Dreamworld photo shoot day 12/02/2010
Troop Report 
Dreamworld Photo and Video Shoot date[b]

Location: Dreamworld, Gold Coast

Weather: A little hot but not too bad.

Date /Time: 12/02/2010 0800 - 1230

SL 4035 Kev Vader
TK 2153 The Scotsman
TK 6232 Moxxxie
TB 8995 Muppet
TB 9133 Gremlin
TK 8226 Mouldman
TD 3409 Apok

By default Moxxie

Mission: To get photos and video footage for the media packs that DW will be sending out and for us to have stuff to post on the web.

Summary: Troopers arrived on time and ready to go...Sith Lord made a grand entrance late. Apparently some rebels didn't know how to drive and slowed him down. Once all were assembled we headed to the Tower of Terror and got some pics. Muppet, Scotty and myself then stayed on the ride and let it rip. AWESOME!!!!!! All armour held together. Then it was off to The Australian Wildlife Experience where we feed kangaroos and held a koala. Then back to the fron of the park to get some more photos and say hi to the people. Man will there be some pictures going on facebook from the public after today! A quick break and we were at it again filming in the park. Lord Vader was recovering and Scotty had to bail to do family stuff but Mouldman, Gremlin, Muppet and myself hammed it up for Moxxie who was the director supreme. 10 things TK's can't do will be a crack up to see when finished. More pics with the public and a few high fives and that was a wrap.

Injuries: Lord Vader got a woosy from being in his armour for an hour in the sun. It was a monster effort from the boss. After 3 bottles of water he was his happy-go-strangle-the-life-out-of-you self again.

Public Incidents: A kangaroo did not like Lord Vaders breathing and started growling at him and checking him out. It was like an Ewok on heat. Luckily the fists did not fly.

Malfunctions: Due to Moxxie not bringing her belt (d'oh) she malfunctioned her way to becoming a wrangler. Which actually benifitted all of us having her there as Vaders "please don't keel over" helper and our director (just don't do on the day Mox haha). I stepped on a thigh piece at the Tower of Terror getting back into it and the glue came undone (stoopid arildite). It was gaffe tape to the rescue!!!! Muppet had a thermal det cap come off as well.

Happy People: Everyone that saw us and Purplena the fairy who is face painting on the day. DW PR staff and actually any staff member that saw us.

Not Happy People: The kangaroo that wanted to biff the boss.

Mission Status: More than a success. We got the shots and won the hearts of loads of people.

Apok out

PS. Awesome job everyone and if we keep up todays standard the 27th will be a total success. Moxxie even though you weren't armoured we couldn't of done it without you.

Also a special thanks to Josh for taking the photos and Ryan from entertainment for driving us around and just helping where he could. Ryan is also editing the vids as I type.
Great report, Mate.

Can't wait to see some pix and vision.
Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
"Lord Vader got a bit woosy" is a very generous understatement.

An hour in the sun was most decidedly too much. I like to think that I would never ask someone to do something I wouldn't be prepared to do myself, and those who've trooped with me know that I'm always prepared to do a troop from start to finish.

But I also understand my limits and, well, for probably the first time ever at a troop I went a little bit past them today.

Looking back, I have little or no recollection of probably the last 15 minutes of my time out in the sun. I remember being wobbly and everything going quiet, except for my heartbeat which was pounding furiously, and my mouth being dry,dry,dry, and then I remember sitting on the floor of the change-room chatting to Moxxxie (about what I have no idea) and drinking bottles of water but still being thirsty. It's by far the worst I've ever felt at a troop - and I've done a number of outside troops before, and trooped for far longer periods without feeling anywhere near this bad.

I do vaguely recall having a discussion with the other troopers afterwards about setting up a roster system to make sure everyone gets breaks on the day of the troop. This is something that we will definitely work out the details for, and make sure we have in place and working on the Saturday. It will make sure that everyone gets the most opportunities to troop during the day, but will also ensure they have sensible breaks in-between, and don't end up a jibber-jabbering mess like I was after an hour.

