My li'l Armoury.
Thought I would post some pix of my DLT-19 & SBP which arrived yesterday along with my Crypto & SDS E-11.
All photos taken with my ip4 but did try my best with what I had & the sunlight/ shadows.

SDS E-11, if you look closely you'll see along the third drilled out section of the barrel SDS have used an angled piece of dowel that sticks out the side. This would be where the bayonet lug would be located on a real Sterling, look's nothing like a piece of dowel in real life, lol.
[Image: SDS1.jpg]

The end cap of where the D-ring would sit is rather shabby & the workmanship is rather disappointing, not very clean & seems mismatched.
[Image: SDS2.jpg]

Magazine removed.
[Image: SDS3.jpg]

I don't like how here you can see SDS has used a plastic fill inside where the cocking lever spring would sit.
[Image: SDS4.jpg]

Crypto E-11
[Image: Crypto1.jpg]

[Image: Crypto2.jpg]

[Image: Crypto3.jpg]

Here you can see Crypto's return spring, nice Smile
[Image: Crypto4.jpg]

Crypto & SDS side by side, Crypto on the left.
[Image: CryptoSDS1.jpg]

[Image: CryptoSDS2.jpg]

Crypto's E-11 is a little longer than the SDS
[Image: CryptoSDS3.jpg]

SDS E-11 doesn't come with a D-ring so I'll need to look at this when time allows.
[Image: CryptoSDS4.jpg]

I do like the SDS E-11 & overall I think it's good but it certainly could have been constructed better in places & this is where the Crypto E-11 shines. Time & patience has been put into Crypto's work & it shows.

SBP (Scout Blaster Pistol/ Holdout Blaster Pistol) from Grand Moff Niko over at Tag forums.
[Image: SBP1.jpg]

[Image: SBP2.jpg]

[Image: SBP3.jpg]

[Image: SBP4.jpg]

Will be used for my third build, TB.

Finally my DLT-19 again from Grand Moff Niko
The order was placed for the SBP & DLT roughly at the same time, took about a month & a half for them to arrive which was yesterday.
Very pleased with both especially the DLT, now I need to look at getting a stand made so I can display the DLT.

[Image: MG1.jpg]

[Image: MG2.jpg]

Here you can see the bolt that runs through the bottom section of the barrel to attach to the body.
[Image: MG3.jpg]

I've tried take pix of the wire.
[Image: MG4.jpg]

At the bottom of the photo you can see the section that run's through the barrel to the body.
[Image: MG5.jpg]

Here I tried to get a few shots of the chicken wire & secured around the tracks.
[Image: MG6.jpg]

[Image: MG7.jpg]

Top hole is where the bolt goes through to attach the barrel & body sections.
[Image: MG8.jpg]

Here you can see the detail in the stock & also on top of the stock, right side.
[Image: MG9.jpg]

Again more detail on top of the feed tray.
[Image: MG10.jpg]

Detail around the trigger & finger guard & of course the round disc on the pistol grip & cover over the ammo feed.
[Image: MG11.jpg]

[Image: MG12.jpg]

[Image: MG13.jpg]

Here is the bolt though the barrel & body secured with a nut.
[Image: MG14.jpg]

[Image: MG15.jpg]

All made up.
[Image: MG16.jpg]

[Image: MG17.jpg]

[Image: MG18.jpg]

My li'l Armoury Smile
[Image: MyArmoury1.jpg]

[Image: MyArmoury2.jpg]

After taking all those photos I decided I deserved a beer Hehehe
Cheer's Scotty Wink
[Image: CheersScotty.jpg]

[Image: SigII.jpg]
"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter".
Ernest Hemingway

Messages In This Thread
My li'l Armoury. - by Jaggered - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 02:18 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by Willza - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 02:30 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by The Sniper - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 02:32 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by Buzzard - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 02:59 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by seantrooper - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 03:03 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by Deltorn - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 03:45 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by stormraven - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 03:51 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by DELtaFORCE - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 04:37 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by crypto - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 05:02 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by Jaggered - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 10:30 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by vreidisgod - Friday 1-Jul-2011, 08:35 PM
RE: My li'l Armoury. - by Grand moff Niko - Monday 1-Aug-2011, 12:16 AM

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