hi Northside Newbie here...
Helmet looks good. It has all the required buttons on the side. Smile
[Image: 36487379910_dbb9166743_o.png]

Helmet looks great mate, probably just a quick clean up on the antenna and it's good to go.
Stormtroopers: instant recognition combined with complete anonymity
:GCSN12: DW2012 BN12 GCSN13 :DW13:
Got my imperial officers gun from DoopeyDoos on Friday. I had to find a few bits around the house to complete the look in the CRL. Doesnt have the holes in muzzle or vents on each side of body and if i have to fix that I will but it doesnt look too bad now that it is sanded glued together and painted. Put a coat of crystal clear over the top to protect the paint but not sure if gloss finish is best? or should i use matt finish?
The holster I got looks pretty cool too.
now just to wait for my other accessories to turn up. I hate waiting... The alteration to the uniform are done so just have to send the pics to Phantom now.
That's a great effort, looks good in the holster Grant.
I use a clear satin finish on blasters so its not to shiny or looking brand new.
Its a bit hard to tell from the photo as you have a lot of reflections from other objects but I'm happy to help you out there with some weathering on the pistol if you need to pending what Phantom and other officers say here to do so.
[Image: 9709249842_237eaf3d7e_c.jpg]
Waiting is all part of the fun too Smile
You don't get approved (or denied) for your blaster.
[Image: 36487379910_dbb9166743_o.png]

Yeah I know but i just want to get as much stuff as i can and every bad guy has to have a gun.
I was originally going to try and get level 3 cert straight away but I really want to have my first costume completed so level one will be fine and I can work towards level 3 in time with all the extras.

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