Pew Pew Pew Hasbro
How wide is the aluminum you bought?

if wide enough, and you still want to be able to disassemble the blaster, perhaps secure it with glue to only one half then screw the halves back together.
The rail would only be sitting on or against the other half of the blaster.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
That's a good idea. That's how I will do it tomorrow.

What about painting? Still have to wait for my doopydoos and hyperdyne.
Should I paint both half's while I wait. And later on paint the doopydoos when it arrives?
Should I glue the doopydoos and paint it all together?
Painting while assembled is much easier, as you can simply mask up areas you want a different colour. As an example, the grip should be a gloss black, as should the T tracks that run down the barrel, where the rest of the gun should be a mat black.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Damn. Now I have to look for something else to do then.
Ok so:
T-tracks, Grip, > gloss black
Rest > mat black
Scope > brass undercoat
Rest > silver undercoat
Just paint the scope Matt black, and use a dry brush technique to add brass weathering.
It's easy to do. Have a look at my Blaster build thread for an idea, but happy to Explain or even show you how to do it.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
That looks amazing. Yeah I dry brushed a lot when I made my warhammer miniatures. Thanks for the tip.
Here we go again :D

[Image: e9f0660b76dc7f9a196fdc1d02f0b29e.jpg]

So, some hot glue, some dremel action and the scope rail found its place into 1 half of the Blaster (thanks Sly)

[Image: 129a760073faf23676e01b806c7c510b.jpg]

Both half's fit together and the scope rail looks quite nice.

[Image: 9ed9e7341c3127c7e9b2c32e4318f9db.jpg]

Now I just looked for stuff to do.
So I cut off a couple screw-heads to fit on the blaster

[Image: c267eab99eff8d79f09cdc44d1249434.jpg]

I used a Dremel (engraving bit) to make some room on both sides of the blaster and the Battery lid, so I could fit the replacements and glue them in.

[Image: abf168fb84143d9f1cc7c083f25f0c78.jpg]

[Image: 60de26208b1d84e9ad7e6b9520e588c3.jpg]

That's it for today.
Now I'm looking up other builds for some more inspiration.
Thanks for reading
Till next time

Looking good Koliebrie I'm enjoying watching this Doppeldaumen1
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Looking good, like the attention to detailSmile

Something finally arrived today.

[Image: dc9f61763c5ae835892062838d66230b.jpg]

So I'll be going on with it in the next couple of days.
One question though.
Some parts seem a bit oily.
Do I need to prepare the somehow for painting?
Absolutely . Give them a good wash in warm soapy water, wipe dry and then leave to air dry completely. The residue you can feel is called mould release.
You can also use various auto products to clean the parts up but the warm soapy water is the safest.
If you are interested in a more accurate ammo magazine, than the one that comes with the Doopys kit, PM Gazmosis on FISD as he cast one off a genuine Sterling mag. Check my Ell build thread to see what it looks like.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
.....and here we go again (finally)

[Image: 84017c0c5a0eca75198af35ff57616eb.jpg]

First i gave all resin parts a good sanding and wash. Some parts needed a bit more work than others. Especially the folding-stock had some really ruff bits.

[Image: 7a72c2b472611ab8217a0743426a8d6c.jpg]

Next on the list was the drilling of the 3 holes on the bottom of the folding-stock
I started with the dremel and a drill bit (as seen on the picture) to get a starting point.

[Image: 5e10fb6d80299d49e3a8944ba84b1604.jpg]

After the initial first hole I used a engraving bit to shape the holes to my liking.
And let me tell you this is the first time I worked with resin:
It is unbelievably messy.
Resin shavings went everywhere.

Besides it's messy nature resin is easy to shape and carve which makes it awesome to work with ( so far :D )

[Image: 10b8fbe1b856eec5bf5559e4fafb59d7.jpg]

After I gave the shed a really good clean (resin everywhere...... E V E R Y W H E R E) the stand got his 2 layers of primer.

Now I need a shower (to get rid of those damn white flakes) and the primer needs to dry.
More tomorrow...
Picked up where I left off...
and finished it.

[Image: 156faae65c3aa044351ff3394e0796f5.jpg]

After the primer I sprayed two coats of flat black. I read an online a guide to achieve the cracking in the second coat. And it worked out brilliantly.

[Image: 2311084bb9b4e8c0f65557ab0fb54901.jpg]

Next I used "Revelle email white" to fill out the logo in the middle.
After 4 hours I added 2 layers of "Revell red clear lacquer" to give the logo a glossy bright finish and after another 4 hours I painted the top with "Revell email silver"

[Image: 70d94a1599720806cdc60941b5576c63.jpg]

I still had a metal " one credit " bill of the first galactic Empire. Which I glued to the stand.

[Image: 3c042208120a02242af236c7c5b2d3e6.jpg]

Last but not least 2 strips of red felt glued on the top of each arm finalised the stand (for now).

[Image: 5c8d9b401fd1c486a33d722f30c2c8e6.jpg]

Das ist ganz gut......sehr gut.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
Ahahahaha thanks man.

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