Bridge to Brisbane, 2nd September 2012
Troop Report 
Date: 2nd September 2012

Venue: Gateway Bridge to RNA showgrounds

Time: 0400 - 0930

Mission: To walk 10km, from gateway Bridge to RNA Showgrounds. Ensuring that any Rebel forces attempting to disrupt the event are dealt with to the full extent of Imperial law.

Trooper Attendance:
TD Apok
TK Bigmac
ID Buzzard
TD Cavalier
TB Hoon
TD MrKrunch
TKc Phoenix

Guest Trooper Attendance:

Support Crew:
Krunch Clan


Mission title: Gateway to RNA Security Patrol
Sector/System: Brisbane

0400. Commander Phoenix of the Sunshine Sector arrives at the RNA docking ports after late night ops in Ipswich system, with support trooper/pack mule/holo-vid recorder Hopfot. Leaving his transport at the docking station, Phoenix and Hopfot departed via a cool hot little black landspeeder. Arriving at the Murarrie station, the Commander proceeded to gear up into his signature, well polished, blue striped stormtrooper armour.

0430 - 0600. As the yellow sun rises and silver moon fails, the troops filter in from their various sectors, first to arrive Imperial Officer Buzzard and support trooper Lei, immediately followed by support trooper Ashbash - supporting a spranged ankle. Holo-imager Kieren (aka Yub Yub) then soon arrived with his latest in advance protable holo-imaging capture device. Sandtrooper and Stromtrooper, Apok and Bigmac then arrived with support trooper J'Girl, and shortly after Sandtrooper MrKrunch towered over with his own personal support team. Civilians in awe of the site of the Empires finest and strongest requested permission to snap holo-images of the Imperial might. And with keeping good relations to public in mind, the Imperial Force happily complied.

0600 ~ 0700. With the crowds beginning to move to the start line of this epic journey, the troopers begin to move forward. Linking up with advance Scout Trooper Hoon, who had been performing his duty of scouting the crowds ahead for any possible Rebel insurgence. However, he had found time after his scout, to dance and entertain the vast crowds. Their was also some fun to be found by Hoon with taking photos with a banana.
After a short walk the troopers were announced by the local MC to be crossing the starting line, an announcement that was met with the cheers from the crowds, we can be sure that Imperial support is strong in this system.

0700 ~ 0900. Patrolling the the length of the course, stopping every kilometer for holo-images the troops were much loved by the civilian and local security population. The troops enjoying every step of the way and the support from the locals, with support troops moving about aiding the Imperial team in any way. And Yub Yub hover around capturing epic holo-images, it was even sighted every once and a while Hopfot would race ahead to get a good angle for holo-vid records. With full support crew gear and more, in his pack, this would prove costly at 7km.
By the 5km mark sandtrooper Cav appeared in full gear joining with the main force. The patrol unit was now complete, but by this point, very ready for the toilet break near the 7km mark. Approaching the 7km Apok and Hoon were seen racing ahead, desperate to relieve themselves of the fluids they had consumed. A great tradition of this troop, the race to remove ones armour as quickly as possible was to be captured on holo-vid by Hopfot. With the full gear on his back he begun to race ahead of the 2 troopers, not a wise decision as very quickly it took it's toll and over worked his legs begun to shut down. arriving at the rest stop, with J'Girl by his side to support. Hopfot begun recording the "immediate de-armour procedure", then removed all gear and rested whilst to troopers took their bathroom break and posed for more photos.
Ready to move out, J'Girl (despite objection) helped with Hopfot's gear lightening his load (A very much appreciated act). 3 km to go the troopers entered formation for an awesome display and even posed for the camera crews with the clowns of the Starlight Foundation. With the final km, the troops trading highfives with Pete of Triple M (Every high five giving a $1 donation to kids helpline). The troopers now entered their final formation for a display of Imperial might and the Empires rule. With support trooper Hopfot making the iconic dash ahead to capture the troopers on holo-vid crossing the finish line.

0900 ~ 1130. The long walk over, troopers exhausted. They made their way to the Jubilee where joined by Troopers Moxxxie and Cobra from their week long security operations at the Celebration VI convention in the far away system of Orlando, Florida. Many stories of conquest and awesome were traded. With the mission over and a success, the troopers went there separate ways. Bidding each other farewell and until next time.

Nothing beyond sore muscles and exhaustion.

MrKrunch had a minor armour malfunction that was easily fix.
Phoenix's Shoulder strap became jammed into his helmet.
The infamous cod-strap struck again, this time Apok and was removed with use of a box cutter by Hopfot (Apok may have been nervous with a knife being that close).

Public Incidents:
None, although ID Buzzard was mistaken for a French Police officer.

Mission Status:
Exhausting success.

Awaiting Kieran's Upload of photos.


Just on an extra note, I want to put out a very big thank-you too all the wranglers. You all did a wonderful job looking out for the troopers.... and even me when I pushed myself too hard. Extra thanks to J'Girl for taking on the extra weight of my gear for me.
Next year everyone can just be sure to bring their own water, cause I'm not doing that again. Wink
Great work guys! Bugger we couldn't end up making it. Nice report Hoppy, and thanks APOK for stepping in at the last minute to take over POC duties.
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012
Well. Done guys. Brilliant job as always
I SURVIVED THE HOTDOG CHALLENGE: TIME TO BEAT 13 MINUTES 19 SECONDS[Image: tumblr_l2ck3iffPx1qc073co1_400.gif]
Well done all !
Great job everyone!
Great report, Hop - and well done to the troopers. This is a hardcore troop, and I'm still bummed I couldn't make it in time to join you on the starting line!

(still, it was great to hear your stories at the Jube afterwards!)
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Great report, looking forward to attempting this myself next year. Time to start training ...
Awesome stuff, great troop report...can't wait for the pics Smile Smile
Great report Hop..... hope you have recovered :-) You did a great job but definitely no big heavy backpack for you next year.
Great report Hoppy. Awesome troop and let's see if we can make double figures for troopers in armour next year!!! Thanks to all the support crew. You make it easier to do.
excellent report Hoppy! i'll be armouring up next year for sure!
and next year I should run a boot camp for everyone... muwahahahaha!
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
Great work everyone!
Nice work guys
Great work guys Doppeldaumen1
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Great work guys both those in armour and wranglers what an awesome effort.

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