New Guy
OK.... I think I messed up the last post.

New guy looking to do something different and fun.

I seen I missed the last AP, when is the next one? Is there something one can do to start the ball roling? as I really have no idea how to go about this. Is something simple first, or straight in to the white suit! What is the recommended way to go?


AP's kind of happen when someone has some stuff to do and feels like throwing one so they are a little irregular

Recommendation normally is to first ask what of the many costumes do you find the most interest in/passionate about ?

oh and Welcome Smile
DW2013 to DW2018
There are different ways you can go about it.

If you're keen to become a member really soon, it's sometimes cheaper and easier to get a soft costume, like an Imperial Officer, or Jawa, etc.

That way, you become a member, and can get some exerience trooping and wrangling whilst still in costume.

Also, once you're a member a lot more doors open up to help you on your way to the harder armour.

If you're keen to go straight to armour, perhaps save your money by not getting a soft costume, and just take the time to build your armour. You will still be able to get assistance along the way. Just ask heaps of questions, and don't rush things.

So, maybe choose which costume you'd like to do most, then decide if you want a quick costume in the mean time, or take the time to do the one you're really passionate about.

Either way, we'll help you as much as we can.

Hope that helps, and welcome. Doppeldaumen1
Bunnies..... The cutest things ever!
welcome to the redbacks Smile
have a think about a costume that you would really love to do Smile everyone here is more than happy to help you find what you're looking for, except for those sandies! If you want something quick and easy to get you trooping something like an imperial officer or something similar is good as a starter. But that being said a TK isn't a huge project and there's many people here who can advise you on where to source parts and how to assemble your costume so it fits you like a glove.
Clones are cooler
Welcome Sticky, as has been mentioned you have lots of different costumes to choose from and there is also a Rebel Legion for the "good guys". The best recommendation for choosing a costume is too pick something you like, and will be happy trooping in. As to getting involved there is an events link which shows where we are trooping, if you are able to attend one of them you can come along meet some of the garrison and see some costumes close up and ask a few questions.
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
welcome, Sticky!
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Hi All,

Thanks for the welcome. OK way cool. That puts it all in perspective. Starting with a soft getup has merits, however being part of a larger "storm trooper" group has huge appeal and greater attraction for me.

I really like the incinerator trooper look...but start simple first I feel.

I feel it would be better to get to know few of you first, so I will try a find an event soon to come and chat.

Meanwhile: building a shinny nice new suit. I live in Yeerongpilly, is there anyone close-by to chat to? or where and what to start on first.



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