Kev Vader
Hmmm, I guess you doing Bridge to Brisbane walking as Vader will be a stretch then?
Yep, I'm a big advocate of hydration and remaining that way through the event, regular water intake is a must. We need to have a procedure in place for this and ensure ALL troopers stick to it.
Good work today guys, sounded like awesome fun.

Hydration wise, would it work to put the water bladder from a hiking water pack behind the chest piece (for those of us with a huge cavity there) and run the drinking tube up under the neckseal??? That way we could have water on the go, but still be cannon? Has anyone tried this before?
[Image: sterb104.gif]
Haha - it was absolutely soul destroying to realise that I'd left the belt at home. *gutted* After leaving my shirt behind at the Moonwalk, my forearm at Adidas, I was hoping my luck had changed. Bad Luck comes in threes? Lets hope so...

Kev - you really did have a bit of a swoon. You managed to get up the stairs, but then walking along the corridor, you faltered, and kinda sagged against the table. I'm quite serious when I say that I was a whisper away from shouting for a medic - because you looked like death through a cheesegrater.

On the day, we really REALLY have to make sure that we listen to the wranglers. If they say "have a drink" - then for the love of all thats holy _ GO AND HAVE A BLOODY DRINK!
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Wow guys, sounds like you learnt a lot from this test run.. smart.. very smart.

Hopefully it will be a cooler or at least an overcast day come The Day.

Maybe a 20-30 minute Rota? 30 mins on, 30 mins off and take it all in shifts just like their costumers do?
[Image: jImnAK.jpg]
Good work everyone, as a trial run sound like a few lessons were learnt. Sorry to hear about our Lord Vader. Will be bringing and wearing a camel pack under my Tusken for sure.

I survived Dreamworld 2010I survived Supanova 2010:dw11SadJUST)
(Friday 12-Feb-2010, 10:59 PM)cobra Wrote:  Hmmm, I guess you doing Bridge to Brisbane walking as Vader will be a stretch then?
Yep, I'm a big advocate of hydration and remaining that way through the event, regular water intake is a must. We need to have a procedure in place for this and ensure ALL troopers stick to it.

If Kev was ever going to do any of the walks, I would straight away suggest he ditch any layers of clothing he doesn't need. Add extra fans if possible, Ditch the sound system, ditch his neoprene head covering, and add a hydration pack on his back..... Even then it's a maybe....

Anyhow, water on the 27th.... Would it be useful bringing bendy or long straws, so we could have a drink in most buckets whilst out and about ???? TK's, TD's, TB's would all benefit from that....
I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
There will be a safety briefing at the begginning of the day. I will have some procedures in the event of a mega-swoon. We do not need to be Harry and Harriet Heroes. We have plenty of troopers so if you start to feel ill get back to the staging area and de-armour, get a drink and cool down!! There will be a roster in the staging area and the runs will be for 30 minutes at a time. This means if you are relieving the previous group be there on time to take over from them. The only time we will all be out will be at 9.30am for the group photo and 11.30am for the parade. However if you aren't up to it then relax and get a drink. We do not want troopers keeling over in front of the kiddies.
In the time it took me to write this, APOK summed it up.

But I'll post this anyway because I feel very strongly about it.

(Friday 12-Feb-2010, 11:28 PM)Tachyon Wrote:  Hydration wise, would it work to put the water bladder from a hiking water pack behind the chest piece (for those of us with a huge cavity there) and run the drinking tube up under the neckseal???

No... As this will give you a false sence of security as your core body temp raises to a dangerous level. You will only know you are in trouble when you are laying flat on your back with troopers fussing over you.

(Friday 12-Feb-2010, 11:36 PM)Tirilia Wrote:  Maybe a 20-30 minute Rota? 30 mins on, 30 mins off and take it all in shifts just like their costumers do?

20 to 30 min max is ideal.

(Saturday 13-Feb-2010, 06:50 AM)The Sniper Wrote:  Will be bringing and wearing a camel pack under my Tusken for sure.

We need to get you all back to the green room for cooling down. It has a an AC. Please use that during your break. And everyone will be going on breaks. We have plenty of troopers to go round.

