Medical Student Association Mixer - Sunday 7th of July 2013
Troop Report 
Date: Sunday 7th of July 2013

Venue: Melbas Night Club. Surfers Paradise.

Time: 6.30pm meet up. 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Mission: To raise some money for Interplast at the Australian Medical Student Mixer.

Trooper Attendance:

Muppet - Vader
Apok - TX Nova Elite
Phoenix - TKC
Sniper - Clone Comet
Oigen - TK
Azrael - TK
Bullant - TK

Support Crew:



Incoming transmission: "Transport to base! Transport to base! We have a problem. Those Rebel scum have sabotaged my landspeeder. They did a good job of it. I'm heading into to Toshi station for repairs. Natwest was also captured by the Rebels, but he escaped their slimey hands. Unfortunately it was a 42km walk to get back to HQ. He is currently in a Bacta tank having a well deserved nap. I will see you at the next mission. Beanie out."

Curse those rebels! We knew we had a big night over watching over Imperial citizens and the worst kinds....drunken students!!!!! With our numbers depleted, not knowing what to expect, we decided to soldier on.

There were two entrances to guard so Lord Vader and the 3 TKs hit the front whilst the TX, TKC and Comet guarded the side. Then they came...

Avatars, space angels, pokemon, star bursts and the dreaded enemy of troopers that can't bend down....Ewoks. Space beings of all kinds where out in force, even Jedi scum raised their glow sticks flowed into the venue. 1400 of them in fact. It was a sea of body paint, glitter and not much clothing. Pictures were taken, body paint was smeared on armour and the masses cheered.

It was to business though to raise some money for Interplast. One small issue was discovered though. Most of the costumes didn't have pockets! Actually most of the costumes were little more than underwear. Therefore no one had change for the rattle cans. Dammit!!! Undaunted both teams went head to head to see who could raise the most money. Vader did quite well with his team raising $71.00. The side team however did not fair so well netting only $6.20. Still every cent helps I guess. Team Vader were declared the winners.

As the night wore on the drunker the students got and we decided to hit the transports and leave the mess in the hands of the big Samoan bouncers at the door. They looked very capable.

A fun, weird, interesting, scantily clad night was had by all. Mission win.
Charity Funds Raised: $577.20

Injuries: Nil

Malfunctions: Nil

Public Incidents: Lots of bottom grabbing, crotch touching, kissing of troopers. I guess being medical students they thought it would be prudent to give us all physicals.

Mission Status: Sort of a success. More money would have been raise if the students actual had pockets...or clothes for that matter. It was a fun weird night that one.

Photos: Muppet has put them on FB.
Ah yes... Scantily Clad Medical students... It was a very interesting evening... Wink
Seems like only a week ago...

DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
Definitely my strangest troop yet ... Wink
More physicals then you could poke a stick at Cheeky

I will be uploading the pics to the Redback account ( I couldn't work out how to ) when im back in Brisbane on the weekend.

Damn Vader vision,mumble, fogging, mumble Sad
was quite a different troop but i enjoyed it Smile
I SURVIVED THE HOTDOG CHALLENGE: TIME TO BEAT 13 MINUTES 19 SECONDS[Image: tumblr_l2ck3iffPx1qc073co1_400.gif]
Sounds exactly like that sort of troop should be... Td
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
So did you all pass your physicals?
Td cough!!! Td
.... It's alright for you to judge me,
sitting up there in your airconditioned battle Cruiser!...

[Image: bfb80cfde9949491.png]
Hey Muppet, how's those pics coming? Smile
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

(Monday 22-Jul-2013, 07:15 PM)Buzzard Wrote:  Hey Muppet, how's those pics coming? Smile

I went looking for them on my laptop but couldn't find them Sad

I have them on my PB account, is there anyway to transfer?
Download them back to your laptop and reload them?
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

(Monday 22-Jul-2013, 07:21 PM)Buzzard Wrote:  Download them back to your laptop and reload them?

Might be my only option

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