Gold Coast supanova 2014 Troop Report
Troop Report 
Date: 4-6/4/2014

Venue: Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre

Time: 10am – 6pm

Mission: To amaze the supanova crowds with our awesomeness while raising money for Smart Pups

Trooper Attendance:

Imperial forces started arriving at the GCCEC space station to scope out where we would be setting up our command centre for the next two days. It was a desolate landscape but we knew that we could transform it in to something that would make the Emperor proud.

[Image: IMG_1380-1.jpg]

With some last minute transport changes, our small in number but big in heart crew loaded, unloaded and reloaded the equipment and began the long journey through the M1 sector. Unfortunately, a number of civilian transports, some of which collided together, were also in the M1 sector causing significant delays.

Their long journey did eventually end and the construction crew jumped to action.

[Image: IMG_1386.jpg]

As the construction came to completion, we were able to take a step back and absorb the awesomeness, knowing that the command centre was ready for the inevitable invasion that would take place over the next two days.

[Image: IMG_1388.jpg]

The sun rose on Saturday and our troopers started arriving at the staging area where we were subjected to an unaccustomed level of luxury with a water station, privacy screen, hanging racks and mirrors. Our hardened imperial troopers were not distracted, however, by these unfamiliar surroundings and armoured up ready for the assault that lay ahead. Luckily, there were plenty of imperial snacks at the ready too.

[Image: IMG_1404.jpg]

The galactic civilians started arriving in all manner of attire ready to be wowed by the Imperial Forces. There were photos and frivolities galore with crowds so large, the cargo bay doors to the GCCEC space station were temporarily closed.

A visit from some Smart Pups melted the hearts of the civilians and troopers alike but gave us the strength to march on and shake those buckets knowing what we were all here for.

[Image: 10005842_269885746514528_212603613_o.jpg]
Photo Courtesy of Lei

At the end of a long day, the troopers retired to a local cantina known as Aztecs. The Mexican-inspired brews provided ample refreshment for the battle-weary however there were mixed reports on the quality of the food capsules.

Sunday morning arrived and it was time for the troops to form up and show the people of Broadbeach our Imperial might. With our Imperial Officers and Lord Vader in the lead, the troops marched tall and proud.

[Image: 1030.jpg]

As a show of force, we even paraded one of our Wookiee prisoners behind us.

[Image: 1016-1.jpg]

Our Clone Troopers were honoured by a visit from the father. After shouts of (insert kiwi accent here) “dad”, “dad, over here”, he was very quick to demonstrate that he doesn’t have a favourite by mingling with all of the clones equally.

[Image: 991.jpg]

With a quick hydration break the troops were ready for another day which included visits to some other institutions in the GCCEC space station.

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[Image: 10150680_10203549676087339_985986411_n.jpg]
Photo courtesy of Duras

Our spies provided intel that the Wookiee leader known as Peter Mayhew was nearby. We immediately sent out a small attack crew lead by Lord Vader. Peter and Vader waged an almightly battle. Lord Vader nobly represented the Empire and allowed Peter the opportunity to call it a draw so that there was time for a few photos. Verne Troyer (mini-me) expressed his enthusiasm for serving the Emperor as well.

[Image: 1120.jpg]
[Image: 1129-1.jpg]
[Image: 1133.jpg]

After a triumphant assault in the GCCEC space station, the troopers began disassembling the command centre and packing up for the trip home. Everyone began dispersing in their private transports except for the small but tenacious crew who worked late in to the night unloading the command centre components showing the true spirit of the Redback.

As the troopers were retiring to their barracks, we were able to look back over the weekend and feel satisfied that the imperial citizens of the Gold Coast had been amazed by our awesomeness and that the bad guys doing good had triumphed again.

[Image: 1059-1.jpg]

Charity Funds Raised: $4985.40 for Smart Pups

Injuries / Malfunctions: Unfortunately Dino’s armour sustained catastrophic damage rendering it unfit for duty.

Public Incidents: None reported

Mission Status: Complete Success
Wow great report... I think the band pic credit though is Bec's not sure who took the Black Milk one
DW2013 to DW2018
All the pics are mine except for the one with the smart pup and the rockband... Apologies if I have incorrectly attributed that to Duras. Can the owner of the rockband pic please stand-up? If the owner of that one is not happy for it to be in there, I can delete. Or if there is someone with a rockband pic they are willing to share (fully credited), I can switch it out.
awesome work J'girl, well did an fantastic job at SNGC
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Great weekend, thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you J'Girl Smile
Yes Fantastic job J'Girl, it was a great weekend,
was great fun :D
Thanks to all, I had a great time. Looking towards catching up at the next big event.
Awesome job, well done J'Girl for beng GEM, the assistant GEMs, all the bump in/out peeps, volunteers, spotters, wranglers, troopers and most importantly the spouses/partners who put up with us.

This Garrison is awesome!


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