TPM Indooroopilly Cinemas
Troop Report 
Date: 8th/9th February 2012

Venue: Events Cinema Indooropilly

Time: 11pm to 12am

Mission: The Phantom Menace 3D - Midnight Showing

Trooper Attendance: Deltorn, Phantom, Hopfot & Sithprincess

Guest Trooper Attendance: Appearance of Cadet Andrew Knight

Support Crew: Philip

Arrived at destination approx. 22:00 hours to find trooper Deltorn had met with our contact secured the change room. After a brief exchange of pleasantries Deltorn showed me to the change room to store my equipment. Small would not really adequately describe it.
We moved to the lobby to await other troopers. At about 22:15 trooper Hopfot arrived and was shown to our small but workable change room.
We all chatted until the arrival of Sithprincess who had Philip in tow. After a few minutes of catching up and sharing stories of the day we adjourned to the change room to suit up.
It wasn't till then we realised that trooper Hopfot was donning jedi robes he assured us that he was no double agent and was only doing it because of problems with his other armour. Although sceptical we kept an eye on him closely.
After suiting up, TK, TB, IC and Jedi up we moved out to the cavernous lobby. Still with about 1 hour to go before midnight not too many locals had appeared.
So we wandered around harassing some local inhabitants who failed to make eye contact with some of Vaders finest a sure sign of rebel insurgents.
We then moved to higher ground to asses the layout of the complex. More locals started to arrive and where shocked to see us. It was here we met a young lad who was doing his best impersonation of our lord Vader, very impressive.
Trooper Deltorn known to smell a beer from a mile away spotted a bar so we moved in for a closer look after hearing some strange music coming from the cantina. We stopped in had look at the drinks menu but decided it would be best to wait until we are off the clock to enjoy a local beverage.
We met new cadet, Andrew, who pumped us for information and fired off lots of questions. The locals must have heard of our presence and started to move into the area. We did spot a few other jedi carrying light sabres, but also a few imperials, Vader and Maul as well so it sort of evened out. Our suspicions of trooper Hopfot proved to be correct he was in fact a rebel but it was too late.
A lot of photos were taken and everyone was basking our awesomeness. We had a look at the time and 24:00 was approaching fast. We made one last sweep of the premises and moved along any stragglers. Moved back to the change rooms to de-armour. Troopers Deltorn, Hopfot, Sithprincess and Philip decided to stay and watch a local movie The Phantom Menace 3D, trooper Phantom declined as he had a 6am start at his other job.
We have been requested to come back on Saturday as there is a younglings club who would love to meet and get up close with Vaders finest.
We bid farewell.

Charity Funds Raised: $250 to Starlight

Injuries: Nil

Malfunctions: Nil

Public Incidents: Nil

Mission Status: always. Big thanks to Philip who took photos and handed out some cards...and helped me to find the button to the elevator.

Photos: Photobucket Photos
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Great report, Phantom!

Those pesky elevator buttons, eh? Little rascally things they are!

I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Great stuff troopers, and Steve for the report.
Dont know about you, but im struggling to stay awake this morning after a late night and early morning start.
Yeah, great report.

Here's the photos Philip took:

Yeah, a bit tired today. But all good. Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
Should have just blaseted the elevator button Smile

Struggling is a good way to put it...time for another coffee
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

A couple of highlights:

Deltorn made some friends.
[Image: IMG_0020.jpg]

Checking out the Menu.
[Image: IMG_0034.jpg]

Using the Force.
[Image: IMG_0046.jpg]

Guarding that pesky lift.
[Image: IMG_0030.jpg]

Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
Good to see Del finally taller than something else lol - good work guys!
Nice job guys!

Remember, blasting a button is always the best way to make a machine activate once through it's intended operation. Smile

You all did really well!
Thanks for taking the lead on this one Phantom. Great work guys.
I just had a call from Lauren from the cinema.
She just wanted to thank us for last night and make sure that everything was ok for us on the night.
Lauren said she has had a huge response from people who saw us there and they loved having us.
She also just wanted to confirm numbers for Saturday kids club as well. So if you are local please jump on, it is only for an hour from 1-2pm.
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

I can make it back again.
I survived Dreamworld 2010
Nice report and great work.

Bit worried about the imperial crews infatuation with some rebels.

[Image: IMG_0036.jpg]

[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Great job Doppeldaumen1
Glad you are doing the kids club on Saturday - I have special friends attending the session just to catch a glimpse of the mighty Redbacks Yahoo
Photos added to the RBG Photobucket account
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

Great job Troopers
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012

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