Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc
Troop Report 
Date: Sat May 2, 2015

Venue: Comics Etc, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane Qld

Time: 0900-1200

Mission: To add some Star Wars magic to Free Comic Book Day, hosted by James and his gang from Comics Etc. Over 2,000 people attend. They were also raising money via donation tins for Qld Animal Rescue. This was a joint troop with Tatooine Rebel Base, and a thank you to Comics Etc for donating a $200 prize for the Dreamworld raffle (they will be doing the same this year also)

Trooper Attendance:
Redpaint – Scout
DW – Sandtrooper
Stormraven - Tie Pilot
Alpah Prime – Jedi
Tobalation – Jedi
Sithprincess – Queen Armidala
Rebelrach – Xwing pilot / Joint troop POC

Support Crew:
Canuk – Wrangling husband DW
Lucky Phil – Wrangle
Satay (RL) - wrangle
Aasmetz - Cadet
Reij – Cadet
Woodgaven - Cadet

Details: Free Comic Book Day is worldwide and James and his team at Comics Etc went out all this year, they had organised a big hall over the top of the store to hand out free comics, had a stage for photos, make up artists available and coffee as well as hosting a huge sale in their store. With over 2,000 patrons attending in 1 day, the queues were long and it was our job to add a bit of Star Wars magic to the event, pose for pics, accept donations for Qld Animal Rescue, share info on our clubs and hand out flyers for our Dreamworld event (with permission from Apok and Comics Etc). We handed out a huge pile to anyone interested in Star Wars so hopefully that will bring more folk along this year. People were pretty excited with the flyers.

Troopers assembled in a huge dressing room after dodging the large queues of customers who were lined up already well before 9am. DW had to divert around an asteroid field but eventually found his way to us via directions from the local constabulary (honestly, Sandtroopers!)

We split into 2 groups and headed to the stage in the hall upstairs and then wandered up and down the lines of waiting customers, posing for pics, chatting with the crowd, answering questions about our costumes, the clubs, the movies (whatever really) and handing out Dreamworld flyers to those interested. We swapped locations after a while so troopers could have a break (and some cupcakes) and a change of scene. We de-kitted at midday, and headed off to the pub for lunch.

Notable moments included Redpaint hugging a tree, DW almost taking out a row of people with his enormous backpack (and gun), people staring, beeping and taking pics at us from their cars driving by, and DW hamming it up with the giant Nando’s chicken mascot. DW is turning into a real handful, we'll have to watch him! LOL

Charity Funds Raised: $500! (Donations were aprox $230 and Comics Etc matched it and rounded it up to $500)

Injuries / Malfunctions: NIL, though DW was a bit hurt when a few kids didn’t want a photo with him

Public Incidents: NIL.

Mission Status: SUCCESS!!! The crowds were great fun and James and the staff were awesome. We had a great time too. The event ran very smoothly for the amount of people attending. We helped raise the profile of our clubs and also our Dreamworld event as well as adding to the fun of the day, and helping raise charity funds. The staff couldn’t have been more appreciative of us attending. James will be packaging up this year’s raffle donation in the coming week to donate to us.

A special shout out to our awesome new cadets Aasmetz and his partner Ralj who jumped right in to assist the troopers. Thanks also to Cannuk (DW’s wife), Satay (RL) and Woodgaven (cadet) who helped troopers navigate the crowds, hand out brochures and keep an eye on things. Greatly appreciated by everyone!


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Messages In This Thread
Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by Rebelrach - Wednesday 6-May-2015, 06:16 PM
RE: Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by Phantom - Wednesday 6-May-2015, 09:19 PM
RE: Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by Dw - Thursday 7-May-2015, 09:25 AM
RE: Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by aasmetz - Thursday 7-May-2015, 11:28 AM
RE: Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by redpaint - Thursday 7-May-2015, 08:47 PM
RE: Free Comic Book Day May 2, 2015 - Comics Etc - by Rebelrach - Tuesday 12-May-2015, 01:40 PM

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