New recruit (Rockhampton)

New here! I saw some guy wearing a 501st shirt at the shopping centre and had to ask him about the 501st in Rockhampton. Thanks for taking the time to chat to me Angelman!

I would love to get into a Royal or Shadow guard costume. Smile
Welcome mate,

I might be biased but the royal guard is THE best costume.

Good to see new recruits up in rocky too.

If you want a lot of info on the guards head over to the soverign protectors forum and sign up. Some good info on where to get what parts.

Here it is.
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Welcome to the Redbacks Toaster.

Royal Guard is a great looking costume.
I survived Dreamworld 2010:dw11:DW2012:DW13:
I survived Supanova 2010:sn11::cv:CVI
Welcome Toaster, you're gonna have to explain that nick name.
(Is it a BSG reference? Or are you are yet another electrician who likes 'toasting' things? We seem to be collecting electricians at the moment Huh ).

That was the first time I've worn my 501st shirt, great that they work Doppeldaumen1
Less than 3 minutes in the shopping centre and people are coming up to me, fantastic.

I'll keep you notified of our next AP (Armour Party), we've got a few members in Rockhampton and quite a few cadets who have made starts on their costumes. Best advice I can give you is ask members on this forum about anything you are going to purchase (especially from evilbay) as we don't want anyone to get ripped off or buy something that just isn't right.

If you do a Royal Guard we are really going to have to find someone who is willing to do a Vader here in Central Queensland (preferably someone who doesn't sweat a lot).

Michael & Lisa
Angelman & Lady Tarkin
Michael (Angelman TK6729)
DW2012 :DW13: :DW14:
I'm THAT guy from the video, 501st Documentary (Link)
Welcome aboard toaster.
Good luck on the costume...just remember do lots of research
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Congrats and wellcome to the RBG ask questions only silly one is the one u dont ask

woo hooo another northern recruit Smile
These blast points — too accurate for sandpeople. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise. Tk
Welcome to the Redbacks Toaster. Royal Guard's are a great costume. Just ask lots of questions before you start buying things, some suppliers are just slow others are not screen accurate = not approvable.
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
welcome Toaster!!! Play with the guard gear then get down to the business of being Dirty!!! Td
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Welcome Toaster,

You are very fortunate to be up there with some very passionate and experienced Troopers.

They will help you armour-up in no time.

Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
Thanks for the warm welcome! Toaster is short for Toastergargletop. It was created in a fit of chaos when I tried to sign up to a forum and every name I thought of was taken!

So, after a bit of research it looks like a Shadow Guard is out, at least for the time being. All that armour to modify! WAY more expensive than I can afford at the moment.

So I'm open to suggestions, based on the cheapest options to get me started. Would a standard stormtrooper be cost effective? How much would I be looking at?

I'm also confused about some of the codes for helmets, is there a guide you guys could link me to?
if u ca nsew a jawa is a nice cheap costume
These blast points — too accurate for sandpeople. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise. Tk
Hey Toaster a quick/cheap starting point is Imperial Crew/Reserve Pilot or Scanning Crew - essentially just requires boots, black or gray jumpsuit, belt and hat. Another option is Imperial Officer- talk to Lady Tarkin ( Lisa and Angelmans better 3/4 ) for some more info.
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Welcome Toaster
Welcome Toaster, as Stormraven said the Imperial Crew/Reserve Tie, or the Imperial Officer are a nice cheap option to begin with. There are a couple of new cadets, me included building the Officer at the moment, have a look at my Imperial Officer Build thread in the Armour section as I'll keep it updated throughout the build and you may find some of the information interesting.

This will be my first costume and hopefully will see me approved as a full member. My passion is to build "A New Hope" Hero Storm Trooper, but that's a whole other saga.

Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Hi, welcome to the Redbacks
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty

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