21-12-12 Jupiters Casino Charity Fight
Troop Report 
Date: 21-12-12

Venue:Jupiters Casino

Time: 4:30 - 10pm

Mission:To Escort Matt Ross to ring for his charity fight

Trooper Attendance:
Muppet - Vader
Beanie - Emperor
Deimos - Royal Guard
StormRaven - Imperial Officer
Westie - Imperial Officer
Oigen - Stormtrooper
Pheonix - Stormtrooper Commander

Support Crew:
Scott (Oigens Farther)
Trent (Oigens mate)
Bardello Soldjar

There isnt really much to say. Our night was full of watching fights and enjoying the atmosphere of the evening. Most of the crew arrived before myself and Westie as we uncounted some very length delays due to some electric/gas work in our neck of the woods. Myself and Westie arrived at the location and were greeted by Scott and Oigen who took us to our dressing room where the waiting began.
While myself and Bardello tried to sort out what was going on as it was chaotic and the event organizers were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. We were told we had to be there for 5pm for a security briefing from Jupiters staff. After waiting for while and eventually finding out we were placed in the wrong room we finally had our briefing at 6:15.....
We were then met with more waiting and fight watching until 9pm when we were told to suit up and suit up we did. At 9:15 we were told that there was one more fight and the band would play a song.

Let me tell you a little about this fight. This fight was a womans fight and the two competitor were on two different wave lengths. The lady in the red corner seemed like your average lady but as the presenter was reading out her career we found out that she had won some 15 professional fights but this was nothing compared to the lady in the blue corner. The lady in the blue corner is a discus gold medalist the current world heavy weight champion and had a 30kg lead. As soon as the bell was rung you could tell the lady in blue was scared, I too would have been. Sadly she did not last very long and I think gave in half way through the first round.
So we quickly returned to finish suiting up and getting in formation our big entrance.
So here we are standing in line listening to the band play one song....two songs....three songs and just as they went to start another song their music was cut as the DJ took over :P and the presenter started to call out Matty's stats and then as he said his name the doors opened and we walked out to skipping music. It seemed as though the DJ had managed to scratch my disc somewhere through the night. Oh well we marched out and stood in front of the stage as Matty did his poses for the cameras. Matty then lead us around the ring where some idiot tried to slap Muppets helmet off and where some idiot thought it would be a good idea to pull a chair out in front of me....Oh well we continued around the ring and headed for the back to watch the fight and pose for photos. Matty's fight was a good one. He came out strong and full of energy, He landed blow after blow with his opponent taking a beating. Second round was a different story both fighters were landing good blows until half way through where Matty's opponent delivered a stupendous upper cut and took a tooth from what I hear and that appeared to be it for Matty. Third round Matty stayed strong and kept delivering fast and hard blows, in the end it went to the judges and sadly Matty lost. So we headed back to the changing rooms and dearmoured and that was it. We all went on our merry way with out the world ending :P

Sorry guys im not very good at writing stories :P so you get this instead :P

Charity Funds Raised: None raised by us, But there were a few charity auctions. I hear lost was raised though

Injuries: None that I know off

Malfunctions: None that I know off

Public Incidents:Some drunks, one who tried to slap Muppets helmet off and one who pulled a chair out in front of me.

Mission Status:

Photos: Photos and Video will be posted soon.
thanks for organising this one dude it was a good night. i should have lots of video and pics from my dad soon Smile
I SURVIVED THE HOTDOG CHALLENGE: TIME TO BEAT 13 MINUTES 19 SECONDS[Image: tumblr_l2ck3iffPx1qc073co1_400.gif]
As Matt's fight was the tenth bout, and with alcohol included in their $2100 table admission, we prepared ourselves to be on the lookout for any problems. Mine was a tap on the helmet and the offender was put in his place by the wranglers.
The decision to pull the pin as soon at the 3 rounds were over was made, to avoid any other potential problems.

