7th - 8th September

RNA Exhibition Building
601 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills

0900 - 1400

To once again bring the Redback presence and awesome to another Brisbricks event.

Trooper Attendance:
Hopfot - TX4881
_will_of_the_force - ID33596
StarScribe - TI19888
Dino - TB8336

Hopfot - ID:736

A Lego Batman (Donut)
Spider-man, Indy, Captain Rex (Harrison)
And his crew of other cosplayers.

Support Crew / Guest Trooper Attendance:
Candice - (Support Crew)

Redback Troopers in attendance were Hopfot, _will_of_the_force and StarScribe.
This year was a patrol mission of the venue, posing for photos and just simply being awesome. There were smiles, there were tears (because Mum and Dad had to drag the child away), there was also Lego Batman punching little girls in the face (She was fine, his hands were soft, must ask what moisturiser he uses).

Redback Trooper in Attendance were Hopfot and Dino.
Same as the Saturday, mission of patrolling the floors, posing for photos and just simply being awesome some more. The started with the special needs and sensory sesson. Many smiles again, another child crying (Which intensified when they saw us), and one little girl posing for a photo with our 2 troopers, only to discover the free standing poster behind her, was not a solid wall. The poster was undamaged and okay.... oh and so was the girl, she got her awesome photo, whilst Mum and Dad laughed.

I can only thank and commemerate the efforts of all troops and other cosplayers over this weekend of Brisbricks. They not only put in the full expectations of their duty, but went over and beyond it.

Oh and Batman did a dance:

Injuries / Malfunctions:
Spider-mans zipper broke. I fixed it.

Public Incidents:
1 girl punched in face by batman

Mission Status:
Resounding success. and much praise from the Brisbricks team for our efforts.

Link to all: BBX24
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Great troop to do as always. Thanks for being POC Hoppy.
Looks like a wicked troop!
Automatic doors make me feel like a jedi 

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