Does anyone go over to the Rebels ?
Hey Guys,

Don't mean to offend but does anyone ever sell their "kit"so to speak and retire from "trooping" ?

If so I would be interested, as I now want one kit to wear and one on a Manequin in the Cave Perminately.. thinking a Darth somewhere down the trail..

BTW been researching my arse off now for 3 days, but today you guys have peeled back a big layer for me .. cheers,

im not sure what your question is...

Does anyone go over to the Rebels?
yes we have almost 50 members in Queensland that are Rebel Legion members, inc myself and am Tatooine Base Commander (Queensland Base)

Does anyone ever sell their kits? yes many of us buy and make and then sell it off when something newer comes along (which i dont, i seem to just collect it...) but there are times people buy parts and then lose interest and sell it off.

But the ultimate question is.... what are YOU looking for? Stormtrooper, Sith Lords, a Fett or soft costumed Officers (or many others)?
[Image: CtjvZdX.gif]
Distance traveled to troop: 98462kms
Once member of TAG before Redback was a squad, Redback Inter-Garrison Officer (2010-2012) & Merchandise officer (2015-2017) and Tatooine Base Command 2012-2016
Believe Rents is selling a costume send him a pm ?
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the quick reply, yes I was attemping humour, I missed LOL

Yes, I was just wondeing if anyone was sellingoff their kits, never saw the point in collecitng 1/6 scale statues, so I am starting a couple of Manequins.

I am after anything that will present well, and not cost the planet.. Stormtrooper's all kinds, Fett even a Darth if their a tired old one out there..

Thanks Wolf I will follow that up immediately..



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