2012 Beaudesert Show
Troop Report 
Date: 7th & 8th of September, 2012

Venue: Beaudesert Show Grounds

Mission: To assist the Beaudesert Show organisers in making the 2012 Beaudesert Show the best they've had...ever.

Trooper Attendance:
TK-8547 Bullant
TK-3989 Buzzard
DZ-5347 Duck
ID-9064 Lei
TD-4943 Rubber

TK/ID-3989 Buzzard
TI-7967 Chopper
ID-3208 Kitiara
ID-9064 Lei
TK-4132 TheWolf

Mini-Trooper Attendance:
Mackenzie as Jawa

Guest Trooper Attendance: Nil

Support Crew: Nil

Arriving late-morning, ahead of the main taskforce, trooper Buzzard made contact with the local authorities to alert them to our presence and then proceeded to scout out the area disguised as a citizen. The show was at this time being overrun by younglings who had been given time out of their schooling in order to attend the show and receive the standard imperial indoctrination. Many of these younglings will now be growing up to become Stormtroopers. Buzzard was soon joined by Imperial Officer Lei, who ordered him into uniform and to begin questioning citizens loyalty.

Initial interrogations were very positive, with only a few disintegrations necessary before loyalty was unanimous.

Mid-afternoon came and Rubber and Duck arrived, followed shortly after by Bullant, thus completing our compliment. We quickly ramped up the awesomeometer and none were able to stand against us!

The day came to a successful end with the mark of the empire stamped permanently into the local citizenry.

[Image: 2012-09-07135341.jpg]
Where's Wally? There's a trooper in there somewhere.

[Image: 2012-09-07135848.jpg]
Hands off the imperial hardware, please.

[Image: 2012-09-07150422.jpg]
Fairy Floss, now with the Tusken seal of approval.

[Image: 2012-09-07161100.jpg]
Guilty of looking suspicious.

[Image: 2012-09-07161217.jpg]
You should probably put on gloves before touching a Jawas foot...

[Image: Untitled-3.jpg]
Sorry fellas, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

The day started with Troopers TheWolf, Kitiara and Chopper arriving bright and early and ready to storm the showgrounds, followed shortly after by Buzzard, with Lei and the Jawa Mackenzie coming later in the morning. The day was even busier that the previous one with innumerable people visiting the show. Many, many, many photos were taken, several younglings were frightened (probably indoctrinated with rebel propaganda) and many more had their dream of meeting real Star Wars characters fulfilled.

As the afternoon progressed, the time came for the "Grand Parade" and we were given the honour of riding in the first two vehicles of the Beaut Ute section. We looped the field a couple of times, enjoying the cheers and applause of loyal citizens.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in close contact with the locals, posing for photos and handing out temporary tattoos. At 4:30 we decided to call it a day and smoothly evacuated the area.

This was an awesome event and the organisers were pleased with our participation. They are looking forward to us returning again next year in even greater numbers.

[Image: 2012-09-08115010.jpg]
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...

[Image: 2012-09-08140201.jpg]
If the didn't notice us before, they certainly will now!

[Image: 2012-09-08140208.jpg]
Hmmm. I think my wings have fallen off.

[Image: 2012-09-08120256.jpg]
Happy dad/frightened child.

[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
May the horse be with you. Hang on, that ain't right!

Charity Funds Raised: $500

Injuries: Nil

Malfunctions: Nil

Public Incidents:
Buzzard recreated the "Trooper hitting head on door" scene using local Coffee vans open boot for door.
Duck was attacked by a low-profile sign in front of a food vendor.

Number of times trooper mistaken for Darth Vader: Chopper: 10; TheWolf: 1 (Go figure)

Mission Status: Beaudesertian citizens awed into total loyalty to the Empire: 100%

Photos: http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f69/50...rt%20Show/
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Sounds like you had great time guys, and if a Vader cant make it to a troop we should make sure Chopper turns up instead. Aaaah
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Great going troopers!
Well done looks like a great couple of days.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Looks like you guys did a great job... well done :-)
Was a fun troop. And I only heard "aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" once Wink
Buzzard, this is just fantastic!

I really like the notes you have left on each photo.

You can be my Point of Contact, any time. Notworthy
well done everyone
Great effort guy's and nice report Buzz.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Great report...great Troop...and all completed by great people!!
I wish I could have been there.

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Hmmmmmmm Fairy Floss yummy!
Dang those low lying signs waiting to ambush Tuskens! Booo lol
nice one guys!
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
When this event is going to be scheduled next time?? I completely missed it because of my work so i cannot complete the promise that i made it to my nephew..So,if this going to be scheduled again then keep posted and updated..!!

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