. It's easy to do the 10k's without armour, and I was just there help things go smoothly. Thanks to Deltorn for helping with the wrangling :D Don't think I coulda done it by myself.

Fantastic troop guys, thanks for organizing it Scotty. It's the troops like these that make me proud to be in the awesomest garrison in the 501st :D Uploading my photos as we speak.

I have an armour malfunction to dob in, I remember someone *cough*Azza*cough* coming up to me and asking me to tie his shoes before the walk Hehehe
[Image: sterb104.gif]
It was an awesome walk guys.

Thanks must definatly go to the two wranglers. I think Tach may have done 15kms with all the running back and forth. Could here him coming with the money tin, and what a first troop for Deltorn.Doppeldaumen1

As for injuries, KattaK has a big popped blister on the back of her foot. And my left ankle is swollen and painful to walk on and blisters on my feet.

But wouldn't swap it for anything.

Definatly be up for next year but might try a bit of practise first.Smile
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Great troop guys and girls. Nothing like a 10km walk to find out any faults in your armour. Like to thank Tachyon and Deltorn for doing a fantastic job looking after us.Smile

I survived Dreamworld 2010I survived Supanova 2010:dw11SadJUST)
Top work all Doppeldaumen1

Awesome job Tach and Del. Doppeldaumen1Doppeldaumen1

Sure am feeling it in the legs today.Yuk
#13 i feel fantastic, no aches or pains, my right shin is bruised to be sure, but no stiff, sore muscles..obviously a very physical job works in that favour

and yes a big thanks to the sticky tape guys, whom i think did 20kms running round us all
i hope i can do this one year. I am always at work. But this year, I am so sick I cant even walk from the lounge to the bed
only problem from me was busting to go to the toilet at the end and de-armoured and packed in record time, other then that no a single problem from me!

well done to all, and sorry i was in my own world but metallica MJ and Korn were helping me move to the beats.....
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 98462kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016

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