Logan Hyperplex Cinema TPM 3D troop
Date: 09-02-12

Venue: Logan Hyperplex.

Time: 5-9pm

Mission: To entertain the queues awaiting the awesome 3D Phantom Menace.

Trooper Attendance: Badtourist9 - CB; Buzzard - TK; Chopper - IC; Dino - TD; Predator - TD; Rents - TI; Wolf - TK

Guest Trooper Attendance: n/a

Support Crew: Badtourist9's better half.


TK-3989, Buzzard, reporting:

As ordered by Lord Vader himself, troopers arrived at the high-tech planet known as "Hyperplex" with strict orders to enforce the will of the emperor on the local populace.

Due to a secret mission to the outer rim, TK-3989 was the last to arrive at 5:40pm to find the perimeter already secured by the empires finest. This trooper promptly suited up and joined his fellow troops on the front line.

The local citizens were about to find out they had underestimated the awesomeness of the 501st by a magnitude of at least 100.

Many of the natives jaws were observed to fall open as they passed us by and we were in constant demand for holopics. Many contacts were made with potential for more recruits and future troops.

The evening was marred by only one event, when a youth thought it would be 'funny' to run up from behind and body-slam TK-3989 at full force before sprinting off into the night in the manner of all cowards.

Fortunately, as TK-3989 is a (F)ortified (A)ssault (T)rooper, the only injuries sustained apart from the initial shock, was a busted snap and dislodged velcro and he was able to continue the mission until the end of the evening. By the time our duty came to an end, we were able to declare a complete and total victory. This system has vowed loyalty to the empire and welcomes us back with open arms at any time.

Recon holopics follow:

[Image: 420893_10150558503955959_87942570958_901...3903_n.jpg]
Local workers supporing the emperor. Willingly, of course.

[Image: 403114_10150558520085959_87942570958_901...6720_n.jpg]
Citizens rejoice at their liberation from rebel dissidents.

[Image: 409474_10150558514300959_87942570958_901...6054_n.jpg]
Protecting the children.

[Image: 425411_10150558507885959_87942570958_901...4657_n.jpg]
Scaring others... not on purpose!

[Image: 432038_10150558508170959_87942570958_901...8869_n.jpg]
Fanboys. THAT'S not a lightsaber... Where's Hoppy when you need him.

[Image: 429708_10150558523350959_87942570958_901...0470_n.jpg]
Duke, I AM your father...

[Image: 405688_10150558524965959_87942570958_901...3740_n.jpg]
A young padawan decides three of the emperors finest are no match for him...

[Image: 403664_10150558525175959_87942570958_901...2756_n.jpg]
Three of the emperors finest find out they are no match for the young padawan...

[Image: 432165_10150558525925959_87942570958_901...4751_n.jpg]
We surrender!! He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.

[Image: 404371_10150558526715959_87942570958_901...3360_n.jpg]
The padawan left so we took it out on a local citizen. Remember, guilty until proven innocent!

[Image: 419047_10150558523755959_87942570958_901...6826_n.jpg]
The 501st. Coming to a theatre near you!

Charity Funds Raised: Nil.

Injuries: None.

Malfunctions: Broken snap on Buzzards kidney plate and dislodged velcro from gusset due to sneak attack. Rents broke his belt & blaster.

Public Incidents: Buzzard body-slammed by cowardly citizen.

Mission Status: Total success.

Photos: Hyperplex facebook album - http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a...958&type=1

TK-3989 ending transmission...
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Nicely done.
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012
awesome work trooper, great job and hope there were no fallen troops.
Did any rebels challenge the frontier ?
what a gutless moron that slammed buzzard Sad
despatch the bounty hunters to retreave that idiots body
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Great report mate...looks like a blast apart from the one idiot, shame no one got hold of him
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Scope, there was one padawan trying to hold us at bay (but none from the rebel legion). Was a great night, and pretty good fun. It was full on from 5 till 7.30pm. Didn't have time to come up to breath.

Hope they find they doosh that body slammed ya Buzzard. If I wasn't in my suit...... lucky for him.

The cinema organiser was terrible for this troop, with organisation. But they were extremely impressed and said that they will work with us more (and manage it better I hope). The movie in 3D was a bit dissapointing (nowhere near the 3D look of Avatar).
MOre Photos have now been uploaded to here ---

I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
This is a really good report, Buzz! Doppeldaumen1

I can't believe the rebels sent in a coward to do their dirty work!
(Friday 10-Feb-2012, 11:34 PM)Buzzard Wrote:  [Image: 420893_10150558503955959_87942570958_901...3903_n.jpg]
Local workers supporing the emperor. Willingly, of course.


great work TROOPERS!
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 99136kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
great troop report buzzard. I salute you Doppeldaumen1
Forgot my belt and blaster breakage Sad
Sorry mate, I didn't know. Ammended first post. Smile
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Nice job boys!
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Well heres a photo that brings back fond memories of a good troop.....

She liked my big gun.....
I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
seen bigger......

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