Payney's wife here, thanks for a great day at DW
Hi 501st,
I'd like to introduce myself, My name is Sara and I am Michael's wife.
I want to thank you all for making me feel welcome and included in your group, I have only been to a couple of your troops but I would like to make it a more regular thing children/babysitters permitting Wink
As you most of you know Michael and I have 3 beautiful children, Hayden 8, Cooper 5 & Princess Kaya 2, Cooper was dressed as a Jedi yesterday and Kaya as Princess Leia!!
The kids and I had a great time so thank-you all Smile

I'd also like to get my own costume but have not decided on what yet, any suggestions? Smile
welcome Sara, its always being nice to nice people, and having put up with Payney and his R2 build you must be a really nice person Doppeldaumen1 Great to see you give into the temptation of joining the awesomeness and become a Redback, we hope you enjoy yourself here ( and keep Payney under control Cheeky )
Duty * Honor * Empire

What do you call a stormtrooper who can hit a target?
TIE Pilot Cheeky
Hi Sara!
Hi Sara, I probably saw you during the weekend, but didn't realise who you were, and nor did I say hello, Sorry..

(We've seen what Payney does.....You are a very patient woman....)

I survived Dreamworld 2010 to DW2015
BN10 to BN13
Gee guys, am I really that bad :P

Welcome to the boards dear, I knew I would turn you eventually Smile
[Image: 36487379910_dbb9166743_o.png]

Payne ... not bad... just dedicated to doing an amazing R2 Smile (successful there by the way)

Hey Sara,

Was good to see you again and your littlest one Kaya in the Leia outfit was just too cute... shame I couldnt of taken mine down to DW with me

Depends where you want to take the hobby I guess?

My partner doesn't have any real interest in doing the costumes but does in being part of the group. Plus she's not big on things around her neck so thats neck seals and helmets out.

Therefore just going to keep it simple with a Imperial Officer. Lets her join in, look part of the group and doesn't take a lot of effort/cost to get the kit together
DW2013 to DW2018
Hi Sara!
I thought Michael was your 4th child!...or is it R2?
As far as costume I'm sure there's something you could wear from his
Good to have you on board Smile
[Image: 5034518159_37cdf3e6d4_z.jpg]
Hey Sara, Love chatting to you at troops and your little girl is such a cutie. I think you should join the ranks of the RSO girls, I can help you with the make up and hair. I think this chick is cool too - you would be an awesome Darth Traya. Kitiara does a the best Darth Traya I have seen to date.
Hi Sara
It's great to see you in redbackland!
Hope to see you on troops/AP's/general redback shenanigans Smile
[Image: SIG_zpsed128473.jpg]
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12
GCSN13 :DW13:
Welcome Sara Smile

It was great to see you again.
Hi Sweety Smile loved having you there with us too.......we love you and the kids being around.

love Jason
DW2012 TO DW2015
BN11 TO BN14

Hey Sara!
Wonderful to see you again and have a good chat! Your little ones looked gorgeous in their little outfits too! And well, R2 just stole the show, thank you for your patience in letting Michael get him operational!

As we chatted at Kev's, there are a few good female costumes with robes/hoods in lovely fabric (but they are more for the good guys). I'll send you a private message with a few ideas.

Would be great to see you more often and in a costume! Take care!
Hi there Sara!
Was great to see you this weekend! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to spend more time and have a chinwag with you. Your kids looked fabulous, and I'm so glad you all had a great time!

Your first 501st costume! So much to choose from! Do you have any preferences with helmets?
I survived Dreamworld 2010CVI
Ok so here is my wish list, I might be dreaming to think I can have all of these in one costume but here goes...
I'd like something to cover my face, so I can wear my glasses underneath
And something a little feminine.
Something Michael can't wear so I have my own collection ;0
Female Tusken. maybe

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