Date: Saturday, 7th December 2024
Venue: Sandgate Town Centre, Sandgate Qld
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Mission: To add a festive Star Wars presence to the Community Christmas Festival and Parade “Jingle All The Bay”. A big event and local tradition with thousands attending.
Trooper Attendance:
Wrexham - TK
Rebelrach (POC) ID (first hour)
Rebel Legion:
Gavin - RFT
Rebelrach – ANH Leia (parade only)
A great cool breeze made the night very pleasant for this year’s Jingle All The Bay with no rain in sight thankfully. Big crowds were gathering with lots more stalls, food and rides. The parade was in reverse to last year, beginning near the police station and finishing around the park near the Town Hall. We kitted up and wandered out to mingle with the crowd for an hour before the parade and stopped for lots of photos and high fives. Wrexham’s dog Meg was happy to pose for a pic with her human stormtrooper too!
While we marshalled for the parade we had lots of the groups come up for photos and we were impressed by the size of the crowds as we walked slowly along for the parade. Great to see other costuming groups as well as all the vintage cars and of course Santa and Mrs Claus on a boat and trailer! Lots of cheers and applause and a very heartfelt thank you from the Marketing manager for us attending. A really great event to be part of.
Charity Funds Raised: Nil
Injuries / Malfunctions: Nil
Public Incidents: NIL.
Mission Status: Big Success. Parade and crowds are growing each year. Lovely cool breeze it made it very pleasant to troop in, and lots of cheers and claps from the crowds. We were able to park close to the change room in and had plenty of room, and they are happy to host us again next year.
Venue: Sandgate Town Centre, Sandgate Qld
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Mission: To add a festive Star Wars presence to the Community Christmas Festival and Parade “Jingle All The Bay”. A big event and local tradition with thousands attending.
Trooper Attendance:
Wrexham - TK
Rebelrach (POC) ID (first hour)
Rebel Legion:
Gavin - RFT
Rebelrach – ANH Leia (parade only)
A great cool breeze made the night very pleasant for this year’s Jingle All The Bay with no rain in sight thankfully. Big crowds were gathering with lots more stalls, food and rides. The parade was in reverse to last year, beginning near the police station and finishing around the park near the Town Hall. We kitted up and wandered out to mingle with the crowd for an hour before the parade and stopped for lots of photos and high fives. Wrexham’s dog Meg was happy to pose for a pic with her human stormtrooper too!
While we marshalled for the parade we had lots of the groups come up for photos and we were impressed by the size of the crowds as we walked slowly along for the parade. Great to see other costuming groups as well as all the vintage cars and of course Santa and Mrs Claus on a boat and trailer! Lots of cheers and applause and a very heartfelt thank you from the Marketing manager for us attending. A really great event to be part of.
Charity Funds Raised: Nil
Injuries / Malfunctions: Nil
Public Incidents: NIL.
Mission Status: Big Success. Parade and crowds are growing each year. Lovely cool breeze it made it very pleasant to troop in, and lots of cheers and claps from the crowds. We were able to park close to the change room in and had plenty of room, and they are happy to host us again next year.

![[Image: XFqh6O5.jpg]](