Greetings fellow Star Wars fantatics
I apologies for the late reply I've been very sick. The reason why I don't feel confident when it comes to making stuff like costumes and other things, is because I am very accident pron. Every time I try to use a thread and needle or even a sewing machine I end up in hospital, I know it's bad is it? Also another factor that comes into play is that I've got a learning disability, it takes my a very long time for me to learn anything. The reason why I am saying this is because I truly believe honesty is the best policy.

I would love to have a Star Wars costume that I can say that I made it and be proud of it, so that's why I don't mind being a Cadet for a while. But I know for a fact that Ducky will be on my ass about it and will slap me around when the going get's tough and that's what I love about her. But I am always ready to learn and challenge myself in whatever I do and be inspired by other people. I am here to learn and I am here to be inspired, as Yoda once said Do or Do not their is no try.
You'll be right mate. I just burnt my fingers sticking stuff on my Tusken Babies face with a glue gun...burnt my fingers not once, not twice ...but three times, You would think I would have learn the first or even second time :P
Ducky I've had to have a sewing machine surgically removed from my hand
(Thursday 25-Apr-2013, 12:33 PM)Artemis Wrote:  Ducky I've had to have a sewing machine surgically removed from my hand

Owwww that sounds painfull.

There are still plenty of costumes that can be bought "off the shelf" e.g. Officers, Crewman, Pilots and require only a little bit of modification and a there a few really good seamtress's around the garrison who can help us sewing impaired out.
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky

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