Gold Coast SupaNova 2013 Report
Troop Report 
Date: Friday 19th, 20th and 21st April 2013

Venue Address: Gold Coast Convention Centre – Longfin Sector, Southern most stronghold of the Redback Quadrant.

Time: 1300 for scouting activities and FOB (Forward Operating Base) setup on the 19th, 0700 for invasion preparation and deployment on the 20th and 0700 for our Victory parade and occupation force assimilation on the 21st with a late extraction of core forces in that evening. An Occupation force of the ever reliable and tough Longfins reigns supreme in this sector until the next uprising which the Emperor has foreseen for the same time next year?

Mission: To answer the call for support by the Longfin squad after Intel reports of Cospalyer’s, Trekkers and Whobian’s and other scum massing to establish a foothold in this newly acquired sector. Little did we know that the Rebel Legion also spearheaded a short insurrection which our Mando comrades quickly disintegrated.

Trooper Attendance:
Ray Park
Thrawn V’Jun
Digital Energy
Bay Trooper
Darth Talon
Sideshow Mel
Rebel Rach
Kev Vader

Support Crew:
Too many to name, not one to shame! The team did an amazing job dressing and escorting many a trooper around the halls and also coming in handy during failures and faults


TK6148 Report: 1300 19th April Longfin Sector

Several early scouting vehicles and transports arrived at the determined time and spot for deployment of the FOB. Scope and Redav quickly avoided capture by the GC Security detail and manoeuvred their transports ready for unloading at bay 2. Some befriending of the SupaNova staff was required for an early unload of the transports and this was engineering by Scope to great effect and securing of the change rooms. The initial reaction force grouped and deployed the Death Star Trash Compactor, Card Prop and Blast doors quicker than our Lord Vader can force choke a poor performing ID. Flailing in the shadows was a lonely Tardis exhibitor, quickly we were dispatched by Lord Vader to help out a fellow Lord, even if he was only a Time Lord with a malfunctioning screwdriver.

0700 20th April Longfin Sector
Answering the call were many 501st, Mando’s and Rebel Legion classes who promptly deployed for the filling of the hall for what became a turkey shoot for Republic Credits. Many a tin was filled and returned to the staging area and the 3 props were quickly occupied by Cosplay, Trekker and Whobian scum trying to turn the tide of invasion. Proudly the force held the lines and we turned out many a pocket of every credit we could find. Due to the massive onslaught, troops were rotated back and forward from the front to the overcrowded changing rooms which had now been infiltrated by some D2L assassins and villains.
By mid morning the scum in this sector had realised that resistance was futile and they succumbed to handing over copious amounts of credits for photo opportunities with members of the invasion force. A visit by Darth Maul who was not in uniform excited the crowds and this ignited a stampede and frenzy on the photo booths. This followed on late into the afternoon with many an imposter spotted trying to emulate the Bad Guys/Girls Doing Good.

1830 – Sometime late – Mexican Cantina

The invasion force had pulled back for an evening of Galactic frivolity with some Mexican flair. Several troopers were seen holding the wrong kind of bucket containing what seemed to be an out of date bacta fluid and consuming food that was sure to transform many a shiny into a Sandy and burning you on the inside like a tepid Tattoonie day..........
Later Dancing and Gelato was had and several troopers had peeled off to for private debriefs and initiations

0700 21th April Longfin Sector

Command had decided that a Victory Parade was in order and the troops massed on the shores of this sector although I feel a few had flashbacks to the battle of Kashyyyk. What happened next was of utter disgrace to this occupation force and a little known warrior from the Kitt system slid in and led the parade back to our FOB and to be honest he was a bit of a Hoff, some would have said Nerf Herder.
Back at the FOB the troops were hard at it as this invasion turned into occupation and the crowds went about their business in an orderly fashion. This was sometimes broken when reports of sightings of Lord Vader, Chewbacca, Mando’s and many Sith and Jedi were rumoured. A short uprising of some Rebel Fleet Troopers was quickly and quietly subdued with only 1 survivor who had not been shot at all........back to the range for you TK’s.

As a token of our appreciation of occupation a nice new shiny TK helmet was raffled off to once again rid the locals of those Republic Credits. Scope had been doing some secret squirrel agreements and out of nowhere appeared Darth Maul to draw the raffle. It was discovered that the commitment and loyalty in this sector of the local scum was very low and several attempts were made to pick a winner but to no avail. Another couple of tickets were drawn and over a secure comlink a winner was notified he had won the helmet. Several younglings were also picked for indoctrination and were given some signed pictures of a guy claiming to be Ray Park.

As the occupation day was winding to an end the Troopers were blessed with some pictures in the Death Star Trash Compactor with Ray Parks and some Imperial Shenanigans entailed. As the final stragglers/scum were escorted out of the gates and to the occupation camps the team was faced with the demobilisation of the FOB and a secure transit of the massed boxes Republic Credits. Training kicked in as did the allure of the closest Cantina to get this done fast and was achieved in record time.
The transports were quickly filled with the spoils of war and props and were dispatched without the aid of any Ion CannonWink

Many a story was shared that evening of Imperial/Rebel Legion/Mando epicness, trophies of war, battle scars and what to keep from the partners back at home...........

Charity Funds Raised: Republic Credits acquired from the deployment - $7767.20

Injuries: Terror’s hair went a bit greyer and then quickly fell outWink

Malfunctions: Card prop nearly toppling backwards due to some overly excited public. Several hard armour malfunctions were seen but not discussed (What happens at Nova stays at NovaWink)

Public Incidents: One member of the public who forgot that the compactor was magnetically sealed and let some crimson out of his eyebrow.

Mission Status: Invasion, Occupation and extraction beyond textbook, the Academies will be teaching this as Galactic Strategy 101 and masses of Republic Credits acquired for thy master for his disposal.

Photos: See the Photobucket account

nicely done brother from another mother. we are lucky to have you too and you did an awesome job. I would follow you into a battle anyday.

love jas
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Battle maybe not so much but I would wave a flag for you Wink

Great job you and your helpers did
DW2013 to DW2018
Wicked Smile was a great weekend!
hey mate could you please add my name to the trooper attendance list.
Hey Terror could you add madine & J'girl to the trooper list as well. Thanks
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
Philosophy is wondering if that means ketchup is a smoothie.

Learn from your past, live for the moment, pray for a future!

:TD: :GCSN12: :TD: DW2012 :TD:
You did an excellent job over the whole weekend, Thanks Terror!
Clones are cooler
Great report, mate. Doppeldaumen1 And a top job you did, also.

(PS, Lei was there, too.)
[Image: ytpTSHu.png]

Science! Because figuring things out is better than making stuff up.

Bloody good job, Terror!

Supanova was a superb demonstration of our Garrison Motto. Proud to troop alongside all of you!
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Me thinks George Lucas should read your troop report. You have a future in screen play writing. Excellent job over the weekend and the report mate. It was a pleasure to be part of your Imperial force.
Great report, although I was there both days (and involved in both hard armour malfunction rectifications, lets hope the photos have been destroyed Wink ) but you left me off the trooper attendance list Cheeky
Great Report mate & thanks for your hard work.

Just in case there was any doubt I thought I'd better provide some photographic evidence that Bullant did indeed "Troop" Doppeldaumen1

[Image: IMG_1196_zps2bdfd318.jpg]

You know what they say, "Troopers Helping Troopers", good on you Bullant, and you're welcome Hehehe
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Nice report Mark.
You did a top job looking after this troop
Mark awesome report and bloody awesome job well done running the 2 days !
Thanks BIDS ... I have a long memory Cheeky

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