Free Comic Book Day 2010 - Comics Haven Townsville
Troop Report 
Date: 01-05-10

Venue: Comics Haven Townsville

Time: 0900 - 1300 hrs

Mission: To help promote the free comic book day as it is a first fo rtownsville. The owners also said I can shake my R4L can.... so I raised money for that too!!

Trooper Attendance: seantrooper - TK

Guest Trooper Attendance: random guy - Jason Voorhees, another random guy - Jiraiya (from naruto)

Support Crew: Kerry - owner of the comic shop and her team of mini ninjas ( the owner's jawas)

Detail: arriced early for the event as we were expecting the newpaper to turn up. They ended up running about 2 hrs late and we had gone for a walk so the owner had to come and get us Hehehe I ended up raising $93.60 so it was well worth the "effort" to troop. I also trimmed a bit more off my thighs so I can now walk properly and kneel!!!!!

Injuries: None. Although it hurt a bit when my knee hit the ground in my first kneel Smile

Malfunctions: none

Public Incidents: the usual scared kids... although most people were scared of jason...

Mission Status: a complete success. The owner decide to make "the townsville cosplay society"


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DW2011  DW2012 DW2013 DW2017
Nice work there mate.

It's awesome the amount of troops you are doing espically because you are on your own.Notworthy
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
Great work Sean,
Good work mate, looking forward to seeing some pictures of you blasting jason :P

Gotta echo Redpaint's comment. Awesome troop report, look forward to coming up one day and joining in :D
[Image: sterb104.gif]
we got into the local paper (townsville bulletin) so I'll be posting the article when I get it aswell.
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DW2011  DW2012 DW2013 DW2017
(Saturday 1-May-2010, 05:48 PM)seantrooper Wrote:  we got into the local paper (townsville bulletin) so I'll be posting the article when I get it aswell.

Cool, if you are able to keep a copy of it for me, i will pass it onto Adam, for our records.
no problems
 [Image: kaizoku_sentai_gokaiger_henshin_hd_final...55xtn2.gif]

DW2011  DW2012 DW2013 DW2017
Good troop report there Sean, you're doing a fantastic job promoting Star Wars in the far north. Doppeldaumen1

I survived Dreamworld 2010I survived Supanova 2010:dw11SadJUST)
Sorry I couldn't give you a hand today mate, was not the best this morning, good job though mate.
[Image: 47f92236e9a9fa48.png]
Great job again Sean.

But have you got your approval pix and application form in yet?

[Image: BeatDeadHorse.gif]

C'mon Brother..... Join the Empire..... We have cookies!!

[Image: icon_rollinglol.gif]
Real democracy is not something that can be palmed off with a click of a mouse once a year, a crossed box and crossed fingers.

Democracy is for life, not just elections.

I survived Dreamworld 2010DW2011DW2012DW2013DW2014DW2015
Well done. I gotta head up there and join you for a troop or 2. I'm thinking you should be in a commando armour with all these one man troops.
(Sunday 2-May-2010, 11:42 AM)hopfot Wrote:  Well done. I gotta head up there and join you for a troop or 2. I'm thinking you should be in a commando armour with all these one man troops.

well I'd be happy to...... all I have to do is be able to afford the armour, then spend AGES painting it up for a sev :P
 [Image: kaizoku_sentai_gokaiger_henshin_hd_final...55xtn2.gif]

DW2011  DW2012 DW2013 DW2017
(Sunday 2-May-2010, 12:03 PM)seantrooper Wrote:  well I'd be happy to...... all I have to do is be able to afford the armour, then spend AGES painting it up for a sev :P

Have you seen the Email I got pack from PA (Polymer Armour) about the commandos?
photos finally up!!!
 [Image: kaizoku_sentai_gokaiger_henshin_hd_final...55xtn2.gif]

DW2011  DW2012 DW2013 DW2017

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