2015 Bridge to Brisbane - Troop Report
Date: 30th August 2015
Venue: Sir Leo Hirschler Bridge, Murrarie to RNA Showgrounds.

Time: 0700 hours (actual kitting up time was 0430 hours)

Mission: To complete the 10km course of the Bridge to Brisbane.

Trooper Attendance:

TD3409 - APOK - TD
TK7384 - Bigmac - TK
TK0889 - Cobra - TKC (PSV)
Mykill - Wrangler

Support Crew: Mykill
Now, normally we get at least a half dozen troopers to this event, but as real life has a tendancy to do sometimes, things just get in the way. At least one member was sick, and as mean as I am sometimes, there is no way I'd put anyone on this course if they were unwell.
So the the only three Troopers brave, (crazy), enough to leave their warm beds at 0330 hours for a 0430 hours kit up, were these guys below...


After parking close to the RBH, we kitted up and made our way to the to the free Imperial Shuttle (bus) which took us to Murrarie. After a quick 800 metre uphill walk, we made it to the starting area, at about 0550 hours. As we were a little earlier than usual, we were well positioned to make a quick start. While we were waiting, we took plenty of prestart photos and joked around with the imperial friendly civilians.

Apok's efforts to include an Imperial tax on all photos, were not well received by the civilians, who refused to pay. (they'll be getting bills in the mail)
Mykill arrived soon after to assume wrangling duties.
Once our group, which I've now named the "IMPERIAL WALKERS", were cleared to go, our mission was to do the 10kms quicker than we did the year before, which was 1hr 50mins. With that in mind we powered to the very top of the of the bridge, passing many 'would be' athletes. The look of dismay on the faces of the competitors being passed by us, was priceless...deflated is also a good description.

Apok walking passed them saying, "how do you feel, you're being passed by a Stormtrooper,"

With fewer photos being taken this year and better coordination of those that were, (most of them taken while we were moving), we managed to save a lot of time.

We stopped at he 66 marker (6.6km) for a photo, for newer members, this is a regular photo for the troopers doing the walk as it signifies "ORDER 66". At this point we had many walkers trying to take photos, I said to them, "if you know the significance of the 66 behind us, you may take a photo, if you don't , you need to move along"...but they still took photos anyway...just rude!


As we were getting closer to the finish line, we could we tell that we were making good time, (we were using GPS), so it gave us the drive to push on.
The only thing we didn't like is that elevation about the 8km mark, it really kills the legs...it totally sucks.
We finally crossed the line to complete the 10kms at a time of 1 hr 37 mins. We think once the official time comes in it will be around the 1 hr 40 min mark, but that's still around 10 minutes quicker than last year.


There are also rumours that they may be changing the course for next year, which may not include the bridge at all. It is a great event, if you've never done it before, you should really give it a go.

Charity Funds Raised: N/A

Injuries / Malfunctions:
Apok's thigh piece, let's just say that it's best days are behind it.
Apok's leg, ...bleeding...again

Public Incidents:
None to speak of, the civilians were largely well behaved, except for the ones who didn't pay their imperial photo tax and those who were taking unauthorised pictures at the 6.6 km mark...we know who you are!!!

Mission Status:

Up soon, once I have them all.

Special Mention:
Mykill for taking photos and wrangling...then wrangling at another troop in the afternoon. Great job mate
Apok and Bigmac, two of the best troopers you'll ever get to meet. Well done lads.
We caught up with the Drawn 2 Life crew after the walk, they were doing a great job raising money for charity and taking photos with the runners. Costumers Matt, Tyler and Leesa and Wrangler/Photographer Jez, great job guys!
Well done guys.
GCSN16 >> GCSN19
DW2015 >> DW2018
OCC2015 >> OCC18  
BN15 >> SN18
Awesome effort guys!
"I can't see a thing in this helmet."
Great job guys. Great photos too.
[Image: aIWrVx8.gif]
Hats off to you guys. Good work!
Nice work there guys Smile
[Image: sandtrooper_zps59e22898.png][Image: policeoffice_zps0af868af.png] "stay Dirty my friends" MEPD all the way
Champions, great work troopers.
Well done all.
Well done guys.
Awesome effort troopers !

Great report Rick...... yeah they said on the news this year was the last time people were able to walk over the bridge...... I suppose the race will have to be renamed...........
Fantastic effort!!!
Sensational effort to say the least. Congrats on beating last years time.
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer"

[Image: T0ZvRQv.png]

[Image: Eu2xjUD.png]
We were on the news for all of 10 seconds, GLORIOUS!
If a picture paints a thousand words...
[Image: unnamed%2016_zpswcm54ehs.jpg]
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, I said supper is ready!"
DW2015 -> DW2018
OCC2015 -> OCC19
BN15 -> SN19
GCSN16 ->  GCSN19
Big thanks to Mykill for wrangling. You did a good job mate.

To Rick and Bigmac, thanks again fellas for being effing awesome. This troop is a killer and tough. To push on and smash the record was awesome. This troop really brings out the best in mateship. It also shows that only the truly stupid in this garrison do this one haha.

Can't wait for next year!
Great Job guys!

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