Rogue One - Moncrieff Entertainment Centre - Bundaberg
Saturday 7th January 2017

Moncrieff Entertainment Centre,
7 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg QLD

4:00pm arrival/suit up for 5:00pm start - 6:15pm finish


Trooper Attendance:
22422 - Baytrooper - Snowtrooper (TS)
37781 - DarkFather - ROTJ Darth Vader (SL)
10600 - BigDub - TIE Pilot (TI)
21431 - Jayoz - Stormtrooper (TK)
30207 - Phantomblade - ISB
13974 - Dannytheblue - Stormtrooper (TK)
16426 - RedEmperess - Royal Guard (TR)

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance:
22372 - Arienh
11384 - Viper Scout
2070 - CREY (Galactic Academy)
Snap - Cadet

The location marked by Imperial Intelligence for this operation was the humid rainsoaked settlement of Bundaberg. No matter the weather, Troopers of the 501st will do their duty, and at this event it was no different.

Once again our ISB Officer Phantomblade was at the event location before anyone else. The engine systems of Shuttle 938 must've been worked on by someone. I keep hearing this Erso name being mentioned. DarkFather and Arienh arrived aboard Shuttle 456 shortly after Phantombalde. Inside the event location troopers found the Jawa and Gonk Droid previously believed to be missing. A long range transport soon arrived. Aboard Shuttle 929 DannytheBlue and RedEmperess had landed. Having traveled South for the event from Townsville base. Jayoz and Snap arrived right behind them aboard Shuttle 605 from Gladstone base. Another local Trooper, ViperScout, arrived aboard an unknown Shuttle. It apparently used an older code, but it checked out. To round out our deployment of troopers, Shuttle 257 flown by Tie Pilot BigDub, once again loaded Baytrooper and his gear and transported him north to the event. Once again the young Jakkunian CREY had stowed away in the cargo hold. It has become apparent that this youngling has skills, and we all agree that she should be 'nurtured' by the empire, for future operations. 

[Image: 04-BlatantAdvertising_zpsfa7wmsxh.jpg]

Rebel activity seemed low in the area and Imperial Intel could not pick up chatter on their scanners. Weapons were will still deployed. The rebels have spies everywhere after all. Our young Jakkunian  has proven her loyalties to us though. Wink

Even though numbers were down on last years movie release, the Moncrieff's event organizer and manager were both blown away by our costumes and the way we interacted with those who did attend the event. Photos and high fives were the order of the afternoon. The staff at the Moncrieff cant wait to have us back for the next installment of the movies (Episode 8).

[Image: 05-TrooperGroupShot_zpsogyq4nbc.jpg]

Of course, we had the obligatory after-troop meal. Parmys that even shocked Baytrooper I think.

[Image: 11-GroupMealPhoto_zpsynzkxbct.jpg]

Charity Funds Raised:
No Funds Raised at this event.

Injuries / Malfunctions:
Minor malfunction with a strap and a 3.5mm lead on Vader. Nothing major. Icomm malfunction with one of the Stormtroopers.

Public Incidents:

Mission Status:
Awesome report DarkFather Smile
[Image: VXgDbT3.jpg]
Great report as ever Dark Father. Really enjoyed trooping with you all! Peace
"Purple alert! Purple alert!"  What`s a purple alert?" "Well, it`s not as bad as a red alert, but a bit worse than a blue alert... sort of a mauve alert."
Awesome troop report, glad to finally do a troop with the Razorbacks
Tusken " Better DEAD Than SMEG!!! " DancingTK

Hahah, nice report!
Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi 

 DW2016   DW2017 DW2018 DW2019
[Image: Q8GkS6o.jpg]
Nice work DarkFather. Excellent report.
Td  Snowie  Jawa Still working on   Bobafett 
      [Image: gec.png]
I had a blast. So did CREY. She is quiet as a mouse during the troops but then can't wait to gloat to her brother's what they missed. Great to meet a few legendary far northern troopers and troop with our immediate Northern friends again. Great report indeed Darkfather.
DW2017 Tie OCC2017
[Image: xkUIaO4.jpg]
Great work team.

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