Overall was fun, and probable the only time we'll make that sort of entrance into the boxing arena.

Mark another one of the bucket list.

yeah some dude poked his finger in my face, no one saw that! i just pushed him back and kept going, it was fun.
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 98462kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
Hey Guys!

Again thank you so much for enduring what was supposed to be a really fun night. I am again in awe of you guys for both your generosity of time and utter professionalism. I wanted for both you and Matty a safe and enjoyable evening. Unfortunately my personal dictionary description of "Corporate" now include's "bunch of unruly drunks with no appreciation for the work involved to entertain them in the name of charity" It was a great learning curve for me unfortunately paid for by this great garrison.

I know the incidents weren't that bad considering and they could have been a lot worse but I still feel embarrassment and responsibility for not being quicker to react and provide the safety to the guys that I was there to help and protect. I believe I tried to take on too many role's that I was very ill'equipped to deal with at once. I hope to never make the same mistake twice. As to Muppet's comment about it being a once off I completely understand and agree. I can't see myself putting my hand up for such an event ever again.

As to the women's fight I would just like to add that not only was she a Gold medal winner but she was also the world's Reigning Heavy Weight Champion and lends even further to the heart of her opponent who was only notified 5 days earlier that her card opponent had pulled out and that the only person they could replace her with was the said 'World Champ' who had a whopping 36 kilo weight advantage and a tonne of experience to boot. she could have pulled out, but with the heart of a true champion she decided to fight in the name of charity. Yes she was outmatched on every level except in my opinion on the biggest contributing factor to any fighter.. her heart... and to her I also tip my hat.

As to Matty's fight He did go out very hard in the first round and had it not been for the headgear that his opponent decided to (rather wisely imo) wear I believe without bias that it would have been a different fight, from what I saw on the video (that I hope to be able to share with you guys in the near future ) Matty really connected with multiple heavy hard hits and to Brad's credit he took them all and continued to fight. I fully believe the first round belonged to Matt though.

The second round was equally riveting and was fairly evenly matched until Brad opened up and Matt had not 1 but 2 of his front top teeth knocked out as well as a cut above his right eye (which needed 2 stitches) so the round definitely went to Brad.
To Matty's credit and with heart that was bigger than his muscles he decided to go back in and finish the fight on his feet and without quitting which must have been pretty bloody tough to do after sustaining such damage.

While I have not yet had a chance to talk to him since the fight (I prefer to give him his space to re cooperate) his Dad (my step dad) has informed me that he has had both teeth put back in but as they did not get them in till the next day the chances of them retaking has been greatly reduced which will undoubtedly end up becoming a great cost to Matty personally on both mental and financial levels. But he is already talking a rematch for charity so I am sure he will bounce back I just would prefer to see him helping charity in ways that wont put him in so much danger to his health.

So again guys I Know Matty was really appreciative of all you did for him and I am so grateful for all the time and effort you guys put in and I hope that while it was not the most pleasurable of nights, that you guys managed to have some measure of fun and that I could at least help tick that box off for you guys. Still keen as to join the family and hope to do way better in the future. Cheers Bardello
May your passions surround us and bind us.......to the Darkside..
Despite the outcome, I'm glad the 501st made a presence and helped draw the attention of the crowd. Top work to everyone involved!
I survived Dreamworld 2010
Bardello you did a fantastic job mate and as I've come to learn you can't be wrangling in two places at once.
any pics of this event up yet?
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 98462kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
(Sunday 30-Dec-2012, 11:17 PM)Beanie Wrote:  any pics of this event up yet?

Yes Im waiting to see pics of the card girls and the emporer as well Beanie Eyebrows
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Im waiting for Ash to hand them over :P
i see a few pics have been uploaded here
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 98462kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
just me or does the emperor have a dirty old man vibe going on? Cheeky

the blond gets a lot of red eye in some of her shots ... looks very evil so she fits in
DW2013 to DW2018
good work troopers

sorry, I just found all these troop reports i missed
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14


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