(Saturday 13-Feb-2010, 07:36 AM)TheWolf Wrote:  If Kev was ever going to do any of the walks, I would straight away suggest he ditch any layers of clothing he doesn't need. Add extra fans if possible, Ditch the sound system, ditch his neoprene head covering, and add a hydration pack on his back..... Even then it's a maybe....

Kev's costume requires certain items to make it work. He is the best one to decide what he needs and does not need. E.g. The neoprene head covering stops him from becoming a bobble head. He has a plan in place for this already.

(Saturday 13-Feb-2010, 07:36 AM)TheWolf Wrote:  Anyhow, water on the 27th.... Would it be useful bringing bendy or long straws, so we could have a drink in most buckets whilst out and about ???? TK's, TD's, TB's would all benefit from that....

If you need to have a drink you should go back to the green room and have a drink and a break.
We will be doing 20 to 30 min shifts only. Hydrate before you go out. If you need more come back and get it. It will be too hard on the day keeping track of ten troopers bendy straws/drink out in the field.


20 to 30 min shifts. No heroes please. They are the ones who will need first aid.

During your break, remove as much of your armour as you can. Use ice packs, AC, water, whatever. As you won't be going out for another 30 min.

Your safety is more important that having your pic taken. It can get very serious, very quickly.
Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
(Saturday 13-Feb-2010, 07:36 AM)TheWolf Wrote:  If Kev was ever going to do any of the walks,

I couldn't do a 10K walk in my Vader pyjamas (I have some!) never mind my Vader suit! Wink
if youre in need of a drink you take your helmet OFF,,,irrespective of canon or not,, the 30 seconds to walk away from the public could be the differance between a drink or face first on the ground, then hospital.

dehydration works very quickly and it can easily cause kidney failure in the fittest healthiest person due to the loss of large amounts of sodium.

It can also, very quickly, cause, Cramps, Hypotension, Heat stroke and can also kill in extreme cases

Sorry scotty, but air con isnt good as it drys you out even quicker,,,
as it dries the sweat off your body which is how the body cools itself quicker,,,,best thing to
do is stand in the shade, in a breeze or draft, where possible

i guess everyone thinks i dissappear all the time for a smoke?
i take breaks often as i have suffered thru dehydration in the army as a younger bloke.
(radio op for a day, very fit and did not smoke!!) only time ive ever been in an army helicopter and i do not remember it.Got airlifted to hospital. and a 3 day thumping headache.and every bone and muscle ache, an experience i never want again, nor would i wish on anyone

Everyone should be able to responsibly maintain their own regular drink breaks as not every wrangler will be able to help everyone !!

any job will allow you to rehydrate at any time and this is just a hobby and not one worth dying for,,,
Tachyon - if you can fit a camel-back under your armour - then go right ahead and do it! You might be able to keep the water cool enough, if you add ice to it, but I've found they heat up quite quickly and taste kak. But, any water, is better than no water at all.

I'll also say that it would be a fab idea to pre-hydrate. Drink about 1ltr of water about an hour before you first troop up in the morning, then try and drink 1 ltr of water every hour afterwards. Your body can easily sweat 1 Ltr of water per hour - so I wouldn't be too worried about having to go to the loo. (St John's first aid suggests that the minimum is 600mL/hour... ) All things considered, a loo break is much less inconvenient than a trip to the local hospital...

Be aware that coke, RedBull and coffee have caffeine in them. These will dehydrate you even quicker. Avoid like the plague.

I dont know about the rest of you, but I'm bloody glad I've got a spare undersuit to change into half-way through the day. Our kit bags are going to STINK after this one!
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
I can't believe this is such a HUGE topic! please use your common sense troopers, the army rule is quite simple - if your thirsty then you are already dehydrating! Stop and rehydrate...... do we really need rules or a bleeding policy!?

Glad I'm a free lance bounty hunter -don't need to be told to do stuff. I'm a big boy now.

(self edit) before the moderators did it! lol
[Image: ReaperBannerB.jpg]

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