Kaboom Comics ,free comics book day
Troop Report 
DATE 7 may
Venue: Kaboom comcs
Time:830 11.00
Mission: To bring Imperial awesomeness and show the people of Toowoomba the power of the dark side
Trooper Attendance:
33827 - Bolt_2112 - TK
90579 - Scotty33 wrangler
MyKill 20552
JJ Jedi youngling
arriving at 815 a crowd of people had already started waiting at the door of the shop to open , by 830 ish all had show up and it was time to kit up
we started off inside the shop but been a small shop with one small aircon unit ,we went out side for some cool air and more photos lots more
this was a first for Kaboom but not its last ,Todd was more than happy with us and will be having us back again and again
Charity Funds Raised none
Injuries / Malfunctions
malfunctions was I left my light on from last trope Banghead
Public Incidents one drunk who move on really fast ,I made one kid cry
Mission Status
we rock and I know that its not the last we hear from Kaboom
photos to come
This was a really fun troop. Smile
Todd seemed really appreciative and I think we managed to add something to the day for them.
Good job beccyd, looking forward to the next one!
They were really happy to have us, although I think some of the customers were annoyed at me for getting between them and their comics!!
Looking forward to the next one Smile
[Image: 53635972792_7031aa3c80_z.jpg]
Great work! Any photos?
You've taken your first step into a larger world.

The droid.. stole a freighter?

Good job for arranging this Beccyd, an awesome day (and some of the looks from the "Bushies" coming into town and their kids was golden - once they composed themselves nearly everyone that passed by grabbed a photo-op).
Todd grabbed us while JJ was having his sketch done and once again thanked everyone and said he would contact you regarding the future appearances he talked about. Thanks for having us along.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Great troop, worth the trip!

We definitely had an effect - the promo rack had zero star wars at the end of the day, there was something like 8 different titles - all gone!

And I learned there was a comic version of a book series I like - and it was on the free rack!

I like how were lined up shortest to tallest Lol
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Good on ya guys and girl! Hopefully a good connection made now with the store and you guys for mutual benefit!

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