Special Troop Request - Michaels 16th Birthday
Troop Report 
Date: 30th September 2012

Venue: Leukemia Foundation ESA Village Dutton Park

Time: 12pm

Mission: Celebrate Michaels' 16th birthday

Trooper Attendance: Muppet, TheWolf, Chief, Mr Krunch, Phantom & Scope

Guest Trooper Attendance: R2D2

Support Crew: Pez

Detail:Arriving at 1130am I was be met by most troopers who where ready and waiting. Waiting on Scope I gave him a quick call and some dodgy directions from me he made it at the rendezvous point. A quick call to Susi (Michaels mum) to be told to find someone to let us in so we can goto our change room and think about getting ready. The change room was so very spacious, not what we are accustomed to, but I think we could get use to it. We waited for a while for Micheals mum, so Muppet kept us amused with stories of his recent trip. Michaels grandfather came in had had a bit of a chat with us, not knowing anything about Star Wars he was still very impressed with us. During our chat we learned a lot about what Michael has been through over the past 10 years and what he still has to go through.
When Susi turned up she was very apologetic and we where pretty much suited up ready for action, but we go put on hold for a little while longer. Some food and water was delivered and was finished off quickly by the hungry troopers. Scope spied a pack of Doritos and couldn't resist.
Then it was show time....some assembly photos then Vader led the procession carrying the birthday cake. Cheers and applause greeted us as we exited the change room. Muppet did well not to drop the cake. The candles lit and a roaring chorus of happy birthday was sung. Hearing Vader sing happy birthday was a bit unnerving.
Many photos taken and Michael seemed very happy to see us and be involved. Although talking to Susi later she said he may not have shown it but he was ecstatic, he is at that age she explained. Photos over and done with we changed out into civies and returned to the party for some cake and a few drinks.
It was a great troop and Susi was so very appreciative of our efforts and thanked us profusely. Michael and his mum have vowed to meet us again at SupaNova no matter what, even if Michael has to be in a wheel chair she said they would not miss it. It came time to leave we shook Michaels hand and wished him a happy birthday and with a round of applause we left the family to enjoy the rest of the afternoon as a family.

We all hope that Micheal gets better very soon. We have been told he is doing well with his transplant but a few set backs with some drugs caused him to have to go back to hospital this week. They are hoping to be able to go back home to the Sunshine Coast as a family for good at Christmas.

I would just like to say thanks to those who made it at short notice for this troop and to those who wanted to but couldn't. These are the sort of things that make the 501st such a great organisation to be a part of. Along with all the raising of funds for charity but also being able to bring some joy and happiness to kids hopefully being able take their minds off things even if it is for a short period of time. It makes me proud to be a Redback that we can do this for kids like Michael even at short notice.

Charity Funds Raised: N/A

Injuries: Nil

Malfunctions: Nil

Public Incidents: Phantom doesn't know left from right

Mission Status: Complete success....as usual.

Photos: They are coming Pez took some and so did Susi. When she emails them I will post them.
[Image: tumblr_mb6to7MmHk1rvvgfoo1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mb6unljNHm1rvvgfoo1_1280.jpg]
"You can run, but you'll only die tired."

I felt truly humble to be able to celebrate Micks special day and i hope we were able to take his mind of his everyday hurdles for just a little while.
It really makes you appreciate life and good health, and not take it for granted.
Well done guys... great photo at the sign too
DW2013 to DW2018
Really great work guys.

You guys did us proud doing what you did.
[Image: forumsig3.jpg]
So glad this troop went well, bummed that I couldn't make it but it sounds like he had a great time.
Great work guy's, I'm glad Michael was well enough to attend his party.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Great work people, you make us proud Smile
Michael (Angelman TK6729)
DW2012 :DW13: :DW14:
I'm THAT guy from the video, 501st Documentary (Link)
Really Awesome work guys!
Cheers, Todd "Voyd" TK6086 - Shiny all the way.
[Image: a6c60a375dc66e13.png]
You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall!
:GCSN12: DW2012
fantastic report Phantom, I am very proud to part of the Redbacks.
Thanks to all who trooped this special one, you all rock !!!
God bless young Mick too Smile

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo REDBACKS

peace and love Jason
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

I'm truely bummed I couldn't make this troop as this to me is the essence of trooping. I'm proud of the fact that I can be associated with a fantastic and giving group of men and women who continue to impact on the lives of those who are less fortunate than us. Fantastic job as always troops Doppeldaumen1

Happy birthday Michael.

Great photo's and a great report Phantom. Proud to be a Redback!

Darth "I find your lack of pants disturbing."
Very well done guys, this is what its all about. NotworthyNotworthy
Stormtroopers...Unquestioned loyalty
Well done guys, this is what it's all about, creating those magic moments for people, you've done a great job and made us all proud Smile
Great report Phantom and thank you to the troopers that attended, these type of troops are the main reason I joined the 501st.
This shines as an example of what the 501st stands for - not just a costuming group, but a group who will set out to make a difference in the world.

You guys are my heroes!

I tried my best to make this, being a mission about why we do what we do, but fate wasn't going to allow it (radiator finally gave out). I kept telling myself, "You can't make them all," but kept trying to find ways to go.

I hope to be there when Michael comes through at Supanova.

Well done Team, I'm proud to be a Radback. Notworthy
Great job everyone. This is definitely one of those times that puts life into perspective and reminds me why I am part of such an awesome group!!

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