Albany Fair official countdown May 4th Star Wars Day
Troop Report 
Date:May The 4th 2016

Venue:All Saints Parish Primary School Albany Creek


Mission:A small mission to inspect the conviction and loyalty of Imperial youth to Star Wars, Oh!! and to hype them up about the upcoming Albany Fair

Trooper Attendance:
RBG: TKID and username/costume
Diatium TK
Disco TK
Donut TK
Mykill TI:RP
Whitey RC
Sly TK

A quick catch up at a local coffee shop to plan our assault and we were on our way to the school for an inspection.
We arrived at the school and headed straight to our change area, where we were greeted by the Albany Fair organisers and the Principal who turned out to be a Jedi. When he realised we had come in force he attempted to flee with us in hot pursuit.
The keen eye of Darth Nihlius quickly guided the troops, who were packing some serious heat, right to the flighty Jedi.
[Image: DSC_0949_zpsewpngkot.jpg]

Realising he was no match for the "power of the dark side" (spoken in the emperor's voice of course), he was quickly arrested and taken away by crack troopers Whitey and Disco.
[Image: IMG_2941_zpsysjar60e.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2944_zpsbur3ncnl.jpg]
Willing to see the error of his ways, Principal Pashen was returned to the inspection parade where we were to hand out awards for the most diligent students of the week.

[Image: IMG_2951_zpscqmswnb9.jpg]

[Image: 174.a%20copy_zpssznlgfoh.jpg]

Some students were so devoted, they emulated their imperial heros, it was Star Wars day after all.
[Image: DSC_1028_zpseegsnhzh.jpg]

Soon it was time to leave so we were up for another photo opportunity with the Albany Fair organisers Eszter and Dave, Local member Tim Mander, and school principal Peter Pashen.
Thank you guys for allowing us to help make your school parades awesome.
[Image: IMG_2932_zpse3a4i9sq.jpg]

Charity Funds Raised:Not applicable for this troop

Injuries / Malfunctions:
Yet again Disco's Cod strap didn't disappoint, as it let go on a few occasions

Public Incidents:Nothing to report

Mission Status:Complete success, The imperial youth love the empire.

The after party:

[Image: IMG_0347_zpsi4k29kon.jpg]
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]

Messages In This Thread
Albany Fair official countdown May 4th Star Wars Day - by Sly - Saturday 7-May-2016, 08:42 PM

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