Troop Report - Big-W Rockhampton 10-12-2011
Date: 10-12-2011

Venue: Big-W Stockland Rockhampton

Time: 10:00am-11:30am

Mission: Big-W Stockland Rockhampton - Star Wars BluRay Bundle

Trooper Attendance: Angelman

Guest Trooper Attendance: LadyTarkin

Support Crew: Dengar

Not an ideal start to the mission this time, fighting our way through imperial traffic, we were detoured by numerous road works and a trip to Nerf's house to collect cards and flyers. Amazingly still managed to arrive at our rendezvous point (service desk) right on 10:00am, our support unit Dengar had already arrived and scoped the layout, which LadyTarkin and myself were already familiar with. We quickly suited up in the room provided and proceeded out amongst the Rockhampton civilians. We were very well received, many of the imperial citizens engaged us in conversation whilst making donations to the Queensland Cancer Council. Dengar did a fantastic job of rattling the can and guiding me around the store. Thanks to Joanne (who I should talk into doing a female emperor) for arranging the AV section staff to have episode IV playing.
It was quite a leisurely deployment this mission, civilian numbers were down inside the imperial Big-W store, with our reduced numbers we thought it best not to venture into the larger complex, which was experiencing large crowds.
We were pleasantly surprised to be approached by a member from Gladstone with his younglings, who is yet to complete his training. Hopefully we have inspired him to complete his TK build/training.
Several ladies engaged in conversation with LadyTarkin, I'm not sure as to what imperial secrets were shared.
We patrolled the store looking rebels for around one and a half hours but only found smiles and laughter from the imperial citizens enjoying their Christmas shopping.

Charity Funds Raised: $112.60 for Queensland Cancer Council (that's over a dollar a minute, thank you Rockhampton)
Will submit a receipt when I get over to the Cancer Council later this week.

Injuries: Angelman - Small armour bite to back of right calf.

Malfunctions: After LadyTarkin and I saw the photos we have adjusted my chest plate to sit lower down. And yes we will be fixing the collar on the Imperial Staff Officer uniform.

Public Incidents: None

Mission Status: Success, handed out a few cards to some interested persons.

I call this one "Please stop laughing or I may have to shoot you"

[Image: Stop_Laughing.jpg]

Jason - future TK

[Image: JasonFromGladstone.jpg]
Awesome troop! What a fantastic result!

Even these small troops can make such a difference to somebodys day. I bet those kids were chuffed!
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Great work, and great $ raised
Awesome work guys, Love to see you spread imperial enjoyment in central QLD.
Great work on the donations, people are usually a bit tight-pocketed at this time of year, to pull off a donation like that is outstanding!
I survived Dreamworld 2010
Nice work up there guys and some good coin raised...congrats
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

it's post's like these that make me want to pull my finger out and get started. alase xmas is here so the $$ ARE TIGHT.
Hi All

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and am looking forward to the next troop.

Even though it was quieter than we expected we were pleasantly suprised with the generosity of the shoppers giving donations and amount of money we raised.

I think the best moment is when a shopper was looking up watching Ep IV on the big screen (seen at the back of the 1st photo). Angelman casually walks up beside and looks up and starts watching it with her. The shopper knows somebody is there and has a quick glance and looks back up to the screen then does the big double take and walks a few steps bewildered then starts laughing. If only I have a video lol

A big success.

I think the laughter was caused be me saying "I think I'm in this movie?"

And I have to admit it's been one of the most relaxed troops I've been on so far.
Dengar you are a great wrangler, we're going to have to find more like you when you suit up in your TK too.
Nice work all. I've always through about shopping in TK gear, so I might have to try this one day myself.

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