Worongary Muscle Car show
Troop Report 
Troop Report Written by Bullant

Date: 29th July 2012

Venue: Worongary State School

Time: 1000hrs-1400hrs

Mission: Troop in support of the Worangary State School as they hosted the
Gold Coast Muscle Car show.

Trooper Attendance:

CC Glitch
TD Spacebandit


Cadet Bullant


A beautiful sunny day greeted us as we disembarked our transports. Glitch
and Spacebandit were found suiting up as Bullant arrived ready for his
second attempt at wrangling.

We had been invited to circulate through the display of 100+ muscle cars,
rooting out rebel scum and looking for potential recruits to join the empire
in support of our cause.

Our first lap around the oval resulted in some interesting discoveries ...

First of all we were happy to discover Lord Vader's personal transport
vessel, which had obviously just returned from the detailers:

[Image: IMG_1647.JPG]

Further searching led to the discover of Glitch's personal transport vessel:

[Image: IMG_1693.JPG]

We continued searching through the crowds, stopping for many photos and
putting smiles on the faces of many future recruits. We noticed a
disturbing trend for the local population to refer to us as "star troopers".
This will be raised in a separate report to Lord Vader requesting intensive
indoctrination and re-training for the affected individuals.

The day was starting to warm up, when we spotted a purveyor of local iced
delicacies. Our attempts to relieve the operator of his wares

[Image: IMG_1660.JPG]

did not quite have the desired effect, with the operator interpreting our
demands as a request for imperial credits rather than iced foodstuffs

[Image: IMG_1661.JPG]

After a short break in the air-conditioned school office empire HQ
we returned for several more laps around the oval. Another opportunity was
spotted for some refreshments, although this appeared to be what the locals
refer to as a "dry" bar:

[Image: IMG_1690.JPG]

We noticed a disturbing trend, with many incredibly tiny dogs at the event
(no pictures sorry). Working on the theory that this might be the result of
some sort of rebel shrink ray, we investigated what appeared to be some
transport vessels that had suffered a similar fate. Spacebandit attempted
to board one of the vessels to investigate further, but was left ultimately

[Image: IMG_1665.JPG]
[Image: IMG_1666.JPG]

A couple of rebel scum decided that it would be funny to try and steal
Glitch's blasters, and even tried a few shoves in the back. These rebel
scum were quickly detained and then sent on their way. We also decided to
make an public example of them by destroying their transport:

[Image: IMG_1679.JPG]

If only we had met up with this imperial sympathiser earlier in the day, we
could have pointed him in the direction of the troublesome rebels

[Image: IMG_1669.JPG]

A little later in the day and the event organisers thought it would be a
good idea to see which of the local transports could make the most noise.
Great idea unless you are stuck inside a plastic helmet with no way to put
your fingers in your ears!

[Image: IMG_1687.JPG]

As the day wound up, we passed by the local food tents, where we were
graciously provided with some left-over food products comprising what
appeared to be minced wampa between pieces of bread. They were greatly
appreciated and very tasty. Once de-armoured, we headed out to the oval for
one last task ... to secure some iced delicacies. We were saddened to hear
that the ice cream machine had been turned off, but once the operator
realised who we were, it was turned back on with a smile and we were
supplied with ice cream cones with no need for imperial credits to be handed

As we finally headed for our transports to depart the event, it Spacebandit
was seen to be deciding which of these two transports he was going to take
home ...

[Image: IMG_1704.JPG]

Charity Funds Raised: NIL

Injuries: Some minor armour bites for Glitch

Malfunctions: NIL

Public Incidents: Several attempts to abscond with blasters were stopped
with a stern gaze and quiet talking to.

Mission Status: Absolute success.

Photos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/soxyp1vryhz2k8e/S78I3UT8O7#/
:GCSN12: -> GCSN16
DW2012 -> DW2016
BN12 -> BN16
That's a great cameraman you had there Wink
Looks like a great day made better with Troopers. Well done guys!!! Fantastic photos too.

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Very cool, Bullant! Adding a bit of spice here and there and photos certainly make a Troop Report exciting! Well done Troopers and Wranglers! Bigfan
Nice work guys...well done!!
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

(Tuesday 31-Jul-2012, 09:52 PM)Bullant Wrote:  That's a great cameraman you had there Wink

Yet he mysteriously forgot to take any photos of you, Bullant! lol.
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Great troop report Bullant! A big thanks to both you & Glitch for an awesome day. Photos are great! Still laughing about being mistaken for that character from Topgear & the "Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper" comments, but we don't talk about that.
I survived Dreamworld 2010
I maybe short, but my mum always told me all nice things come in small packages
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Can't believe I left the Stig conversation out of the report....

So Spacebandit and Glitch were having a rest and a drink when two office ladies walked past our door. "Oh look", says one to the other "it's those guys from the show with the cars" ... much scratching of heads ensued as we tried to work out what she was talking about "You know, the one with the three guys and they review cars". "Oh, top gear?", "yes" she says "it's good of you guys to dress up as their mascot".

I think that's the first time a clone commander or sand trooper has been mistaken for The Stig!

Spacebandit did well, with the first "aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?" comment not coming until around midday, however the count was up to 3 by the end of the day. Burn of the day goes to this conversation in stage whispers between a 5 year old and his dad

5 yo: "Dad, why is he smaller but he has a bigger gun?"
Dad: "Perhaps he is compensating for something"

My other half has just informed me that our picture made the school bulletin.
I survived Dreamworld 2010
I maybe short, but my mum always told me all nice things come in small packages
I didn't have access to the photobucket account when I wrote this trip report, but I do know and I've uploaded all the photos

haha most excellent work bullant!
i totally forgot... lol
:GCSN12: -> GCSN16
DW2012 -> DW2016
BN12 -> BN16

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